Conference on exchange rate models for new era

20 May 2017
College News
Events and Seminars
Department of Economics & Finance

The Global Research Unit of the Department of Economics and Finance of CityU, Bank for International Settlements (Hong Kong Office), Centre for Economic Policy Research, and Journal of International Money and Finance organized the conference titled Exchange Rate Models for a New Era: Major and Emerging Market Currencies on 18th – 19th May.

Prof Cheung Yin-wong, Director of Global Research Unit, andHung Hing Ying Chair Professor of International Economics, gave his welcoming remarks and opened the conference. The conference gathered scholars from world-renowned universities, central banks and institutions, and a total of 12 speakers presented their latest research findings on exchange rate modelling. The topics presented include:

Keynote session

  • Where’s the risk? The forward premium and carry trade premium in general equilibrium

Session 1

  • The uncovered interest parity puzzle, exchange rate forecasting, and Taylor rules

  • Global effects of foreign exchange intervention at the ZLB

  • Does a big bazooka matter? Central bank balance-sheet policies and exchange rates

Session 2

  • Exchange rate prediction redux: New models, new data, new currencies

  • The missing risk premium in exchange rates

Session 3

  • The term structure of exchange rate predictability: Commonality, scapegoat, and disagreement

  • Uncertainty and deviations from uncovered interest rate parity

Session 4

  • FX contagion from the PBOC’s renminbi policy: prices vs quantities

  • Interdealer information in an augmented Taylor rule: A new hybrid approach to analyze exchange rates

  • The exchange rate effects of macro news after the global financial crisis

  • Crowds, crashes, and carry trade

To learn more about the Conference, please visit the website.