People and Research Research Insights

Information Systems

A Cost-Effective Sequential Route Recommender System for Taxi Drivers
Prof. Junming Liu
A Cost-Effective Sequential Route Recommender System for Taxi Drivers

In bustling urban areas, time is important for taxi drivers looking for their next fare to maximize their earnings. This study introduces a cost-effective sequential route recommender system that predicts passenger demand and helps drivers find the best routes to pick up riders in real-time based on the dynamic taxi demand-supply distribution.

Could Gamification Designs Enhance Online Learning Through Personalization? Lessons from a Field Experiment
Prof. Alvin Leung Chung-man, Prof. Ron Kwok Chi-wai, Prof. Yue Wei-thoo
Could Gamification Designs Enhance Online Learning Through Personalization? Lessons from a Field Experiment

Information Systems Research, March 2023

Learners respond differently to gamification in online learning based on their traits. A personalised approach emerges as a possible solution where one-size-fits-all methods fail.

Website Localization Strategies to Promote Global E-Commerce: The Moderating Role of Individualism and Collectivism
Prof. Choon-ling Sia
Website Localization Strategies to Promote Global E-Commerce: The Moderating Role of Individualism and Collectivism

MIS Quarterly, March 2024

How can global firms effectively tailor their websites for E-commerce across different countries? The answer may lie in the strategic use of website localisation.

Where is IT in Information Security? The Interrelationship among IT Investment, Security Awareness, and Data Breaches.
Dr. Wilson Weixun Li, Dr. Alvin Chung Man Leung, Dr. Wei Thoo Yue
Is investing in IT more effective than security investment alone in preventing data breaches?

MIS Quarterly, March 2023

Data breaches can harm a firm's reputation and customer confidence. Are current cybersecurity measures effective? And if not what strategies could improve the situation?

How are Mobile Phones Reshaping E-Commerce?
Dr. Yongjin Park
How are Mobile Phones Reshaping E-Commerce?

Information Systems Research, December 2020

Mobile has long been vying with desktop in the battle for consumer attention. How is mobile search and purchase affecting e-market users’ behaviour?

Security Vulnerability Awareness, Firm Incentives, and ICT Development
Dr. Yunhui Zhuang and Dr. Alvin Leung
Security Vulnerability Awareness, Firm Incentives, and ICT Development

Journal of Management Information Systems, November 2020

Information security is vital yet many firms still under-invest in this area. How can firms be encouraged to adopt better security measures? 

The Convergence of Product Recommendations
Dr. Jingjun Xu
The Convergence of Product Recommendations

Journal of Management Information Systems, November 2020

Increasingly, people seek product recommendations from multiple sources, but how and why do people integrate this information to make choices?

Understanding and Predicting Users’ Rating Behaviour
Dr. Jingjun Xu
Understanding and Predicting Users’ Rating Behaviour

INFORMS Journal on Computing, October 2020 

Users’ rating behaviour enables the market to estimate why and how satisfied (or not) a customer will be with a product. We develop a mechanism to predict the overall ratings. 

Physician-driven Online Health Communities Help Combat Chronic Disease
Dr. Ben Liu
Physician-driven Online Health Communities Help Combat Chronic Disease

MIS Quarterly, March 2020

Better self-management of diabetes and depression achieved by integrating physicians’ medical expertise and peer-patients’ experiences.