Journal Publications and Reviews
Wong, George Yui-Lam; Kwok, Ron Chi-Wai; Zhang, Shanshan; Lai, Gabriel Chun-Hei; Cheung, Jessica Choi-Fung / Mutually complementary effects of cyberloafing and cyber-life-interruption on employee exhaustion. March 2023; In: Information & Management. Vol. 60, No. 2
Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works
Chau, Terence Kam-Ho; Kwok, Ron Chi-Wai; Cheung, Jessica Choi-Fung / Impacts of Digital–Health Literacy And Helping Behaviors on Sports and Recreation-related Injury Prevention in Senior Citizens. March 2024; Proceedings of the 17th IADIS International Conference : Information Systems 2024. pp. 153-157
Lai, Alan Ka-Ho; Kwok, Ron Chi-Wai; Cheung, Jessica Choi-Fung / Effects of Pet-Edutainment on Dog Owners’ Duty of Care and Their Veterinary Clinic Visits and Expenditures. September 2023; 77th Annual AVTRW conference and AGM: Conference proceedings.
Wong, George Yui-Lam; Kwok, Ron Chi-wai ; Lai, Gabriel Chun-Hei ; Cheung, Jesssica Choi-Fung / Synergy Effect of Cyber-life-interruption and Cyberloafing on Employee Emotional Exhaustion. June 2020; PACIS 2020 Proceedings: Pacifc Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) .