CB students join community service programme in South Africa

20 Sep 2018
Events and Seminars

The College of Business partners with the Students' Health and Welfare Centres Organisation (SHAWCO), Cape Town, South Africa to organise an annual service learning trip for its students. With an aim to widen students’ horizon and enhance understanding to social entrepreneurship, the summer programme offers an array of activities including lectures, placements and cultural visits. 

17 CB students have returned from the 5-week learning journey where they experienced the unique culture, social development and environment in South Africa, as well as getting a glimpse of operating a social enterprise through placements at various community organisations there.

To showcase their learning outcome in the trip, SHAWCO participating students organised a South African Culture Fair at CityU and brought to the visitors a taste of South African culture via game booths, exhibition, mini-bazaar and student sharing. The event aimed to enhance understanding on South African culture and social enterprises, and to facilitate internationalization in campus through knowledge and experience exchange.

SHAWCO participant and coordinator of the culture fair Tweety Chan said, “The SHAWCO trip was a fruitful experience and it raised my awareness on social and global issues. The culture fair was a collaborative work, which recalls our fond memories in South Africa. We were excited that many visitors expressed interested in what we have seen and learnt in South Africa.

The cultural fair was well received with over 100 visitors including two representatives from the Southern African Association of Hong Kong, who had discussion with student organisers on culture and social issues in South Africa.

To learn more about CB’s summer programmes, please visit website.