MSc Marketing students receive Merit Award in HK4As Students’ Award

8 Apr 2019
Department of Marketing

A team of four MSc of Marketing students, namely Tracy Xu, Cloris Ye, Persy To and Miranda Chen, won a merit award in the 2018 HK4As Students’ Award organised by the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong (HK4As). 

Riding on the theme “Mindfulness and Living Well”, the team applied concepts learnt from the university to develop an advertising plan to raise social concern on depression and mental health.  Out of the 137 entries received this year, the judging panel came up with seven teams of Merits, one team of Gold, one team of Silver and one team of Bronze.  Receiving the merit award was an encouraging achievement, as it signified the recognition from professionals in the industry for the ability of students in putting the learning outcomes into practice.

Tracy took the competition as a valuable learning experience to see the outside world from the angle of a marketer, she said “It was my first advertising competition experience. Our team is grateful and excited for getting the merit award and having the chance to gain this valuable real life marketing experience.”

HK4As Students’ Award was established in 1990, aiming to develop young local talents, and aspire them to learn about the advertising industry. To find out more about HK4As Students’ Award, please click here.