CityU team wins HSBC / HKU Hong Kong Business Case Competition 2022
A CityU team clinched the championship in the HSBC / HKU Hong Kong Business Case Competition 2022 in a hard-fought battle with teams from local universities. Teams were asked to prepare a slide deck in six hours, and then present it to the judging panel via zoom in the competition held from 7 to 9 March.

Members of the winning team included Richard Ponto and Phitchayapha Sitthitan from BSc Computational Finance and Financial Technology, Ramona Li Yanzhen from BBA Accountancy and Vikki Lai Wing-ki from BBA Global Business. They were delighted with the excellent result.
Vikki said, “Case competitions are miniatures of the business workplace and this was an excellent platform to strengthen our analytical thinking skills. We were also encouraged to read more extensively to have a deeper understanding of current business practices.”

Phitchayapha said the competition was a perfect opportunity to bring in-class knowledge to life and learn from the judges with first-hand experiences. She also found cultural diversity very beneficial. “The different experiences helped bring out the creativity in our team.”
For Richard the competition was a rewarding experience. “It allowed me to network with industry professionals and collaborate with like-minded teammates.”
Ramona summed up saying, “Teamwork makes dream work! I appreciated our team’s inclusivity, and learned much from my inspiring and determined team members.” She also thanked the team’s coach Dr Zachary Leung, who arranged regular case-solving and de-briefing sessions for them to make reflection and gradual improvement.
CityU team have performed very well in the annual HSBC / HKU Hong Kong Business Case Competition for the past six years, achieved a top three place each year with three championship wins.