City Seminar on anti-corruption movement in mainland China

29 Nov 2017
Events and Seminars

Prof Feng Lin, Associate Dean and Professor of School of Law, and Director of the Centre for Judicial Education and Research at CityU, gave a talk titled “HK's Anti-corruption Regime - The Inspiration to the Anti-Corruption Movement in Mainland China” on 9th November at City Seminar.

Prof Lin discussed the reasons why Hong Kong had managed to transform into a clean society, and introduced the mission, powers, structure and procedures of the core institution of Hong Kong’s anti-corruption regime, i.e. the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). He also presented some classic cases the ICAC had handled in various different eras, and the positive impact of ICAC’s community education on corruption fighting. In his concluding remarks, Prof Lin talked about what experiences in Hong Kong’s anti-corruption strategy are worth borrowing for the mainland China’s anti-corruption movement, in the past and in the coming years too.

Prof Lin is currently Associate Dean and Professor of the School of Law, CityU; Director of the Centre for Judicial Education and Research at CityU; Co-Editor-in-Chief of Asia Pacific Law Review; Barrister, England & Wales (non-practicing), and Hong Kong; member of the Law Reform Commission, HKSAR; and Councilor of the China Law Society. Prof Lin’s research interests include comparative constitutional law, administrative law, and environmental law; and Hong Kong Basic Law and Chinese judicial reform in recent years . He has written extensively on Chinese constitutional law, administrative law, and Hong Kong Basic Law. His recent publications in English include: The Future of Judicial Independence in China; Idealism and Realism in Chinese Constitutional Theory and Practice; The Expatriate Judges and Rule of Law in Hong Kong: Its Past, Present and Future; Constitutionality of Colocation of CIQ at West Kowloon High Speed Rail Terminus; Interaction between International Standards and Domestic Constitutional Norms – A Case Study of the Chief Executive Election in Hong Kong; and “From “Occupy Central” to Democracy: Is a Referendum for Hong Kong Feasible and Desirable?”.

About City Seminar
The City Seminar 香港席明納 was initiated by Prof Houmin Yan, Dean of the College, with an aim to discuss topics together (席Xí), to understand suchtopics in depth (明Míng), and to gain something of value from the discussions (納Nà). Professors and/or scholars are invited to explore a wide range of topics during the series.

To review Prof Lin's speech, please click here.
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