People and Research People

People Details

Prof. Becky KWAN


Adjunct Professor

M8083, R R S Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34429781
+852 34420288

Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

Chan, Thomas Hon Tung; Kwan, Becky Siu Chu / Citation content in literature review sections of research articles: A cross-paradigm comparison of design science and interpretivist research in information systems. January 2024; In: English for Specific Purposes. Vol. 73, pp. 1-19

Hafner, Christoph A.; Harrison, Simon ; Ho, Wing Yee Jenifer; Kwan, Becky S.C. / Digital mediation in ESP genres. July 2023; In: English for Specific Purposes. Vol. 71, pp. 115-122

Kwan, Becky S. C. / Formulating the direction of a study: Variations across three epistemological traditions in Information Systems. March 2022; In: Iberica. Vol. 2021, No. 42, pp. 191-218

Kwan , Becky S. C. / Nature of disciplinarity: What do discipline-specific studies of research articles need to consider?. August 2021; In: Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 62–80

Ngai, Cindy Sing Bik; Singh, Rita Gill; Kwan, Becky Siu Chu / A comparative study of the linguistic manifestations of intertextuality in corporate leaders’ messages of global corporations in the US and China. October 2020; In: English for Specific Purposes. Vol. 60, pp. 65-84

Kwan, Becky / Formulating the direction of a study: The case of action research in Tourism and Hospitality. January 2020; In: LSPPC News. No. 2, pp. 14-19

Kwan, Becky S.C. / A cross-paradigm macro-structure analysis of research articles in Information Systems. January 2017; In: English for Specific Purposes. Vol. 45, pp. 14-30

Kwan, Becky Siu Chu / Facilitating novice researchers in project publishing during the doctoral years and beyond: A Hong Kong-based study. March 2013; In: Studies in Higher Education. Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 207-225

Kwan, Becky S.C.; Chan, Hang; Lam, Colin / Evaluating prior scholarship in literature reviews of research articles: A comparative study of practices in two research paradigms. July 2012; In: English for Specific Purposes. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 188-201

Kwan, Becky S.C. / Reading in preparation for writing a PhD thesis: Case studies of experiences. September 2009; In: Journal of English for Academic Purposes. Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 180-191

Kwan, Becky Siu Chu / An investigation of instruction in research publishing offered in doctoral programs: The Hong Kong case. January 2009; In: Higher Education. Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 55-68

Kwan, Becky S.C. / The schematic structure of literature reviews in doctoral theses of applied linguistics. 2006; In: English for Specific Purposes. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 30-55

LIN, Mei Yi Angel; KWAN, Becky / The Dilemmas of Modern Working Women in Hong Kong: Women’s Use of Korean TV Dramas.. 2005; In: Asian Communication Research. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 23-42

LIN, Mei Yi Angel; KWAN, Becky; Cheung, Ming / The Dilemmas of (Modern) Working Women in (Post-)Confucianist Asia: Women's Use of Korean TV Drammas. May 2004; In: Korean Broadcasting Institute. Vol. 11, pp. 121-174

CHAN, Alice Yin Wa; LI, Chor Shing David; KWAN, Becky / Misplacement and misuse of very: helping students overcome the very + VERB problem.. July 2003; In: The English Teacher: An International Journal. Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 125-132

KWAN, Becky; CHAN, Alice Yin Wa; LI, Chor Shing David / ‘According to X, X said…’ A consciousness-raising approach to helping Cantonese speakers overcome problems in topic-comment structures.. June 2003; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Language in Education . Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 87-94

CHAN, Alice Yin Wa; KWAN, Becky; LI, Chor Shing David / Tackling the “independent clause as subject” problem. March 2003; In: Asian Journal of English Language Teaching . Vol. 13 , pp. 107-117

CHAN, Alice Yin Wa; KWAN, Becky; LI, Chor Shing David / An Algorithmic Approach to Error Correction: Correcting Three Common Errors at Different Levels. November 2002; In: JALT Journal. Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 201-216

CHAN, Alice Yin Wa; KWAN, Becky; LI, Chor Shing David / Helping Students Overcome the somewhere has something Problem. June 2002; In: Guidelines. Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 14-18

Conference Papers

KWAN, Becky; SUN, Tongle / Narratives of negotiating the article-compilation thesis in Social Sciences and Humanities: A Hong Kong-based case study. June 2023; 21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE2023) and 7th Conference of the Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association (LSPPC7), 27/06/2023 - 30/06/2023, Zaragoza, Spain.

Kwan, Becky; Sun, Tongle / Characterising research projects presented in article-compilation theses: A Hong Kong-based study. September 2022; 3rd International English for Academic and English for Specific Purposes Conference (EAP & ESP 2022), 15/09/2022 - 18/09/2022, Crete, Greece.

Kwan, Becky / Disciplinarity in Discipline-Specific Studies of the Research Article (RA): Some Implications for RA Researchers. June 2021; 6th International Conference of Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association (LSPPC6), 03/06/2021 - 05/06/2021, Hong Kong, China.

Kwan, Becky S.C. / Instructional strategies to help novice writers develop authorial control of source use in Literature Reviews. May 2021; The CEAPA - BALEAP 2021 International Conference 暨第七届中国术英语教学研究年会, 28/05/2021 - 30/05/2021, Suzhou, China.

Kwan, Becky / ENGAGING SOURCE IDEAS TO DISCUSS RESULTS: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE ARTICLES . March 2019; 54th RELC International Conference & 5th Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association Conference, 11/03/2019 - 13/03/2019, , Singapore. pp. 64

Kwan, Becky S.C. / Source use in Results sections in qualitative research articles of two disciplines. March 2019; 8th English for Academic Purposes Conference, 09/03/2019 - , St. Andrews, United Kingdom.

Kwan, Becky S.C. / Formulating the Direction of a Study: the case of action research in hospitality and tourism. June 2018; 16th Asia TEFL, 1st MAAL & 6th HAAL 2018 International Conference, 27/06/2018 - 29/06/2018, , Macao.

Kwan, Becky / Macro-structures of action research articles: Old bottles for new wine?. June 2018; 12th Annual Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes Conference, NFEAP Conference 2018, 07/06/2018 - 08/06/2018, Oslo, Norway.

Kwan, Becky S C; Chan, Thomas / Presenting the direction of a study in research articles: Would the paradigm and the section matter?. December 2017; International Conference on ESP, New Technologies and Digital Learning, 07/12/2017 - 09/12/2017, , Hong Kong.

CHAN, Thomas; KWAN, Becky / A cross-paradigm comparison of interactional metadiscourse in research article introductions. June 2017; CAES International Conference: Faces of English 2, 01/06/2017 - 03/06/2017, , Hong Kong.

KWAN, Becky / Source use in the Results section of interpretivist research writing. June 2017; CAES International Conference: Faces of English 2, 01/06/2017 - 03/06/2017, , Hong Kong.

KWAN, Becky S.C.; CHAN, Thomas / A cross-paradigm analysis of macro-structures of research articles in an applied social discipline: In search of pedagogical and research implications. December 2016; The 11th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level , 09/12/2016 - 10/12/2016, , Hong Kong.

Corrigan, Paul; King, James; Kwan, Becky / Using Repeated Readings with International Teaching Assistants. December 2016; 8th International Conference on Learning, Education and Pedagogy (LEAP), 18/12/2016 - 19/12/2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

KWAN, Becky / Epistemological heterogeneity in the disciplines: Implications for instruction in research writing. October 2016; The 2016 International Conference and Workshop on English for Specific Purposes, 27/10/2016 - 29/10/2016, Tainan, Taiwan.

KWAN, Becky / An ethnographic approach to designing instruction in discipline-specific research writing: Stories from a university in Hong Kong. June 2016; 2016 ETAK & KICE Joint International Conference Theme: English Education in the Muticultural Era, 11/06/2016 - , Daegu, Korea, Republic of. pp. 33-44

KWAN, Becky / Linguistic realizations of announcement of research direction in article introductions: A comparative study of three epistemological traditions in Information Systems. May 2016; The 3rd ESBB (English Scholars Beyond Borders) Conference -- Crossing borders in English Teaching and Learning: Publishing and Academic Study, 19/05/2016 - 22/05/2016, Taichung, Taiwan.

KWAN, Becky / A cross-paradigm move analysis of the Methodology sections in behavioural science and design science research articles in Information Systems. May 2015; Writing for scholarly publication: A 2-day symposium, 22/05/2015 - 23/05/2015, , China.

KWAN, Becky / An auto-narrative of developing a course for students of Doctor of Business Administration: Implications for designing instruction in scholarly writing in the disciplines. October 2014; 2014 Cross-Straits International Conference on English for Specific Purposes (ESP), 03/10/2014 - 05/10/2014, , Taiwan.

KWAN, Becky / When results mean research actions: An analysis of the methodology and results sections of the design science research articles of Information Systems. August 2014; 17th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics, AILA 2014, 10/08/2014 - 15/08/2014, Brisbane, Australia.

KWAN, Becky / Behavioural science research vs design science research: A comparative format analysis of research articles of two distinct paradigms in Information Systems. May 2014; 2014 Hwa Kang Conference on English Language & Literature., 03/05/2014 - 03/05/2014, , Taiwan.

KWAN, Becky / When results mean research actions: An analysis of the methodology and results sections of the design science research articles of Information Systems. May 2013; 2013 International Conference of Applied Foreign Languages, 23/05/2013 - 24/05/2013, , Taiwan.

KWAN, Becky / An analysis of the rhetorical structures of the methodology sections in research articles of Information Systems. March 2013; 2013 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, 08/03/2013 - 09/03/2013, , Taiwan.

KWAN, Becky; LAM, Colin / Profiling the textual properties of problematic source use in literature reviews by Chinese doctoral students: Implications for citation instruction. June 2012; Genre 2012: Rethinking genre 20 years later, 25/06/2012 - 29/06/2012, Ottawa, Canada.

KWAN, Becky; CHAN, Hang; LAM, Colin / A pedagogically-motivated study of engagement of prior scholarship in the results, discussion and conclusion sections of research articles. October 2011; 7th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level, 13/10/2011 - 14/10/2011, , China.

KWAN, Becky / A study of the propositional contents of citations in research articles of Information Systems: A cross-journal and cross-sectional analysis. August 2011; 16 World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 23/08/2011 - 28/08/2011, Beijing, China.

KWAN, Becky / An analysis of evaluations of prior scholarships in research articles of two sub-fields of Information Systems. June 2011; Genre Variation in Academic Communication: Emerging Trends and Disciplinary Insights, 23/06/2011 - 25/06/2011, Bergamo, Italy.

KWAN, Becky / Stories of learning to publish in two disciplines. June 2011; Symposium for Second Language Writing: Witing for Scholarly Publication: Beyond "Publish or Perish", 09/06/2011 - 11/06/2011, Taipei, Taiwan.

KWAN, Becky / Citations in research articles of Information Systems: A cross-journal and cross sectional analysis. December 2010; 15th English in South East Asia Conference, 09/12/2010 - 11/12/2010, Macau, Macao.

KWAN, Becky / Teaching advanced English citation practices to students of specific disciplines: From investigation to materials design. July 2010; 2010 KATE International Conference Proceedings, 02/07/2010 - 03/07/2010, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.

KWAN, Becky / Towards a model of publishing competence. March 2010; Annual Faculty Symposium: From Research to Publication, 17/03/2010 - 17/03/2010, , Thailand.

Careless, David; Gao, Andy Xuesong; KWAN, Becky / Getting published: Multiple voices. December 2009; 3rd HAAL Research Forum, 12/12/2009 - 12/12/2009, , China.

KWAN, Becky; CHAN, Hang / Producing concordanced materials for learning move-specific language of the CARS model. October 2009; 5th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level, 16/10/2009 - 17/10/2009, , Hong Kong.

KWAN, Becky / Publishing research in international journals: What types of coaching do doctoral students in Hong Kong receive from their supervisors?. July 2009; International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 06/07/2009 - 08/07/2009, Barcelona, Spain.

KWAN, Becky / A Corpus-based Study of Citation Patterns in Research Articles of Two Journals in Information Systems. July 2009; 11th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2009), 04/07/2009 - 05/07/2009, Tokyo, Japan.

KWAN, Becky / A corpus-based study of citation patterns in research articles of two journals in information systems. May 2009; 4th Chinese/English as a Second Language Conference on Reading and Writing Instruction (C/ESL 2009), 16/05/2009 - 17/05/2009, Jhnogli, Taiwan.

KWAN, Becky / Publishing theses-in-progress: Stories of Four Doctoral Students. December 2008; 13th International Conference on English in South East Asia (ESEA 2008), 04/12/2008 - 06/12/2008, , Singapore.

KWAN, Becky / Genre awareness and writing instruction. January 2008; International Conference on Responding to Change: Flexibility in the Delivery of Language Programmes, 07/01/2008 - 11/01/2008, , China.

KWAN, Becky / An investigation into the preparation of future faculty for publishing in international journals: The Hong Kong case. September 2007; 2007 Symposium on Second Language Writing, 15/09/2007 - 17/09/2007, Nagoya, Japan.

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

Kwan, Becky S. C.; Singh, Rita Gill; Ngai, Cindy S. B. / Negotiating Role Dynamics in a Mentoring Project for A Scholarly Publication: A Trioethnography. May 2024; Narratives and Practices of Mentorship in Scholarly Publication. pp. 65-81

Kwan, Becky / Source use in the Methodology section of research articles: The case of Tourism and Hospitality. December 2018; 2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum (EAC 2018) - Program Book. pp. 37

Kwan, Becky S. C. / Communities in studies of discursive practices and discursive practices in communities. February 2014; The Routledge Handbook of Language and Professional Communication. pp. 443-460

KWAN, Becky / Preparing the non-native English speaking future faculty for publishing in international journals: What should doctoral education consider?. July 2008; Proceedings of the 2008 KATE International Conference: Incorporating Global issues in English Education: Contents, Methods, and Materials. pp. 213-215

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