Professor Alan Wan elected President of the Hong Kong Statistical Society

18 May 2021
Department of Decision Analytics and Operations
Industry Connections

Professor Alan Wan, Head of the Department of Management Sciences, has been elected President of the Hong Kong Statistical Society. The society has a threefold mission to provide formal recognition and promote professional development through accreditation of qualifications and training experience; to organise and sponsor statistical conferences, workshops and seminars, and to improve statistical literacy. This is achieved partly through the Statistical Project Competition for secondary students, an annual event which has been organised by the society since 1986. 

The society was founded in 1977 by Professor John Aitchison of the University of Hong Kong. Members include academics, government statisticians and a growing number of data scientists and quantitative analysts working in the private sector.  

The College of Business congratulates Professor Wan on his new role with the Hong Kong Statistical Society.