2019 College Teaching Excellence Awards

2 Aug 2019
College News
Department of Accountancy

Dear Colleagues,

The College has received encouraging responses to the 2019 CTEA exercise, by bringing students, alumni and colleagues into the nomination process.

In view of the excellent quality of this year’s entries, I am delighted to announce that on an exceptional basis, four candidates have been selected for the 2019 College Teaching Excellence Awards (CTEA). They are:

  • Dr Huang Qianqian (EF) 

  • Dr Zachary Leung (MS) 

  • Prof Muammer Ozer (MGT) 

  • Prof Wayne Yu (AC/EF) 

CB is committed to fostering a culture of teaching excellence as well as a caring learning environment for our students and has established this teaching award scheme to recognize the very best teachers in the College. The Selection Committee commended the quality of applications received in this round and that the winning entries demonstrated teaching work of exemplary professional practice:

Dr Huang Qianqian is an enthusiastic teacher who brings a variety of instructional strategies and methods to the classroom. She is sensitive to students’ needs and offers timely academic advice and guidance to students for their personal and professional development.

Dr Zachary Leung is a devoted teacher and coach who prepares students for open business competitions with impressive results. He has been innovative for translating and re-packaging the training contents into a formal course which develops students’ case analysis skills in business.

Prof Muammer Ozer is a dedicated teacher who are always fully prepared for his classes, teaches with vigor and insights, and transforms students to the next level through discovery quests and reflective practice underpinned by clear teaching philosophy. As the DBA Programme Director, he plays a leading role in renewing and reforming the DBA curriculum as well as providing personalized advice and guidance to his students.

Prof Wayne Yu is an inspiring teacher who is able to create an interesting interactive learning environment to spark students’ interest and critical thinking. His teaching is well recognized by students of various levels from undergraduate to postgraduate and executive education. He has contributed to new course development, revealing the advancement of knowledge in his discipline.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank the CTEA Selection Committee comprising Dr Raymond Wong (Chair), Professor Phyllis Mo and Dr Alvin Leung, and all colleagues for participating in the award scheme, and for helping build the vibrant teaching culture in the College that we so much value. We welcome your participation again next year!

Last but not least, a special note of thanks goes to our benefactor Jenny Chan for her generous donation which has made the establishment of this teaching excellence award possible.
Professor Houmin Yan
Acting Dean
College of Business