Programmes › Taught Masters Programmes Postgraduate Students and Alumni Stories Ben Lam One Win in 10 Trials: Ben Lam’s Journey of Resilience and Growth EMBA 2021 傅永康 面對挑戰,心靜方能事成 香港城市大學工商管理博士(DBA)2024 David Ng More than an EMBA degree: Skills, knowledge, friendships, and networks EMBA 2023 Henry Ko Delivering a seamless world EMBA 2007 Joyce Yeung A journey of discovery with CityU EMBA EMBA 2022 談義良 帶著熱忱從零探索 推動中國養老產業 香港城市大學工商管理博士(DBA)’13 陳燮中 終生學習 一直奔跑 DBA’16 黃芳 致學創業 將科技帶入傳統產業 工商管理學博士(DBA) 李禮廷 美容健康界青年領袖 工商管理學士(中國企業管理)2014 馬偉強 馳騁萬裏必以立學為根基 香港城市大學工商管理學博士 '15 Michael Khan Empowering ethnic minority children in Hong Kong MSc Marketing’18 Frank Leung Manufacturing by the moon DBA student Ann Ko On Global Exchange in Germany MBA student Albert Oung Don't throw away tomorrow EMBA student Timothy Wong Chun-kwong Youngest DBA student DBA student Karen Zhang Eat, Teach and Research PhD Accountancy’17 葉明君 現代大學之道 城大工商管理學士(市場營銷學) 2005 Kenny Mang Shing-yau Live your life to the fullest BBA Information Management’ 18 Rheia Leung Yeuk-hei If you never try you’ll never know just what you’re worth MBA'17 Dexter Chan 劈柴喂馬走天下是一種享樂的生活態度 MSc Business Information Systems’11 Thomas Liu Wuyang Learning without limits MSc Marketing'16 王惠榮 務實工業家 穿針引線織出成衣未來 城大行政人員工商管理碩士(2014) Lara Song Stay hungry, stay foolish MSc Finance' 12 Lydiya Huang A positive change DBA’12 Daniel Ying Attitude – foundation of success MBA’98 Dr Toa Charm Finding the right macro DBA’14 Alvine Suen Working from the heart EMBA’12 Jessica Pan Life as a Gang Piao MSc Business Information Systems’14 Joseph Yim Ever learning EMBA'08 Carol Yao The positive life MSc Business Information Systems (Stream A)’12 Qing Sheng The “Third” Productivity MSc Marketing'12 Frankie Chan Online identity MSc Marketing'13 Leo Leung Opportunities are everywhere MSc Marketing'14 Yvan Castro A South American in the East MSc Marketing'13 Kelly Zhang Impact of Hong Kong MSc Marketing'10 Roy Yik Kiu Lee Never stay idle PhD Management'15 Chris Leung Corporate standpoint MBA'13 & CityU SCOPE Instructor Daryl Chan Double standards MBA'99 莫夢琳 年輕無畏,致敬青春! 城大行政人員工商管理碩士(中文) 鄭家豪 成功之道 在於永不放棄 城大行政人員工商管理碩士(2015) 陳維明 發揮小宇宙 把握處處商機 2017行政人員工商管理碩士 石嘉麗 肩負公眾使命的公關領袖 MBA’93 楊偉誠 事業有成不忘推動戲曲文化 DBA’16 Michael Khan Empowering ethnic minority children in Hong Kong MSc Marketing’18 David Kwok 塗層專家結緣瑞士技術 EMBA’94 James Liu Fostering talent in the next generation EMBA'01 Helen Bao Cambridge: a cautious embrace PhD Management Sciences'04 Summer Zhang Why I chose CityU MBA MBA'14 Victor Chang My MBA journey at CityU MBA'08 Haywood Cheung Into the zone opportunities opening up in the Pearl River Delta DBA’14 Ke Wang Networking – offline – to land that job PhD Accountancy’15 John Chan Never giving up DBA '09 Jane Peng Discovering your inner entrepreneur EMBA'16 Clement Cheuk 不問回報 盡顯刻苦勤奮的香港精神 EMBA'01 Jack Li 唯勤是道 以熱誠與堅毅成就玻璃藝術 EMBA'15 Mayank Kaul Committed to success DBA'15 Albert Lam 推陳出新 以誠信及創意追求突破 EMBA'14 Alexander Law 一念為善 不患人之不己知 EMBA'12 Adam Lee 勤奮不會輸 怕輸不會贏 EMBA'10 Peter Cheng 目標明確處事細心 視困難挑戰為機遇 EMBA'14 Gary Cheng 孜孜不倦求上進 不遺餘力樂助人 DBA'11 Dorothy Pang Notes from the Frontier EMBA’12 Tony Kwok Fighting Corruption — the Hong Kong way MBA'94 Jenny Chan 懂謙卑和慈孝 收獲豐盛人生 EMBA'09 Stanley Choi 默默耕耘二十載 謙虛順心而行 DBA'13 Jennifer Ng 隨心向善 終身學習 DBA'13 Henry Ko 終生學習 城大伴行廿載人生路 EMBA'07 Ghazwan Hassna Until war ravaged the nation PhD Information Systems'17 Dr Sheng Li China connects to German shipping hub DBA'15 Cary Chan 熱心工程師 推動綠色建築概念 MBA'96 Wilson Chan 不止於金錢世界 理想更崇高 DBA'11 Weeky Peter Wong 把握機遇 擁抱改變 以誠信投身工業 EMBA'02 Natalia Seng 特許秘書擢升行政總裁 EMBA'06 Professor Yongheng Yang People First in the PRC PhD Management Science’04 Jenny Chow Investing for Community and Social Impact EMBA’17 Anthony Lam Filling the Hong Kong rice bowl EMBA’15 Haiyang Li The rise of innovation in China PhD Management’98 Alan Wong Speaking the truth DBA student Pietro Immordino CityU is the ideal place to research the use of big data DBA student