People and Research People

People Details

Dr. Andy KWAN


Instructor I

10-244, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34429690
+852 34420309

Research Areas

Management & Organisational Psychology
Attributional style and work performance


Ph D - Industrial-Organisational Psychology (The University of Hong Kong)


Dr. Kwan is a two-time winner of the College of Business’s Teaching Excellence Award at CityU. He has a passion for teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has been serving as the Programme Leader of BBA in Management since 2018. Dr. Kwan has coordinated many co-curricular activities to enrich student learning experience. He has maintained a good network with alumni. 

Dr. Kwan has worked as a management consultant providing talent assessment and development services to corporations. He is a registered industrial-organisational psychologist in HK. He holds full membership in local and international professional bodies in both HRM and psychology. He recently was invited to serve as a judge in the "Future HR Talent Hackathon" organised by the HK Management Association.

Dr. Kwan has earned his Ph.D. in industrial-organisational psychology at the University of Hong Kong. He has published in international refereed journals. In a recent research study, he is interested in understanding the impact of AI on student learning. In addition, Dr. Kwan has served as a reviewer on two popular management textbooks--"Managing Human Resources" by Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy and "Human Resource Management" by Dessler. He has been a reviewer for internationally refereed journals and academic conferences.

Professional Qualifications

QualificationCertifying Organization
Certificate of completion of an 8-week online program on "People Analytics"University of Cambridge
Certified Practitioner of CAL Resilience InventoryCAL Talent Solutions
Certified Practitioner of CAL Values InventoryCAL Talent Solutions
Full MemberAmerican Psychological Association
MemberSociety for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Professional MemberThe Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management
Associate FellowThe Hong Kong Psychological Society
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Award TitleInstitution
Teaching Development Grant 2024City University of Hong Kong
College of Business Teaching Excellence Award 2015City University of Hong Kong
Teaching Development Grant 2014City University of Hong Kong
College of Business Teaching Excellence Award 2011City University of Hong Kong
Teaching Development Grant 2010City University of Hong Kong
Outstanding Reviewer Award (OB Division)Academy of Management Conference 2009
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Journal Publications and Reviews

KWAN, Siu-On; Wong, D / The relationship between attributional style and destructive responses to job dissatisfaction: an exploratory study of internal migrant workers in China. May 2014; In: Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 686 - 695

Hui, C. Harry; Pak, S. Tess; Kwan, Siu-On; Chao, Anan / Attributional Style and Engagement/Disengagement Responses in the Chinese Workforce. April 2012; In: Applied Psychology. Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 204-226

Tam, Kim-Pong; Pak, S. Tess; Hui, C. Harry; Kwan, Siu-On; Goh, Mario Kheng Hsiang / Implicit person theories and change in teacher evaluation: A longitudinal field study. February 2010; In: Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 273-286

Conference Papers

KWAN, Andy / A discovery of practices, challenges, and solutions in management using student-generated videos.. August 2014; Teaching & Learning Conference, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 01/08/2014 - 05/08/2014, , United States.

KWAN, Andy / Attributional style and job disengagement among Chinese migrant workers in Mainland China. July 2014; International Congress of Applied Psychology, 08/07/2014 - 13/07/2014, , France.

Chao, A A; Pak, S T; KWAN, Siu On; Hui, C H / Attributional style as predictor of work outcomes among Chinese: Composite vs. Dimensional Scoring. August 2008; 2008 Academy of Management Annual Conference, 08/08/2008 - 13/08/2008, Anaheim, United States.

KWAN, Siu On; PAK, S T; CHAO, A; HUI, C H / Attributional style in the Chinese workforce. 2007;

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

Kwan, Siu-on; SUE-CHAN, Christina / The Evolution of Nurturing HRM Undergraduates at City University of Hong Kong. December 2017; Proceedings of 7th Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development in Digital Age (HRM&PD 2017). pp. 44-47

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