About the College


Department of Accountancy
Department of Accountancy

The Department of Accountancy provides state-of-the-art professional accounting education, alongside research excellence in the accounting field. Our educational expertise embraces financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, taxation and financial management. By forging close links with Hong Kong’s accounting profession and business community, AC has finely attuned educational and research offerings to marketplace needs. We also emphasise the international dimensions of accounting, auditing and taxation, including relevant systems on the Chinese mainland.

General Enquiries

Telephone: +852 34427760
Fax: +852 34420349
E-mail: acgo@cityu.edu.hk 

Department of Decision Analytics and Operations
Department of Decision Analytics and Operations

Department of Decision Analytics and Operations provides business-oriented teaching, research and professional services with an emphasis on the practical application of quantitative skills. DAO teaches forecasting, planning, management and decision-making in business operations, underpinned by an empirical methodology and quantitative basis. We are committed to developing an environment conducive to cultivating and inspiring students, faculty and staff.

General Enquiries

Telephone: +852 34428644
Fax: +852 34420189
E-mail: daogo@cityu.edu.hk

Visit Department of Economics and Finance website
Department of Economics and Finance

The Department of Economics and Finance provides professional education in the theory and application of economics and finance. EF aims to train graduates with cutting-edge knowledge in modern economics and finance, and to provide Hong Kong with much needed young financial executives, economists and business analysts. We aim to be a centre of excellence in research and teaching, for business and public sector decision-making in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and the wider world.

General Enquiries

Telephone: +852 34422439
Fax: +852 34420195
E-mail: efgo@cityu.edu.hk

Department of Information Systems
Department of Information Systems

The Department of Information Systems offers internationally competitive, high value-added professional education, and has been consistently highly ranked for its research output. IS focuses on the innovative and effective design, use and management of information systems in organisations and society, driven by leading edge technologies such as big data, blockchain, and AI. We seek to create a dynamic and harmonious working environment with our vibrant international faculty, students, and staff.

General Enquiries

Telephone: +852 34428521
Fax: +852 34420370
E-mail: isgo@cityu.edu.hk

Department of Management
Department of Management

The Department of Management embraces the fields of international business, strategy, organisational behaviour and human resource management. MGT faculty maintain close links with Hong Kong business leaders to ensure that programmes service business needs. We pursue innovative management research, and offer education programmes that aim to develop graduates with the knowledge, skills and social awareness that they will need to be productive managers and responsible citizens.

General Enquiries

Telephone: +852 34427985
Fax: +852 34420309
Email: mgtdept@cityu.edu.hk

Department of Marketing
Department of Marketing

The Department of Marketing is one of the premier providers of marketing professionals in Hong Kong. MKT graduates are well recognised as highly professional, all-rounded marketers with a deep understanding and knowledge of global marketing trends.

General Enquiries

Telephone: +852 3442-7876
Fax: +852 3442-0346
E-mail: mktdept@cityu.edu.hk