People and Research People

People Details

Prof. LAM Chak Fu



10-247, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34427954
+852 34420309

Research Areas

Communication: Voice behavior
Well-being: Vigor and energy at work


PhD - Management (University of Michigan)
BA - Psychology / Economics (Middlebury College)
International Baccalaureate (Li Po Chun United World College)


Chak Fu Lam is a Professor of Management at the City University of Hong Kong. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. His research focuses on voice behavior, with a particular focus on why employees may express ideas and how it matters in organization.

Faculty Positions

PeriodDepartment - InstitutionPosition
7/2024 - NowManagement - City University of Hong KongProfessor
7/2019 - 6/2024Management - City University of Hong KongAssociate Professor
7/2017 - 6/2019Management - City University of Hong KongAssistant Professor
8/2013 - 6/2017Management - Suffolk UniversityAssistant Professor


Award TitleInstitution
40-Under-40 MBA ProfessorPoets&Quants
Assurance of Learning AwardCity University of Hong Kong(College of Business )
Reviewer AwardJournal of Applied Psychology
First Year Lecture Teaching AwardCity University of Hong Kong(College of Business)
HHA Services ScholarshipHHA Services
Suffolk University Leadership Life Changer AwardSuffolk University
Spivy Hall FellowshipUniversity of Michigan
Outstanding Reviewer AwardAcademy of Management (OB)
Logan Family ScholarshipMiddlebury College
Davis ScholarshipMiddlebury College
United World College ScholarshipLi Po Chun United World College
Secondary ScholarshipSingapore Ministry of Education
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Teaching Areas

Organizational Behavior


Cross-Cultural Management

Change management

Research Grants

PI: "Overcoming cultural status disadvantage in multicultural teams: The role of leader global identity", Hong Kong General Research Fund, (2023), Lam, C. F.

PI: "Challenging the status quo in a non-challenging way: A dominance complementarity view of voice inquiry", Hong Kong General Research Fund, (2022), Lam, C. F.

co-PI: "Study of the Contingent Effects of Entrepreneurial Team Energy and Resilience on Entrepreneurial Persistence under Uncertainty", Chinese National Science Foundation, (2021), Lam, C. F.

PI: ""I'm not good enough": A self-verification Perspective on Why and When Employees may Provoke Abusive Supervision", Strategic Research Grant, (2021), Lam, C. F.

co-PI: "I like my boss’s boss but not my boss: The effect of skip-level participative leadership on performance and the role of exchanges with different leaders", Hong Kong General Research Fund, (2020), Lam, C. K., & Lam, C. F.

PI: "Voice Habit: Dimensions, Measurement, and Validation", Strategic Research Grant, (2019), Lam, C. F.

PI: "Voice Habit: Dimensions, Measurement, and Validation", CityU Start-up grant, (2017), Lam, C. F.

PI: "How employees voice", Doctoral Research Grant, (2012), Lam, C. F.

PI: "Customer Service Voice", Doctoral Research Grant, (2008), Lam, C. F.

PI: "Autonomy Orientation", Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Grant, (2006), Lam, C. F., & Gurland, S.

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Supervisory Experience

2023 - 2024DBA Thesis - Jojo Wong
2022 - 2024PhD Thesis - Ziwei Wang
2021 - 2024DBA Thesis - Alfred Mu
2018 - 2023PhD Thesis - Qiying (Sakura) Du

Administrative Assignments

8/2024 - NowMaster of Business Administration (MBA)Director
12/2018 - NowPh.D. Recruiting CommitteeMember
9/2018 - NowDepartment Selection CommitteeMember
9/2018 - NowCollege BoardMember
1/2024 - 7/2024Master of Business Administration (MBA)Associate Director
5/2020 - 12/2023Master of Arts Global Business Management (MAGBM)Program Director
3/2019 - 7/2020College of Business Global BusinessProgram Director
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External Academic Activities

PeriodOrganizerCountry / RegionRole
2023 - NowAcademy of Management ReviewUnited States of AmericaAssociate Editor
2022 - NowJournal of Organizational BehaviorUnited States of AmericaEditorial Board
2022 - NowManagement and Organization ReviewUnited States of AmericaEditorial Board
2021 - NowJournal of Applied PsychologyUnited States of AmericaEditorial Board


Journal Publications and Reviews

LAM, Chak Fu; LAZZARINI, Sergio G.; STEPHENS, John Paul / Editors’ Comments: Voices from the Periphery: Barriers to Publication in AMR and Opportunities for Inclusion. January 2025; In: Academy of Management Review. Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 1-6

Newton, Daniel W.; Sessions, Hudson; Lam, Chak Fu; Welsh, David T.; Wu, Wen / Loaded Down From Speaking Up: A Resource-Based Examination of Voicer Regret Following Supervisor Delegation. May 2024; In: Journal of Management. Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 1911-1938

Romney, Alexander C.; Heydarifard, Zahra; Lam, Chak Fu / Reconciling Competing Perspectives About How Undermining at Home Influences Speaking Up at Work. April 2024; In: Journal of Business and Psychology. Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 513-526

Lam, Chak Fu; Romney, Alexander C.; Newton, Daniel W.; Wu, Wen / Challenging the status quo in a non-challenging way: A dominance complementarity view of voice inquiry. October 2023; In: Personnel Psychology.

Kim, You Jin; Lam, Chak Fu; Oh, Jo (Kyoungjo); Sohn, Wonbin / Employee Constructive Voice: An Integrative Review and a Dyadic Approach. January 2023; In: Journal of Management. Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 430–473

Lam, Chak Fu; Johnson, Hana Huang; Song, Lynda J.; Wu, Wen; Lee, Cynthia; Chen, Ziguang / More depleted, speak up more? A daily examination of the benefit and cost of depletion for voice behavior and voice endorsement. July 2022; In: Journal of Organizational Behavior. Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 983-1000

Leicht-Deobald, Ulrich; Lam, Chak Fu; Bruch, Heike; Kunze, Florian; Wu, Wen / Team boundary work and team workload demands: Their interactive effect on team vigor and team effectiveness. July 2022; In: Human Resource Management. Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 465-488

Zhang, Long; Fan, Chuanhao; Deng, Yulin; Lam, Chak Fu; Hu, Enhua; Wang, Lingyun / Exploring the interpersonal determinants of job embeddedness and voluntary turnover: A conservation of resources perspective. July 2019; In: Human Resource Management Journal. Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 413-432

Lam, Chak Fu; Lee, Cynthia; Sui, Yang / Say It as It Is: Consequences of Voice Directness, Voice Politeness, and Voicer Credibility on Voice Endorsement. May 2019; In: Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 104, No. 5, pp. 642-658

Lam, Chak Fu; Rees, Laura; Levesque, Laurie L.; Ornstein, Suzyn / Shooting from the hip: A habit perspective of voice. July 2018; In: Academy of Management Review. Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 470-486

Zhang, Long; Lam, Chak Fu; Deng, Yulin / Leader–member exchange and guanxi are not the same: differential impact of dyadic relationships on fit perceptions, helping behavior, and turnover intention. 2017; In: International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 1005-1030

Lam, Chak Fu; Wan, Wylie H.; Roussin, Christopher J. / Going the Extra Mile and Feeling Energized: An Enrichment Perspective of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. March 2016; In: Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 101, No. 3, pp. 379-391

Lam, Chak Fu; Liang, Jian; Ashford, Susan J.; Lee, Cynthia / Job insecurity and organizational citizenship behavior: Exploring curvilinear and moderated relationships. March 2015; In: Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 100, No. 2, pp. 499-510

Lam, Chak Fu; Mayer, David M. / When do employees speak up for their customers? A model of voice in a customer service context. August 2014; In: Personnel Psychology. Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 637-666

Lam, Chak Fu; Spreitzer, Gretchen; Fritz, Charlotte / Too much of a good thing: Curvilinear effect of positive affect on proactive behaviors. May 2014; In: Journal of Organizational Behavior. Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 530-546

Quinn, Ryan W.; Spreitzer, Gretchen M.; Lam, Chak Fu / Building a Sustainable Model of Human Energy in Organizations: Exploring the Critical Role of Resources. June 2012; In: Academy of Management Annals. Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 337-396

Lam, Chak Fu; DeRue, D. Scott; Karam, Elizabeth P.; Hollenbeck, John R. / The impact of feedback frequency on learning and task performance: Challenging the ‘‘more is better’’ assumption. November 2011; In: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Vol. 116, No. 2, pp. 217-228

Fritz, Charlotte; Lam, Chak Fu; Spreitzer, Gretchen M. / It's the Little Things That Matter: An Examination of Knowledge Workers' Energy Management. August 2011; In: Academy of Management Perspectives. Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 28-39

Lam, Chak Fu; Gurland, Suzanne T. / Self-determined work motivation predicts job outcomes, but what predicts self-determined work motivation?. August 2008; In: Journal of Research in Personality. Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 1109-1115

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

Zhang, Melody J.; Ling, Chu-Ding ; Lam, Catherine K.; Lam, Chak Fu / How and When are Frequent Voicers Treated Badly? Employee Voice Behavior and Coworker Victimization. August 2022; 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Proceedings.

Lam, Chak Fu; Rees, Laura L.; Du, Qiying / The Benefits of Speaking Up More Versus Less Over Time: Consequences of Voice Trajectories. August 2019; Academy of Management Proceedings.

Leicht-Deobald, Ulrich; Lam, Chak Fu / "A Moderated Mediation Model of Team Boundary Activities, Team Emotional Energy, and Team Innovation". August 2016; 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2016. pp. 231-236

Sui, Yang; Lam, Chak Fu; Lyu, Yijing; Lee, Cynthia / Task conflict and voice behavior: A curvilinear relationship. August 2016; 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2016. pp. 916-921

Hofer, Barbara K.; Lam, Chak Fu; Delisi, Alex / Understanding evolutionary theory: The role of epistemological development and beliefs. 2012; Epistemology and Science Education: Understanding the Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Controversy. pp. 95-110

Spreitzer, Gretchen M.; Lam, Chak Fu; Quinn, Ryan W. / Human Energy in Organizations: Implications for POS from Six Interdisciplinary Streams. August 2011; The Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship.

Spreitzer, Gretchen M.; Lam, Chak Fu; Fritz, Charlotte / Engagement and human thriving: Complementary perspectives on energy and connections to work. March 2010; Work Engagement: A Handbook of Essential Theory and Research. pp. 132-148

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