Marketing Department holds admission talks for prospective students

9 May 2019
Events and Seminars
Department of Marketing

The Department of Marketing held two sessions of admission talk for JUPAS (Joint University Programmes Admissions System) applicants at CityU on 3 May to let prospective students understand BBA Marketing programme and prepare them for the interview later in the month. Response was overwhelming with over 800 participants joined the sessions.

Mr Alex Tham, BBA Marketing Admissions Tutor and Senior Teaching Fellow talked about the interview arrangements and tips on both individual and group interviews. He advised applicants to familiarise themselves with the Marketing Department, polish their language skills and be aware of appropriate interview manners. 

Mr Tham also introduced the key elements of the BBA Marketing programme at CityU, he said, “Our programme stresses on learning through real life experience. Through our practical and digital marketing-oriented ‘i-Marketing +’ teaching concept, we prepare students for the challenges in the digital marketing era. Our curriculum also focuses on design thinking which help students create innovative strategies to resolve business issues.”

For more information on the Department of Marketing, please visit website.