High school students present smart city ideas

4 Apr 2019
Events and Seminars

2019 Smart City Business Plan Competition, jointly organised by the Department of Information Systems, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and Hong Kong Science Park, ended on a high note. 

The competition attracted 122 participants in 31 teams to submit their business proposal. After a rigorous selection, 10 outstanding teams from various local secondary schools entered the finale on 23 March where they presented their smart city business plans to a judging panel comprised representatives from government, industry and university. 

After a keen competition, St. Paul's Convent School won the championship with the proposal titled “Smart Fine”. The winning team was awarded HK$3,000 cash prize and LEGO Technic products, as well as an opportunity to visit the Microsoft Hong Kong office. Victoria Shanghai Academy’s “DR. SERENE” & Holy Family Canossian College’s “Improvement of Tourism” won the second runner-up and third runner-up, respectively.

The competition aimed to enhance students’ awareness of the smart city blueprint and offer them knowledge and skills to face Hong Kong Smart City challenges.

Earlier in January, a Smart City Workshop was held at CityU to prepare students for the competition. Industry professionals taught on innovative technologies, smart business, smart city development blueprint for Hong Kong, as well as business plan writing and presentation skills.

To learn more about the competition, please visit website.