People and Research People

People Details

Dr. Terence C.H. CHEUNG


Systems Manager

12-241, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34422303
+852 34420280

Research Areas

Image/Information Retrieval
Image/Video Compression and Coding
Chinese Input Method for Handheld Devices
E-Learning, Mobile Learning, e-Portfolios


Certificate - Big Data and Social Analytics
PhD - Electronic Engineering
BEng - Computer Engineering


Dr Terence Cheung holds a Ph.D. degree and BEng(Hons) Computer Engineering with first class honours from City University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining City University of Hong Kong, he was the Vice-President (Academic) in one of the non-profit making self-finance institutions in Hong Kong. He has over 15 years of teaching experience on Higher Diploma, Associate degree, Bachelor and Master levels. He also led the technical team to develop systems for the institution operations including campus operations, admission, teaching and learning management platform, etc. When teaching in the previous institution, he was awarded the Best Lecturer in two successive academic years 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. Since joined CityU, he was also awarded the CB First Year Teaching Award (Lecture) 2008/09. In 2013, he was awarded the College Teaching Excellence Award 2013 and Department Teaching Excellence Award 2013. When he served the Department of Information Systems at CityU, he was awarded the BBA IS Contribution Awards from IS Department in 2015. Over the years, he gained broad experience on IT project management, programme leadership and administration, and showed his competences on the college administration, development and management. He also served as the program committee member and publicity member for International conferences and symposium, and as a reviewer for various Journals/Conferences. He published over 50 articles in the areas of image/video coding, image/information retrieval system, ePortfolios, and e-Learning. Currently, he is a Systems Manager at the College of Business.

Professional Qualifications

QualificationCertifying Organization
Big Data and Social AnalyticsMassachusetts Institute of Technology
MemberHong Kong Computer Society


Award TitleInstitution
BBA IS Contribution Award 2015City University of Hong Kong
College Teaching Excellence Award 2013City University of Hong Kong
Department IS Teaching Excellence Award 2013City University of Hong Kong
The Best Lecturer, BBA First Year Teaching Excellent Award 2009City University of Hong Kong
The Best Teaching Team, BBA First Year Teaching Excellent Award 2008City University of Hong Kong

Teaching Areas

Digital Marketing, CRM systems, Multimedia Information Processing, Human Computer Interface, Intelligent Systems, Management Information Systems, ERP/CRM, System Analysis and Design, Data Communication and Networking, Operating Systems, Programming.

Teaching Activities (past 2 academic years)

Academic YearLevelTitle
2016-2017Bachelor's DegreeDigital Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
Social Media and Social Networks
2015-2016Bachelor's DegreeDigital Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
Internship I
Internship II
Social Media and Social Networks
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Administrative Assignments

9/2016 - 5/2017Bachelor Degree of Information SystemsProgramme Leader
9/2011 - 5/2017BBA Information ManagementProgramme Leader
9/2008 - 12/2016BBA E-commerceProgramme Leader

Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

Feng, Litong; Po, Lai-Man; Li, Yuming; Xu, Xuyuan; Yuan, Fang; Cheung, Terence Chun-Ho; Cheung, Kwok-Wai / Integration of image quality and motion cues for face anti-spoofing: A neural network approach. July 2016; In: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. Vol. 38, pp. 451-460

Po, L. M.; Wong, C. K.; Cheung, C. H.; Ting, C. W.; Ma, H. C.; Ng, K. H.; Xu, X.; Cheung, K. W. / Radical-stroke-based Chinese input method using dynamic radical keypad on touchscreen smartphones. September 2013; In: HKIE Transactions Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 188-193

Xie, Chun-Lai; Cheung, Chun-Ho; Liu, Wei-Zhong / A novel adjustable multiple cross-hexagonal search algorithm for fast block motion estimation. July 2007; In: Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A. Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 1304-1310

Cheung, Chun-Ho; Po, Lai-Man / Adjustable partial distortion search algorithm for fast block motion estimation. January 2003; In: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 100-110

Cheung, Chun-Ho / A Novel Histogram-biasing Factor for Fast Sorted Histogram-based Measurement in Large Image Database Retrieval System. 2003; In: ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. Vol. 3, pp. 601-604

Wong, Ka-Man; Cheung, Chun-Ho; Liu, Tak-Shing; Po, Lai-Man / Dominant color image retrieval using merged histogram. 2003; In: Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Vol. 2

Conference Papers

Sivakumar, Chitra; KWOK, Ron C.W,; Wong, Clara Choi Ki; Cheung, Terence C.H. / Education cloud maturity code. July 2015; 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015), 05/07/2015 - 09/07/2015, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

CHEUNG, Terence Chun-Ho; SILVA, Thushari; KWOK, Ron Chi-Wai; WANG, Kitty Wan-Ching / Perceived Importance of Portfolios in a Smart CV after an Education Reform: An Empirical Analysis. July 2015; 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015), 05/07/2015 - 09/07/2015, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

CHEUNG, Terence C.H.; KWOK, Ron C. W.; CHEUNG, Hokling / Does Gender Make a Difference? Undergraduate Students' Use of Smart CVs for Careet Planning. January 2015; 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences 2015, 05/01/2015 - 08/01/2015, , United States.

CHEUNG, Terence C.H.; KWOK, Chi Wai, Ron; MARK, Kai Pan / Understanding the usefulness of social and mobile learning applications in a large class-size setting: An empirical analysis. June 2014; EdMedia 2014 – World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 23/06/2014 - 26/06/2014, Tampere, Finland.

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

Po, Lai-Man; Xu, Xuyuan; Li, Yuming; Cheung, Chun-Ho; Cheung, Kwok-Wai; Yuan, Fang / Dynamic ROI based on K-means for remote photoplethysmography. August 2015; ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. Vol. 2015-August, pp. 1310-1314

Feng, Litong; Li, Yuming; Cheung, Kwok-Wai; Cheung, Chun-Ho / Frame adaptive ROI for photoplethysmography signal extraction from fingertip video captured by smartphone. July 2015; Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Vol. 2015-July, pp. 1634-1637

Li, Yuming; Po, Lai-Man; Xu, Xuyuan; Feng, Litong; Yuan, Fang; Cheung, Chun-Ho; Cheung, Kwok-Wai / No-reference image quality assessment using shearlet transform and stacked autoencoders. July 2015; Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Vol. 2015-July, pp. 1594-1597

Feng, Litong; Po, Lai-Man; Xu, Xuyuan; Ng, Ka-Ho; Cheung, Chun-Ho; Cheung, Kwok-Wai / An adaptive background biased depth map hole-filling method for Kinect. 2013; IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference). pp. 2366-2371

Xu, Xuyuan; Po, Lai-Man; Cheung, Kwok-Wai; Feng, Litong; Cheung, Chun-Ho / Watershed based depth map misalignment correction and foreground biased dilation for DIBR view synthesis. 2013; 2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2013 - Proceedings. pp. 3152-3156

Cheung, Terence Chun-Ho; Kwok, Ron Chi-Wai; Cheung, Hokling / E-Portfolio service for undergraduates' academic and career development. 2012; Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 1st International Conference on Services Economics, SE 2012. pp. 66-67

Cheung, Chun-Ho; Po, Lai-Man / A novel small-cross-diamond search algorithm for fast video coding and videoconferencing applications. 2002; IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 1, pp. I/681-I/684

Wong, Ka-Man; Cheung, Chun-Ho; Po, Lai-Man / Merged-color histogram for color image retrieval. 2002; IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 3, pp. III/949-III/952

Cheung, Chun-Ho; Po, Lai-Man / A fast block motion estimation using progressive partial distortion search. 2001; Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing, ISIMP 2001. pp. 506-509

Cheung, C. H.; Po, L. M. / Generalized partial distortion search algorithm for block-matching motion estimation. 2001; IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 3, pp. 510-513

Po, Lai-Man; Cheung, Chun-Ho; Wong, Ka-Man / Super Abacus: A Beowulf class parallel computer for multimedia signal processing research. 2001; Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing, ISIMP 2001. pp. 162-165

Cheung, Chun-Ho; Po, Lai-Man; Wong, Ka-Man / Web-based Beowulf-class parallel computing on image database indexing and retrieval system. 2001; Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing, ISIMP 2001. pp. 457-460

Wang, Sheung-Yeung; Cheung, Chun-Ho; Cheung, Kwok-Wai; Po, Lai-Man / Lossless wavelet coder with adaptive orientational prediction. September 1999; Proceedings of IEEE - IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 99): "Multimedia Technology for Asia-Pacific Information Infrastructure" . Vol. II, pp. 135-137

Cheung, Chun Ho; Wang, Sheung Yeung; Cheung, Kwok Wai; Po, Lai Man / Embedded lossless wavelet coder using multi-partitioning algorithm with bit-trunking. 1999; IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 4, pp. 44-47

Cheung, Kwok Wai; Cheung, Chun Ho; Po, Lai Man / Novel multiwavelet-based integer transform for lossless image coding. 1999; IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 1, pp. 444-447

Wang, Sheung Yeung; Cheung, Chun Ho; Cheung, Kwok Wai; Po, Lai Man / Successive partition zero coder for embedded lossless wavelet-based image coding. 1999; IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 4, pp. 40-43

Cheung, Chun Ho; Po, Lai Man / Text-driven automatic frame generation using MPEG-4 Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Coding for 2-D head-and-shoulder scene. 1997; IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 2, pp. 69-72

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