CityU holds Advanced Management Study Programme for Yonsei University

22 Oct 2018
Executive Education

As part of its “Engineering Management Study Abroad Programme”, a group of 34 executive students from Techno Business Leader School of Yonsei University, Korea attended the "Advanced Management Study Programme 2018" at CityU on 18 October. The one-day programme was hosted by the Executive Education unit of the College of Business.

Dr Paul Hempel, Associate Professor of Department of Management and Dr Yanni Yan, Director of Executive Development (International Programmes) of the College delivered lectures on Chinese business management, and shared their views on the topic from different prospective. 

In his closing remarks, Dr Raymond Wong, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programmes) of the College, said “We are very pleased to have established a strategic partnership with Yonsei University since 2011, we have been working closely in different levels, including postgraduate, undergraduate, exchange programmes, as well as executive education. We are looking forward to intensifying our partnership and collaborating more in different dimensions.”

To learn more about our executive education programmes, please visit website.