Recognising excellence in sharing DBA research in the business community

4 Oct 2017

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) 2017 New Cohort Welcoming Dinner and 2016/2017 DBA Awards Presentation Ceremony took place on 23rd September 2017.

Prof Houmin Yan, Dean of the College of Business, and Prof Muammer Ozer, DBA Programme Director, both expressed their warm welcome to the new cohort.   Prof Ozer also introduced the new learning partners in the event.

This year, two devoted learning partners, Ms Monica Tang (cohort 2015) and Mr Frank Leung (cohort 2014), were presented the CityU DBA Contribution to the Society Awards, in recognition of their dedication and effort in sharing their DBA research findings to the business community and society at large.

For more information about the programme, please visit DBA website.