Professor Xufei Ma clinches Silver Medal Award at Journal of International Business Studies 50th anniversary celebration

8 Jul 2019
Department of Management

Professor Xufei Ma from the Department of Management has been recogonised at the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) 50 Year Celebration on his substantive research contributions over the years. He was given a Silver Medal, and the award presentation was held at the Academy of International Business Conference in Copenhagen on 25 June.

JIBS is ranked top in the international business field and listed among the UTD 24 journals. It is published by the Academy of International Business and it receives more than 700 submissions each year globally, with only 5 percent of papers accepted annually. On March 21, JIBS released its list of honorees for the year. All silver medal recipients must have at least five substantial contributions to JIBS.

“I am humbled by being recognised among the best international business researchers in the world, some of whom are founders of the journal, the academy, and the field,” Xufei said. “Our field never lacks interesting topics, and we are now experiencing important issues such as the current globalisation-deglobalisation trend, Belt-and-Road initiative, and Greater Bay Area development. All of these will definitely provide abundant opportunities for international business researchers to address the grand challenges faced by policy makers and managers.”

It is the third time for Professor Ma to receive a prestigious recognition in international business field, with the first two as the Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar by Academy of International Business (2006) and the Dunning Fellow by the John H. Dunning Center for International Business (2017), respectively.

Professor Ma’s current research examines strategy, innovation, and management of multinational and entrepreneurial firms in and from China’s emerging economy. His research has appeared in leading journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies,and Journal of Management. As a management professor teaching EMBA courses, he is also a frequent contributor to practice-oriented meetings, journals, and forums.