Dialogue with Hong Kong and Mainland China Business Leaders on innovation and transformation

9 Jun 2017
Events and Seminars

The College of Business Executive Master of Business administration (Chinese) (EMBA (Chinese)) programme invited Dr Xianzhong Zhu, Chairman of Huarong Securities Co., Ltd, to discuss “Innovation, Breakthrough and Transformation”, in Dialogue with Hong Kong and Mainland China Business Leaders (中港財智滙系列講座) on 2nd June.

In the seminar, Dr Zhu shared his experience and difficulties in business development. He also talked about the transformation of a company in areas of product innovation, customer demand and talent development. Finally, he emphasized the importance of creating a customer-oriented culture within a company.

Dr Zhu is currently a supervisor from the Wudaokou College of Finance at Tsinghua University. Before joining Huarong Securities Co., Ltd, he was General Manager in Investment Banking at China Merchants Bank. He has more than 20 years of experience in the financial industry.