About the College Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Research Awards

CityU Teaching Excellence Awards

The Teaching Excellence Awards were introduced by the University in 1993 to recognize and reward distinguished teachers. Since its inception, College of Business staff have been on the award recipients list every year bar one. This is clear evidence that the College of Business is dedicated to providing quality professional education for students and that there is a strong commitment on the part of the College to support a quality teaching culture.


Award Winners

  Name of Winners Department
2023/2024 Prof Alvin Leung Chung-man Information Systems
2015/2016 Dr Yanto Chandra Management
  Mr David S O Yip Accountancy
2014/2015 Prof Muammer Ozer Management
DBA Programme Director
2012/2013 Ms Wisteria Y Y Cheung Marketing
  Dr Ron Chi-wai Kwok Information Systems
  Dr Tom Vinaimont Economics and Finance
2011/2012 Dr Maris G Martinsons Management
2009/2010 Dr Raymond Y K Lau Information Systems
2007/2008 Dr Tom Vinaimont Economics and Finance
2006/2007 Ms Teresa Q Dong Marketing
  Dr Claudian S K Kwok Economics and Finance
  Dr Olivia S L Leung Accountancy
2005/2006 Ms Wisteria Y Y Cheung Marketing
  Dr Ron Chi-Wai Kwok Information Systems
2004/2005 Dr Robert Davison Information Systems
  Mr John H W Lai Marketing
2003/2004 Dr Mohamed Khalifa Information Systems
2002/2003 Dr Kai Lim Information Systems
  Dr Maris G Martinsons Management
2001/2002 Dr Tony H J Shieh Accountancy
  Mr Alex K S Tham Marketing
2000/2001 Dr John W K Leung Management Sciences/Marketing
  Dr Moez Limayem Information Systems
1999/2000 Dr Vikas Karkar Economics and Finance
  Dr Louis C K Ma Information Systems
1998/1999 Dr Mary Y N Pang Management
  Dr Christian Wagner Information Systems
  Dr Michael C S Wong Economics and Finance
1997/1998 Mr Alan Davis Accountancy
  Dr Mohamed Khalifa Information Systems
1996/1997 Dr To Ming Ho Economics and Finance
  Dr Eva Y W Wong Information Systems
1995/1996 Mrs Josephine Lam Management Sciences
  Dr Margaret Poon Accountancy
  Mrs Patricia Wade Information Systems
1994/1995 Dr Teresa Ling AR
  Mr Maris Martinsons Management
  Dr Siu Keung Tse Management Sciences
  Mr Eddie Yu Management
1993/1994 Mr Foo Weng Leong Management
  Dr Esther L Y Li Management


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College of Business Teaching Excellence Awards


The College of Business Teaching Excellence Awards (CTEA) scheme has been established to recognize the very best teachers in the College of Business who devote themselves to educating the next generation of business leaders.  The Award aims to motivate colleagues in the College of Business to strive for their best and excel in teaching so as to promote a culture of pursuing high-quality teaching among colleagues. It also prepares colleagues to compete in higher level teaching award schemes organized by the University, UGC and the like.



To be eligible for the award, candidates should be full-time academic staff (at the grade of Instructor or above) of the College of Business of at least two years’ standing at the time of application, and hold an appointment of not less than one year from the anticipated date of the award. To encourage collaborative effort in promoting outstanding teaching practices, the College also welcomes nomination of teaching/collaborative teams for the CTEA, provided that all team members shall be individually eligible for the award.

Candidates (whether individuals or collaborative/teaching teams) who have been recipients of this College or the University Teaching Excellence Award in the previous three years will not be eligible. The Dean and faculty members on the Selection Panel are not eligible for the award.

As the College offers both the College Teaching Excellence Awards and the College Faculty Development Award (for EMBA/MBA teachers) to recognize outstanding teachers, candidates may only receive one teaching award in the same academic year. Subject to the actual nomination periods for the awards, nominees for both awards may be required to declare their award preference, as appropriate.


Selection Criteria

The selection committee will look for evidence and examples that the teacher or the collaborative/teaching team demonstrates exemplary professional practices, excellent performance, and contagious enthusiasm for learning, including:

  • Diverse and innovative teaching approaches and skills that motivate and inspire students to learn.
  • Development of curricula and resources that reflect a command of the field and contribute to achieving the strategic goals of the College of Business.
  • Approaches to assessment and feedback that motivate and enhance student learning.
  • Support for the development of students through academic advising and guidance, inside and outside of the classroom.
  • Contributions to the building of a discovery-enriched curriculum for the University and the College, and outstanding supervision of students to self-discovery of knowledge.
  • (For previous award winners) they shall demonstrate that they have broadened their teaching portfolio, renewed their teaching approaches, and/or achieved greater impact on student learning or development since receiving the previous award.


Nomination Procedures

  1. Nomination by Students/Alumni
    Any group of 5 students/alumni who are currently enrolled in, or have previously enrolled in a formal degree-bearing programme offered by the College are eligible to nominate. They shall submit their nomination for the College Teaching Excellence Award by sending a completed Nomination Form (including getting the acceptance of the nominee/the nominated team for the nomination) to the Director of Administration of the College within the nomination period.

    Nominees# will be contacted by the College Office for the submission of their dossiers within three weeks from the date of notice.
  2. Peer-Nomination
    All full-time academic staff (at the grade of Instructor or above) of the College of Business are eligible to nominate. The nominator shall complete and submit the Nomination Form (including getting the acceptance of the nominee/the nominated team and support of at least 5 students/alumni) to the Director of Administration of the College within the nomination period.

    Nominees# will be contacted by the College Office for the submission of their dossiers within three weeks from the date of notice.
  3. Self-Nomination
    Eligible academic staff may nominate themselves/their team for the award by submitting a completed Nomination Form with the support of five CB students/alumni and the dossier to the Director of Administration of the College within the nomination period.

    Download Nomination Form

# The identified contact person in the case of collaborative/teaching team.


Documents to be Submitted by the Nominee 

A dossier (download Teaching Dossier Form) shall comprise:

  1. A teaching philosophy statement of not more than 1000 words, which should articulate the nominee’s/nominated team’s view of effective teaching and learning, roles of a university teacher, and student-teacher relationship;
  2. A statement (of up to five pages) addressing the candidate’s approaches and practice with respect to each of the five selection criteria listed above;
  3. For previous award winners: A description of their broadened teaching portfolio, renewed teaching approaches, and/or impacts on student learning or development made from the date of the previous award, together with supporting evidence. 
  4. A teaching portfolio (of up to 20 pages) which provides supporting documents as evidence of approaches, practice and impacts outlined in the teaching philosophy statement and the description provided by previous award winners (point 4 above); and
  5. A summary information sheet (of up to 2 pages) which indicates the relationship between the main points of the teaching philosophy statement and the evidence provided in the portfolio, including an analysis of teaching evaluation scores over the previous five years (or the number of years that the nominee has been in post at CityU, if less than five years) using the standard template.


Selection Process

The selection committee for the College Teaching Excellence Awards comprises the College Dean or his nominee as its Chair, one or two faculty or teaching members from CB and a University/College Teaching Excellence Award winner appointed by the Dean.  For those shortlisted candidates, classroom observation and interviews/presentations may be arranged as part of the selection process.



There are at most three College Teaching Excellence Awards to be given out each year. Each awardee/winning team will be given a cash award (ranging from HK$10,000 to HK$20,000*) and an award certificate⸸.

* The actual amount will be announced when applications/nominations are invited.

⸸ For winning teams, each team member will be given an award certificate.


Winners of Business College Teaching Excellence Awards

Click here to view the Winners of Business College Teaching Excellence Awards.

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Faculty Development Award (MBA/EMBA)


The Faculty Development Award (MBA/EMBA) has been established to recognize dedicated staff members who promote innovations to enhance the quality of teaching and learning for MBA/EMBA programme at CB.

A special note of thanks goes to our benefactor, EMBA Association, for their generous donation which has made the establishment of this Faculty Development Award possible.

Login with your EID for more information about the Award in 2017/18 on:

  • Eligibility
  • Selection Criteria
  • Award
  • Application & Normination Procedures
  • Selection Process


Recipients of Faculty Development Award (MBA/EMBA)

Year Programme Award Recipients Department
2017/18 MBA Dr Paul HEMPEL Management
  EMBA (Chinese) Prof Julie LI Marketing
2014/15 MBA / EMBA Prof. LIM Kai Information Systems
  MBA / EMBA Prof. Maris MARTINSONS Management
  EMBA (Chinese) Prof. SU Chenting Marketing
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CityU Outstanding Research Awards

In recent years, we have witnessed the success of our colleagues in various fields of research. Their contributions to the achievements of CityU in local and international arenas deserve recognition. To this end the University introduced the CityU Outstanding Research Awards to recognize and reward research excellence.

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College of Business Research Excellence Awards

The College of Business Research Excellence Awards scheme has been established to recognize and reward overall research excellence and important research achievements, and research that has a significant impact on society, industry and knowledge advancement.

The award is also intended to publicize research excellence in the College of Business to the University and the wider community, and to promote a culture of pursuing high quality research among faculty.


Winners of Business College Research Excellence Awards

Year Award Recipients Department
2024 Prof Yilin David Yang Economics and Finance
  Prof Pengfei Guo Management Sciences
2023 Prof Zhengyang Xu Economics and Finance
  Prof Zhankun Sun Management Sciences
2022 Prof Wei Thoo Yue Information Systems
  Dr Zhi Chen Management Sciences
2021 Prof Yangyang Chen Accountancy
2018 Dr Xindong Zhu Accountancy
2017 Dr Hailiang Chen Information Systems
  Dr Catherine Lam Management
2016 Dr Du Du Economics and Finance
  Dr Yangxin Yu Accountancy
2015 Dr Lu Ye Management Sciences
2014 Dr Liandong Zhang Accountancy
  Dr Yulin Fang Information Systems
  Dr Cuili Qian Management
2013 Dr Juan Feng Information Systems
  Prof Kai Hin Lim Information Systems
  Prof Zhilin Yang Marketing
2012 Prof Chenting Su Marketing
  Dr Junbo Wang Economics and Finance
  Dr Hong Zou Economics and Finance
2011 Prof Jeong Bon Kim Accountancy
  Dr Julie Li Marketing
  Dr Haibin Yang Management
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