MBA Residential Trip 2017 to Cambodia

13 Jun 2017
Study Tours


More than 25 Master of Business Administration (MBA) students completed a 9-day MBA Residential Trip in Cambodia, from 21th to 29th May. The trip aimed to provide students a hands-on learning environment and invaluable lessons for personal development.

Under the guidance of four MBA supervisors, Prof Kevin Chiang, Dr Vikas Kakkar, Dr Christina Sue-Chan, and Dr Alex Wang, the students were divided into group to give strategic recommendations to the host organisation, Hanbo Enterprises Limited (Hanbo) in the areas of Supply Chain and Information Management, International Business Development, Cross-cultural Marketing, and e-Commerce.

They met with Hanbo's management to understand its three key businesses in Cambodia: Garment, Food and Beverage and Property.  Followed by a number of visits relating to these areas, the students gained knowledge on the Cambodian markets from the economic, social and cultural perspectives. They also attended a talk by a popular makeup artist KOL, and a local property agency on the digital marketing phenomena and the property market trend in Cambodia, respectively.

During the stay, the group visited Vailsborv Primary School, which is located in a remote area and supported by the Better Schools Foundation of Hanbo. The visit strengthened their understanding of the corporate social responsibility.

To learn more about the MBA programme, please click here.