CB School Outreach Programme 2017/2018

17 May 2018

The College of Business has been operating the CB School Outreach Programme since 2016/17.  It sees CB students visit their former secondary schools to share their learning experience and to provide information and answer questions about university life and course selection, and to offer some relevant insight or advice to fellow schoolmates.

“Secondary schools want to prepare their students for higher education with the help of relevant information and recent experience,” explained Professor Wang Weiquan, Associate Dean (Undergraduate) of the College. “We have given some structure to the process by helping schools find speakers and get in touch with alumni through our programme.”

Each student ambassador receives compulsory training in communication, storytelling and presentation skills.  The programme develops student ambassadors to be able to understand the needs and wants of the target audience, along with other transferable skills that can be applied to other areas of life and in many types of work.

The experiences of some of the student ambassadors are reported in the following advertorials:

  1. CityU students share experience (Young Post, 16 May 2018)
  2. The value of sharing experience (Young Post, 24 May 2018)

To learn more about the undergraduate programmes and admission matters, please visit website.