City Seminar on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area

26 Apr 2018
Events and Seminars

Dr James Wang, Visiting Associate Professor of the Department of Management Sciences and Research Centre on One-Belt-One-Road and a specialist on planning of city and regional transport systems in the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong, talked at City Seminar on 12 April 2018, about the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area: Connected with Quality.

In the seminar, Dr Wang focused his presentation from a sustainable development perspective on how connectivity improvement may work as a win-win solution for the Big Bay Area, and what are the major obstacles in terms of planning methodology and institutional differences among involved cities.

Dr Wang is a member of IGU Transport & Geography Commission Steering Committee, council member of Hong Kong Society for Transport Studies, and Fellow of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. He has participated in port-city planning projects and strategic studies for more than 30 Chinese and other Asian port cities and regions. His recent research interests include the impacts of high-speed train and airport on cities, logistics geography of e-commerce, and global consumption network. He is an advisor for various committees on transport or port area development for port city governments in China, including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

About City Seminar 
The City Seminar 香港席明納 was initiated by Prof Houmin Yan, Dean of the College, with an aim to discuss topics together (席Xí), to understand such topics in depth (明Míng), and to gain something of value from the discussions (納Nà). Professors and/or scholars are invited to explore a wide range of topics during the series.

For more information about past and upcoming seminars, please visit the City Seminar website.