Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung speaks at EMBAA Charity Dinner 2018
The City University of Hong Kong EMBA Association (EMBAA) held a charity dinner on 27th April, with more than 200 guests, EMBA students, alumni, business leaders and faculty members attended.
EMBAA has adopted the theme of “Legends of the 21st Century” to celebrate the 21st anniversary of CityU EMBA programme. The annual dinner has invited Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, GBM, GBS, JP as the Guest of Honour.
Prof Houmin Yan, Dean of the College of Business, and Mr Aley Chang, Chairman of EMBAA, gave welcome remarks for the event.
With the generous supports from Prof Richard Ho (Founder of EMBA Programme), Dr Lily Fenn, Mr Baochun Du (杜寶春), Mr James Wong (EMBA Cohort 2011), Jungle Jewellery Ltd., Gold Source Jewellery Ltd., EG Watch & Jewellery Co. Ltd. and Dean Yan, an auction was held to raise funds for the CityU EMBBA Charity.
Dr John Leung, Programme Director of EMBA, said, “This year marks the 21st anniversary of CityU EMBA. Over the years, the programme itself is a legend, by transforming so many outstanding business leaders to make an impact on society. I would love to see a bigger CityU EMBA community to come.”
About the EMBA Association
Established in August 2000, the City University of Hong Kong EMBA Association provides a platform for EMBA learning partners to share and learn from the experience of other professionals. The Association have built a very strong network comprising of senior executives and business leaders in Hong Kong.
To learn more about the EMBA Association, please visit website.
For details about the CityU EMBA Programme, please visit EMBA website.
For the speech by Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung, please click here.