CB achieves 5-Year AACSB Re-accreditation
The College of Business at the City University of Hong Kong is pleased to achieve the re-accreditation for another five years by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

The AACSB Accreditation recognises high-quality business schools through a set of rigorous criteria and standards, coordinating peer reviews and consultation. The accreditation provides an accessment framework of 15 international standards that are built around the three themes of engagement, innovation, and impact. The standards are organised into four categories: strategic management and innovation; participants—students, faculty, and professional staff; learning and teaching; and academic and professional engagement.
Professor Houmin Yan, Acting Dean of the College said, “This is a significant contribution to CB’s international profile, and places us in a select group of top Business Schools worldwide. I should like to record a big Thank You to all colleagues for their dedicated contributions in the process, in particular those advisory board/committee members, faculty, staff, students and alumni who participated in the various meetings with the AACSB Peer Review Team back in November.”
“The AACSB exercise provides us with an excellent opportunity to benchmark with international standards. Overall the review has been very positive with particular commendations on areas such as research, leadership, online AoL system, internationalisation, double majors and so on. At the same time, we are grateful for their recommendations on several fronts for our further enhancement,” Professor Yan added.
Professor Yan also shared that the AACSB accrediation facilitates the College in lining up student exchange agreements, programme collaborations and other academic exchange activities with prestigious AACSB accredited institutions around the world.