DBA (taught in English)
A DBA degree marks business excellence at its forefront. The College of Business offers three DBA programmes for candidates with passion to solve complex business issues. With a world-leading yet culturally diverse faculty with over 200 core teaching staff of 17 nationalities, we are here for you to begin your DBA journey, defined by excellence and impact.
A leading DBA programme in Hong Kong, second to none. You will be able to take business and academia forward, to the next level – the DBA spiral learning in action.
Programme Enquires
Ms Queenie HSU
Tel: +852 3442 9564
Fax: +852 3442 0151

DBA (以中文授課)
香港城市大学商学院于2010年开始开办以中文(普通话)授课的工商管理博士 [ Doctor of Business Administration (简称 “DBA”) ] 学位项目,为大中华地区培养工商管理博士。区别于传统博士教育模式 (Ph.D),工商管理博士 (DBA) 是为工商界高层管理人员量身设计的学位项目,其更注重理论应用于实践的效果。本项目旨在追求国际办学质量,扩大社会影响,增加DBA品牌的知名度,满足社会对既有商业实践经验又具有现代管理理念的高层管理人才的需求。此计划是以城大现时的DBA课程作为蓝本,根据大中华商界的要求及社会需求,设计一个具有弹性的培养计划。项目的成功主要依赖两个因素: 学生经验和学生与论文指导老师的互动。因此导师与DBA学员在整个课程中不断的相互交流将会成为项目课程的重点。