Prof. LEUNG Chung Man Alvin
Associate Head (IS)
Associate Professor
6-237, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34428497
+852 34420369
Research Areas
IT Business Value
Business Analytics
Information Security
Technology Mediated Teaching and Learning
PhD - Information Management (The University of Texas at Austin)
MSc - Information, Risk, and Operations Management (The University of Texas at Austin)
MPhil - Management Information Systems (The University of Hong Kong)
BEng (SE) - Software Engineering (The University of Hong Kong)
BBA (IS) - Information Systems (The University of Hong Kong)
Alvin Leung is Associate Professor at Department of Information Systems, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong. His research interests lie at the intersection of IS and Finance. His current research primarily focuses on IT business value, business analytics and information security. His teaching objective is to bring his research into class. He is interested in teaching business strategies and introducing new information technologies to enhance corporate competitive advantages. His works have been published in various leading IS journals and international conference proceedings. He currently serves as Associate Editor for Decision Support Systems and the Communications of the AIS.
Award Title | Institution |
Teaching Excellence Award | City University of Hong Kong |
Innovative CityU-Learning Award 2021 | City University of Hong Kong(Talent and Education Development Office) |
Dean's Research Excellence Award | City University of Hong Kong(College of Business) |
Distinguished AIS Member | Association for Information Systems |
Assurance of Learning (AoL) Award | City University of Hong Kong(College of Business) |
The President's Award 2018 | City University of Hong Kong |
IS BBA Teaching Excellence Award 2018/19 | City University of Hong Kong(Department of Information Systems) |
AIS Early Career Award | Association for Information Systems |
Best Work-in-progress Runner Up Award 2017 | Workshop on Inforrmation Technogies and Systems (WITS) |
College Teaching Excellence Award 2017 | City University of Hong Kong(College of Business) |
Early Career Award 2016/17 | HK Univeristy Grants Committee |
BBA First Year Lecture Teaching Award 2015/16 | City University of Hong Kong(College of Business) |
IS BBA Teaching Excellence Award 2015/16 | City University of Hong Kong(Department of Information Systems) |
Best Paper Award of IROM Symposium 2014 | The University of Texas at Austin |
ICIS 2013 Doctoral Consortium Fellow | Association for Information Systems |
Award for Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student 2008-2009 | The University of Hong Kong |
Best Student Paper Award of The 2008 IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications | International Association of Engineers |
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Teaching Areas
E-Business Strategies
Database and Data Management
IS Audit and Information Security
Research Grants
PI: "Gamification to Promote Challenge-based Learning", Teaching Development Grant - Office of Education Development and Gateway Education, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: $240,000 (2018-2019), Alvin Chung Man Leung and Ron Chi-wai Kwok
PI: "News Co-mention: A Big Data Approach for Stock Prediction", Early Career Scheme - Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Amount: $618,750 (2017-2019), Alvin Chung Man Leung
PI: "A Pan-Asian Field Study of Corporate Awareness to Information Security and Preparedness Against Cybercrimes", Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme - Central Policy Unit, The Government of Hong Kong, Amount: $655,500 (2016-2017), Alvin Chung Man Leung, Andrew B Whinston, and Gene Moo Lee
PI: "Gamification of Flipped Classroom: A New Tool to Learn Business Intelligence", Teaching and Learning Project - Office of Education Development and Gateway Education, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: $200,000 (2015-2017), Alvin Chung Man Leung and Ron Chi-wai Kwok
External Academic Activities
Period | Organizer | Country / Region | Role |
1/2017 - Now | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | United States of America | Associate Editor |
7/2014 - Now | Decision Support Systems | United States of America | Associate Editor |
Journal Publications and Reviews
Yuan, Lin; Gao, Chaoyue; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Ye, Qiang / Enhanced digital embeddedness and bubble mitigation in NFT marketplaces: The impact of rarity rank on user trading behavior. March 2025; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 190
LIU, Junming; YUE, Wei Thoo; LEUNG, Chung Man Alvin; Zhang, Xin / Find the Good. Seek the Unity: A Hidden Markov Model of Human-AI Delegation Dynamics. September 2024; In: MIS Quarterly.
Xu, Junmin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Su, Qin / Focusing on the fundamentals? An investigation of the relationship between corporate social irresponsibility and data breach risk. July 2024; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 182
Xu, Junmin; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo; Su, Qin / Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Value: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Information Technology-Enabled Knowledge Capabilities. June 2024; In: Internet Research.
Wang, Xiaoxiao; Li, Weixun; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / To Alert or Alleviate? A Natural Experiment on the Effect of Anti-phishing Laws on Corporate IT and Security Investments. April 2024; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 179
Tarafdar, Pratik; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo; Bose, Indranil / Understanding the Impact of Augmented Reality Product Presentation on Diagnosticity, Cognitive Load, and Product Sales . April 2024; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 75
Gao, Chaoyue; Gu, Bin; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Liu, Xianwei; Ye, Qiang / The Risk of Cryptocurrency Payment Adoption and the Role of Social Media: Evidence from Online Travel Agencies. February 2024; In: Production and Operations Management.
Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Santhanam, Radhika; Kwok, Ron Chi-Wai; Yue, Wei Thoo / Could Gamification Designs Enhance Online Learning through Personalization? Lessons from a Field Experiment. March 2023; In: Information Systems Research. Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 27-49
Li, Wilson Weixun; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / Where is IT in Information Security? The Interrelationship among IT Investment, Security Awareness, and Data Breaches. March 2023; In: MIS Quarterly. Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 317-342
Shangguan, Wuyue (Phoebe); Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Agarwal, Ashish; Konana, Prabhudev; Chen, Xi / Developing a Composite Measure to Represent Information Flows in Networks: Evidence from a Stock Market. June 2022; In: Information Systems Research. Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 413-428
Li, Wilson Weixun; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei T. / The grey areas of Internet use: secret affairs in cyberspace and religiosity. January 2022; In: Internet Research. Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 1-23
Kwok, Ron Chi-Wai; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Hui, Stanley Sai-chuen; Wong, Clara Choi-Ki / Virtual trainer system: a tool to increase exercise participation and work productivity. May 2021; In: Internet Research. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 892-910
Zhuang, Yunhui; Choi, Yunsik; He, Shu; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Lee, Gene Moo; Whinston, Andrew / Understanding Security Vulnerability Awareness, Firm Incentives, and ICT Development in Pan-Asia. November 2020; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 668-693
Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / ADOPTION OF IDENTITY THEFT COUNTERMEASURES AND ITS SHORT- AND LONG-TERM IMPACT ON FIRM VALUE. March 2019; In: MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems. Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 313-327
Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Agarwal, Ashish; Konana, Prabhudev; Kumar, Alok / Network analysis of search dynamics: The case of stock habitats. August 2017; In: Management Science. Vol. 63, No. 8, pp. 2667-2687
Agarwal, Ashish; LEUNG, Alvin Chung Man; Konana, Prabhudev; Kumar, Alok / Cosearch attention and stock return predictability in supply chains. June 2017; In: Information Systems Research. Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 265-288
Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / Do phishing alerts impact global corporations? A firm value analysis. August 2014; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 64, pp. 67-78
Park, Jae Hong; Gu, Bin; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Konana, Prabhudev / An investigation of information sharing and seeking behaviors in online investment communities. 2014; In: Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 1-12
Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / The impact of adoption of identity theft countermeasures on firm value. June 2013; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 753-763
Chen, Xi; Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Guo, Chenhui / Assessing the severity of phishing attacks: A hybrid data mining approach. March 2011; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 662-672
Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / What drives the adoption of antiphishing measures by Hong Kong banks?. August 2009; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 141-143
Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / Assessing anti-phishing preparedness: A study of online banks in Hong Kong. November 2008; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 897-912
Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / UNVEILING THE MASK OF PHISHING: THREATS, PREVENTIVE MEASURES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES. April 2007; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 19, pp. 544-566
Conference Papers
Fang, Mengyuan; Fang, Yulin; Gao, Chaoyue; Leung, Alvin; Ye, Qiang / Lemon or Peach: What Will Sellers Mint under Free Minting Policies in NFT Marketplaces?. December 2023; 33rd Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2023), 13/12/2023 - 15/12/2023, Hyderabad, India.
Chan, Fun Yi; Gao, Chaoyue; Leung, Alvin; Ye, Qiang / Whispers of Change: How ChatGPT Adoption Influences Customer Engagement. December 2023; 33rd Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2023), 13/12/2023 - 15/12/2023, Hyderabad, India.
Gao, Chaoyue; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / The Effect of Token Incentives in NFT Marketplaces. August 2022; 15th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2022), 20/08/2022 - 21/08/2022, Ningbo, China. pp. 151-156
LEUNG, Alvin Chung Man / Brightness Indices for the Reduction of Malicious eMails. December 2020; Bright Internet Global Summit (BIGS 2020), 15/12/2020 - 16/12/2020, Hyderabad, India.
Li, Wilson; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo / An Empirical Examination Of Is Governance Performance, It Material Weaknesses And Is Governance Practices. November 2020; Virtual 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting, 07/11/2020 - 13/11/2020, , .
Leung, Alvin / Wisdom of Crowds and IPO Hype Cycle. October 2019; 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting, 20/10/2019 - 23/10/2019, Seattle, United States.
Li, Wilson Weixun; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei T. / An Empirical Examination of IS Governance Practices and IT Material Weaknesses. December 2018; 17th Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2018), 12/12/2018 - 12/12/2018, Santa Clara, United States.
Leung, Alvin / How to incentivize firms to adopt anti-identity theft countermeasures?. December 2018; Bright Internet Global Summit 2018, 12/12/2018 - 12/12/2018, San Francisco, United States.
Choi, Yun-Sik; He, Shu; Zhuang, Yunhui; Lee, Gene Moo; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Whinston, Andrew B. / Information disclosure and security policy design: a large-scale randomization experiment in Pan-Asia. June 2018; 17th Annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS 2018), 18/06/2018 - 19/06/2018, Innsbruck, Austria.
Choi, Yun-Sik; He, Shu; Lee, Gene Moo; Leung, Chung Man; Whinston, Andrew; Zhuang, Yunhui / A Pan-Asian Field Experiment of Organizational Awareness to Information Security and Preparedness Against Cybercrime. December 2017; The Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2017), 13/12/2017 - 14/12/2017, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
Li, Wilson Weixun; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo / The Trilogy of Security: IT Investment, Data Breaches, and Security Vigilance. December 2017; 16th Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2017), 10/12/2017 - , Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
Leung, Alvin / News co-mention and stock returns correlation. June 2017; 1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2017), 15/06/2017 - 17/06/2017, Hong Kong, China.
Leung, Alvin; Wang, Chong / Analyst-follow Function and Crowdsourcing Earnings Predictions. December 2016; Digital Enablement Conference 2016, 30/11/2016 - 02/12/2016, Sydney, Australia.
Leung, Alvin; WANG, Chong / To Follow or Be Followed?: Social Interaction and Crowdsourced Stock Prediction. June 2016; Collective Intelligence 2016, 01/06/2016 - 03/06/2016, , United States.
Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works
Fang, Cheng; Wang, Le; Wang, Chuang; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / The Impact of Subscription Programs on Customer Behavior: Evidence from a Mobile Commerce Retailer. July 2023; PACIS 2023 Proceedings.
Yuan, Lin; Gao, Chaoyue; LEUNG, Alvin Chung Man; Ye, Qiang / The Impact of Rarity Awareness on User Trading Behavior: Evidence from NFT Marketplaces. June 2023; PACIS 2023 Proceedings.
Fang, Mengyuan; Gao, Chaoyue; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Ye, Qiang / Effect of “Lazy Minting” on User Minting Strategies in NFT Marketplaces. June 2023; CSWIM 2023 - PROCEEDINGS OF The 16th China Summer Workshop on Information Management. pp. 319-324
Chen, Yingying; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo / Gamified System Effectiveness on Social Trading Platforms. November 2022; ICIS 2022 Proceedings.
Gao, Chaoyue; Leung, Alvin / True or False Prosperity? The Effect of Token Incentives in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. November 2022; ICIS 2022 Proceedings.
Xu, Junmin; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Su, Qin / Leveraging CSR-related knowledge for firm value: The role of IT-enabled absorptive capacities. December 2020; ICIS 2020 Proceedings: Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global.
Shangguan, Wuyue (Phoebe); Chen, Xi; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / Is Attention Contagious? Estimating the Spillover Effect of Investor Attention in Digital Networks. August 2020; AMCIS 2020 Proceedings.
Tarafdar, Pratik; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Bose, Indranil / Can Touch Interaction Predict Product-Related Emotion? A Study on Mobile Augmented Reality. August 2020; AMCIS 2020 Proceedings.
Xu, Junmin; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Value: the Moderating Effect of IT Investment. June 2020; PACIS 2020 Proceedings: Pacifc Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) .
Zhuang, Yunhui; Choi, Yunsik; He, Shu; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Lee, Gene Moo; Whinston, Andrew B. / Information Disclosure and Security Vulnerability Awareness: A Large-Scale Randomized Field Experiment in Pan-Asia. January 2020; Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 6040-6049
LAI, Gabriel Chun-Hei ; KWOK, Ron Chi-Wai ; ROCHELLE, Tina; LEUNG, Alvin Chung-Man ; LI, Yanyan; ZHANG, Shanshan; WONG, George Yui-Lam; LU, Angel / The Moderating Effect of Different Types of Internet Use on the Relationship between Transitional Aging Changes and Self-Esteem of Older Adults. January 2020; Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 3799-3808
Tarafdar, Pratik; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Bose, Indranil / Impact of Immersive Interface Design on Consumer Perceptions during Online Product Presentation. December 2019; International Conference on Information Systems 2019 Proceedings.
Wang, Xiaoxiao; Li, Wilson Weixun; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / The Impact of Anti-phishing Laws on IT and Security Investment. July 2019; PACIS 2019 Proceedings.
Shangguan, Wuyue; Liu, Yan; Chen, Xi; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / Application of Network Embedding to Return Comovement Analysis: Case of Stock Co-attention Networks. June 2019; Proceedings of the 13th China Summer Workshop on Information Management . pp. 229-234
Shangguan, Wuyue; Wang, Sichao; Chen, Xi; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / Mining the Value of Network Structure on Stock Performance. August 2018; AMCIS 2018 Proceedings.
Zhuang, Yunhui; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Hughes, James / Matching in Proximity Authentication and Mobile Payment EcoSystem: What Are We Missing?. July 2017; Radio Frequency Identification and IoT Security: 12th International Workshop, RFIDSec 2016, Hong Kong, China, November 30 -- December 2, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. pp. 163-172
Li, Wilson Weixun; Hui, Wendy; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / Content Restrictions on AdBlock Usage. July 2017; Proceedings of the 21th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017).
Zhuang, Yunhui; Ma, He; Xie, Haoran; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Hancke, Gerhard P.; Wang, Fu Lee / When innovation meets evolution: An extensive study of emerging e-Learning technologies for higher education in Hong Kong. February 2017; Emerging Technologies for Education: 1st International Symposium, SETE 2016 Held in Conjunction with ICWL 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Vol. 10108 LNCS, pp. 574-584
Shangguan, Wuyue; Chen, Xi; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Liu, Yanchu / Network analysis to uncover stock comovement from a Chinese financial portal. June 2016; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2016 - Proceedings.
Li, Weixun; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND CYBER-AFFAIRS. June 2016; Proceeding of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016).
Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Konana, Prabhudev; Agarwal, Ashish; Kumar, Alok / A study of search attention and stock returns cross predictability. 2015; 2015 Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2015.
Leung, Alvin; Agarwal, Ashish; Konana, Prabhudev; Kumar, Alok / Online search: Identifying new investment habitats. 2012; International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012. Vol. 2, pp. 965-980
Agarwal, Ashish; Leung, Alvin; Konana, Prabhudev / Online retailer vs. click and mortar retailer: Who performs better?. 2011; International Conference on Information Systems 2011, ICIS 2011. Vol. 5, pp. 3546-3562
Park, Jaehong; Konana, Prabhudev; Gu, Bin; Leung, Alvin Chung Man / An investigation of information sharing and seeking behaviors in virtual communities. 2010; ICIS 2010 Proceedings - Thirty First International Conference on Information Systems.
Chen, Xi; Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Guo, Chenhui / Analyzing the risk and financial impact of phishing attacks using a knowledge based approach. November 2009; The 9th International Conference on Electronic Business. pp. 119-126
Leung, Alvin C.M.; Bose, Indranil / INDIRECT FINANCIAL LOSS OF PHISHING TO GLOBAL MARKET. December 2008; 29th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2008). Vol. 4, pp. 2507-2520
Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin C.M. / Assessment of phishing announcements on market value of firms. 2008; Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Information Technology, ICIT 2008. pp. 304-307
Leung, Alvin C.M.; Bose, Indranil / Etude mondiale sur les pertes financières indirectes dues au hameçonnage. 2008; ICIS 2008 Proceedings - Twenty Ninth International Conference on Information Systems.
Bose, I.; Leung, A. C M / A comparative study of anti-phishing preparedness of Hong Kong and Singapore banks. 2007; IEEM 2007: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. pp. 1893-1897
Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Bose, Indranil / A framework for assessment of anti-phishing preparedness. 2007; Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. pp. 1020-1025
Patents, Agreements and Assignments
LEUNG, Chung Man Alvin; Ye, Qiang; Zhan, Yuhong; Wang, Longji; Liang, Weizhong; Chen, Lei; Gao, Chaoyue / 一種智能溯源及假新聞防範系統及防範方法. November 2023;
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