DBA welcomes new cohort and recognises outstanding alumni and student

8 Oct 2019

The Doctor of Business Administration programme (DBA) hosted the DBA 2019 New Cohort Welcoming Dinner and 2018/2019 DBA Awards Presentation Ceremony on 21 September 2019. Professor Muammer Ozer, DBA Programme Director, expressed his warm welcome to the new cohort, and introduced the new learning partners in the gathering. It was a memorable event with the presence of graduates from different years and learning partners from different cohorts.

Another highlight of the event was the award presentation to three devoted learning partners and graduates, Dr Richard Yap (2018 Graduate), Professor CK Chan (2015 Graduate) and Mr Rajeev Chib (cohort 2016), who respectively received the CityU DBA Contribution to Knowledge Award, Outstanding CityU DBA Alumni Award and the CityU DBA Contribution to the Society Award in recognition of their dedication and effort in sharing their DBA research with the business community and society at large. Professor Jeong Bon Kim, Head of the Department of Accountancy, and Professor Frank Chen, Head of the Department of Management Sciences, were also present to support the event.