News and Events News 2018 05

Professor Julie Li wins CityU Outstanding Research Award 2018

31 May 2018
Department of Marketing

Professor Julie LiProf Julie Juan Li, Head and Professor of the Department of Marketing was awarded the CityU Outstanding Research Award 2018, which recognises research excellence of full-time faculty members in CityU. Prof Li is one of the two awardees chosen after a rigorous selection exercise by a panel comprising an external member and senior researchers of the University from a mix of disciplines.

Prof Li’s research interests include marketing strategies, knowledge creation, innovation and interorganizational relationships, with a focus on marketing channels in China. She has published in top-tier journals such as Journal of Marketing, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies and Journal of Operations Management. Her work also appears in the referred journals such as Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of International Marketing.

Hearty congratulations to Prof Li for her outstanding research achievements!

For more details about the CityU Outstanding Research Award, please click here.