Mining Time Information in Digital Data
Titled “Mining Time Information in Digital Data”, Prof Jonathan Zhu, Chair Professor of Computational Social Science of the Department of Media and Communication, CityU, gave a presentation on application of time data in the Data Science Applications Interest Group (DSAIG) seminar series held on 18th July.
In the seminar, Prof Zhu introduced some practical issues for time data in research. For example, the narrow coverage of data from a single platform, the inadequate time metrics, and isolation from other information such as activity content and demographics, are the main challenges for getting accurate time data.
Prof Zhu teaches communication theory, quantitative methods, social network, and data mining at CityU. He also directs an interdisciplinary research group Web Mining Lab, focusing on the structure, content, use, and impact of internet and mobile media. He has published in major journals across communication, economics, computer science, physics, engineering, and medical informatics disciplines. He has trained one of the largest groups of PhD students in the world on computational communication research, most of whom are currently faculty members at major universities in the United State, Hong Kong, mainland China, and elsewhere.
The DSAIG seminar series aim to bring together faculty members and students across different disciplines within the University to discuss research topics that are related to Data Science and its applications. It serves as a forum to foster interdisciplinary research and to uncover new possibilities for research collaboration in the Data Science field.
For more information about past and upcoming seminars, please visit DSAIG website.