People and Research People

People Details

Dr. Annie MOK


Instructor I

13-233, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34427414
+852 34420349


Dr. Annie Mok joined CityUHK for around 20 years. She is a seasoned teacher who received two teaching awards in CityUHK. She has also conducted Executive trainings for 6 years to two Big 4 audit firms.  Before joining CityUHK, Dr. Mok has been working for over 10 years in a Big 4 audit firm and several listed companies etc. Positions held include Audit Manager, Department Head and Senior management etc.

Dr. Mok also actively serves/served many administrative roles in CityUHK, e.g. Co-opt Member in College Board of Business (CB); Committee member in Departmental Executive Committee, Departmental Teaching and Learning Committee etc.; Member in Assessment Panel; Subject Leader; BBAAC Programme (Event Co-ordinator / Jupas interview Co-ordinator / PALSI Co-ordinator / Orientation Day Co-ordinator / University Information Day Co-ordinator etc.); AoL Co-ordinator; Internship Co-ordinator etc. 

Professional Qualifications

QualificationCertifying Organization
Member, Beta Gamma SigmaChapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fellow Certified Public Accountant, FCPA Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Hong Kong
Certified Public Accountant and Licence holder, Washington State, USA; CPA (US)Washington State Board of Accountancy, USA
Full Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; CPA (USA)American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, USA

Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

Mok, Annie Yuet-ngo; Leung, Olivia / Enhanced tax deduction for research & development expenditures. October 2019; In: Prospective CPA. No. 121

MOK, Annie; LEUNG, Olivia / Substance over form: The accounting definitions, classification, and treatment of leases under HKAS 17. October 2015; In: T/Dialogue. Vol. 2015

LEUNG, O; MOK, Annie Yuet Ngo / Are your operating activities cash-generating? - The direct and indirect methods under HKAS 7. 2014; In: T/Dialogue. Vol. 2014

MOK, Annie Yuet Ngo; SO, M Y H / Invest, occupy or sell? A modern challenge in Hong Kong. October 2013; In: T/Dialogue. Vol. 2013 October, pp. 2013-10 -

MOK, Annie Yuet Ngo / How to “create” an intangible asset in your financial statement. October 2012; In: T/Dialogue. Vol. 2012 October, pp. 1-2 -

MOK, Annie Yuet Ngo / Does a present obligation resulting from a past event under HKAS 37 “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets” exist?. October 2011; In: T/Dialogue. Vol. 2011/10, pp. 17 - 17

Conference Papers

MOK, Annie / An Exploratory Study on Intrinsic Motivation of Students' Satisfaction Towards Accounting Teaching and Studies on a Perception Approach. June 2016; Global Conference on Education and Psychology, 08/06/2016 - 10/06/2016, Hong Kong , Hong Kong.

MOK, Annie Yuet Ngo / Teaching auditing for non-accounting students: An intrinsic motivation approach. August 2014; International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences, 06/08/2014 - 08/08/2014, , Taiwan.

MOK, Annie Yuet Ngo / Teaching in an accounting context: Motivating students by intrinsic factors. August 2013; International conference on social sciences and business, 28/08/2013 - 30/08/2013, , Macao.

Mok, Annie Yuet-ngo / Accounting Teaching and Education Driven by Extrinsic Motivators of Students’ Learning. July 2012; 2nd International conference on Learning and Community Enrichment (ICOLACE), 15/07/2012 - 17/07/2012, , Singapore.

MOK, Annie Yuet Ngo / Accounting Students’ Perception on the Accounting Teaching and Education – A Preliminary Literatures Approach. November 2011; European Conference for Academic Disciplines in Germany, 27/11/2011 - 02/12/2011, , Germany.

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