People and Research People

People Details

Prof. FENG Guanhao Gavin


Associate Professor

7-239, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34428346
+852 34420189


PhD - Econometrics and Statistics (University of Chicago)


Guanhao Feng focuses on developing methodological solutions, including machine learning, Bayesian statistics, and financial econometrics, to address big data challenges in empirical asset pricing. His work has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Econometrics, and International Economic Review. He is the principal investigator for various external research grants, such as the HKRGC ECS and GRF grants, and the NSFC youth science fund. Gavin's research has been acknowledged by practitioners, receiving research awards from INQUIRE Europe, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research, and the AQR Insight Award.


Award TitleInstitution
Best paper award2024 China Fintech Research Conference
2024 IQAM 3rd Research PrizeIQAM Research institute
HKIMR Open-bid Applied Research Programme AwardHong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research
2022 INQUIRE Europe Research Grant AwardINQUIRE Europe
PwC 3535 Finance Forum Annual Best Paper AwardPwC Mainland China & Hong Kong
Crowell 2nd Research Prize PanAgora Asset Management
2019 INQUIRE Europe Research Grant AwardINQUIRE Europe
AQR Insight Award, First PrizeAQR Capital Management
Unigestion Alternative Risk Premia Research Grant AwardParis-Dauphine House of Finance
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Research Grants

PI: "Time-Varying Coefficient Modeling for Factor Selection in Asset Pricing", General Research Fund - HKRGC, (2024-2026), Guanhao Feng, Jiangshan Yang

co-PI: "Estimating and Testing Time Variation Modeling Misspecification", General Research Fund - HKRGC, (2024-2026), Liyuan Cui

co-PI: "Regression Tree for Portfolio Optimization and Imbalanced Data", General Research Fund - HKRGC, (2023-2025), Jingyu He, Xin He

PI: "Capital Market Opening and Risk Management: Evidence from Mainland-Hong Kong Stock Connect", Youth Scientists Fund - NSFC, (2023-2025), Guanhao Feng

PI: "Textual Analysis of Corporate Bond Market", General Research Fund - HKRGC, (2022-2024), Guanhao Feng, Junbo Wang, Xin He

PI: "A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach in Asset Pricing", Strategic Research Grant - CityUHK, (2020-2022), Guanhao Feng

PI: "A Deep-Learning Approach in Asset-Pricing Anomalies", Early Career Scheme - HKRGC, (2019-2021), Guanhao Feng

PI: "Factor Investing: Hierarchical Ensemble Learning", Strategic Research Grant - CityUHK, (2019-2021), Guanhao Feng

PI: "Data Science in Marketing", Start-up Grant - CityUHK, (2018-2020), Guanhao Feng

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Teaching Activities (current academic year)

Academic YearLevelTitle
2024-2025Postgraduate DegreeStatistical Data Analysis

Administrative Assignments

2020 - 2023MSc in Business Data AnalyticsProgramme Leader
2019 - 2020BSc Computational Finance and Financial TechnologyDeputy Programme Leader

Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

Feng, Guanhao; He, Xin; Wang, Yanchu; Wu, Chunchi / Predicting individual corporate bond returns. February 2025; In: Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 171

Feng, Guanhao; He, Jingyu; Polson, Nick G.; Xu, Jianeng / Deep Learning in Characteristics-Sorted Factor Models. November 2024; In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Vol. 59, No. 7, pp. 3001-3036

CUI, Liyuan; FENG, Guanhao; HONG, Yongmiao / Regularized GMM for Time-Varying Models with Applications to Asset Pricing. May 2024; In: International Economic Review. Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 851-883

Feng, Guanhao; He, Jingyu / Factor investing: A Bayesian hierarchical approach. September 2022; In: Journal of Econometrics. Vol. 230, No. 1, pp. 183-200

FENG, Guanhao; GIGLIO, Stefano; XIU, Dacheng / Taming the Factor Zoo: A Test of New Factors. June 2020; In: The Journal of Finance. Vol. 75, No. 3, pp. 1327-1370

Working Papers

Feng, Guanhao; He, Jingyu; Li, Junye; Sarno, Lucio; Zhang, Qianshu / Currency Return Dynamics: What Is the Role of U.S. Macroeconomic Regimes?. July 2024;

Cong, William Lin; Feng, Guanhao; He, Jingyu; Wang, Yuanzhi / Mosaics of Predictability. February 2024;

Cui, Liyuan; Feng, Guanhao; Hong, Yongmiao; Yang, Jiangshan / Time-Varying Factor Selection: A Sparse Fused GMM Approach. August 2023;

Feng, Guanhao; Lan, Wei; Wang, Hansheng; Zhang, Jun / Anomaly or Risk Factor? A Stepwise Evaluation. July 2023;

Cong, Lin William; Feng, Guanhao; He, Jingyu; Li, Junye / Uncommon Factors for Bayesian Asset Clusters. September 2022;

Feng, Guanhao; Jiang, Liang; Li, Junye; Song, Yizhi / Deep Tangency Portfolios. March 2022;

Cong, Lin William; Feng, Guanhao; He, Jingyu; He, Xin / Growing the Efficient Frontier on Panel Trees. October 2021;

He, Xin; Feng, Guanhao; Wang, Junbo; Wu, Chunchi / Corporate Bond Pricing via Benchmark Combination Model. October 2021;

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