CB receives students from Sogang University
Further to the successful collaboration of the 2014 Winter SEMBA Global Programme and 2015 Summer Global Seminar, the Executive Education Unit of the College of Business co-organised with Sogang University again for a 2-day intensive programme “Sogang Business School Winter Global Seminar”. 15 students from the Executive MBA in Finance Programme (FEMBA) and International MBA Programme(SIMBA) of Sogang Business School (SBS), Sogang University in Korea visited Hong Kong on 21- 22 January 2019.
The programme aimed to deepen students’ understanding on the Hong Kong market and Chinese business culture. The seminar started with a visit to Hong Kong Cyberport. Mr Terence Leung, Senior Manager, E-sports & Youth Team of Cyberport and Mr Jacky Lam, COO of Skala Fintech Company Ltd., presented two inspiring talks. The group learnt about how Cyberport is supporting start-ups and entrepreneurs in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) area and gained the basic understanding about cyber risk.
Dr Reuben Mondejar, former Associate Professor of the Department of Management, opened his lecture on China Globalisation and the World which touched upon the concept of creativity and methods to adapt to the global culture. Dr Wilson Chan, Assistant Director of MBA Programme, delivered an interactive lecture on Financial Market in Hong Kong. He discussed with the participants how global market development affects the financial market of Hong Kong, as well as RMB business development.
Dr Yanni Yan, Director of Executive Development (International Programmes), winded up the event and presented completion certificates to participants.
For more information about the CB Executive Education Unit, please visit website.