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People Details

Prof. HUANG Hanwei


Assistant Professor

10-282, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34425840
Public CV

Research Areas

International Trade
Economic Development
Industrial Organization
Economic History


PhD - Economics (London School of Economics)
Mres - Economics (London School of Economics)
Msc - Economics (Tsinghua University)
BSc - Mathematics and Physics (Tsinghua University)


I am an Assistant Professor at the City University of Hong Kong and a Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance. I got my Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics in 2018. During 2018-2019, I was a postdoctoral research associate at the UCL Department of Economics. My main research interests are international trade, economic development, industrial organization, and economic history.

Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

葛淳棉; 陈倚倩; 陈骁; 黄汉伟 / 中国高校毕业生空间流动的量化分析: 来自简历大数据的证据. January 2024; In: 管理科学学报.

Ge, Chunmian; Huang, Hanwei; Wang, Zhiqiang; Jiang, Junhui; Liu, Chang / Working from Home and Firm Resilience to the COVID-19 Pandemic. April 2023; In: Journal of Operations Management. Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 450-476

DHINGRA, Swati; FREEMAN, Rebecca; HUANG, Hanwei / The Impact of Non-tariff Barriers on Trade and Welfare. January 2023; In: Economica. Vol. 90, No. 357, pp. 140-177

Chen, Xiao; Huang, Hanwei; Ju, Jiandong; Sun, Ruoyan; Zhang, Jialiang / Impact of vaccination on the COVID-19 pandemic in U.S. states. January 2022; In: Scientific Reports. Vol. 12

Dhingra, Swati; Huang, Hanwei; Ottaviano, Gianmarco; Pessoa, João Paulo; Sampson, Thomas; Van Reenen, John / The costs and benefits of leaving the EU: trade effects. October 2017; In: Economic Policy. Vol. 32, No. 92, pp. 651-705

Working Papers

Huang, Hanwei; Ju, Jiandong; Yue, Vivian / Accounting for the Evolution of China's Production and Trade Patterns. May 2024; NBER working paper.

Chen, Xiao; Huang, Hanwei; Ju, Jiandong; Sun, Ruoyan; Zhang, Jialiang / Endogenous mobility in pandemics: Theory and evidence from the United States. February 2024; CEP Discussion Paper.

Huang, Hanwei; Ottaviano, Gianmarco I.P. / Rethinking revealed comparative advantage with micro and macro data. November 2023; CEP Discussion Paper.

Huang, Hanwei; SENGA, Tatsuro; THOMAS, Catherine; ZHANG, Hongyong / Economic Disintegration and Multinational Production: Evidence from Brexit. June 2023; RIETI Discussion Paper Series.

Chen, Xiao; Huang, Hanwei; Ju, Jiandong; Sun, Ruoyan; Zhang, Jialiang / Endogenous Cross-Region Human Mobility and Pandemics. June 2022;

Huang, Hanwei; Sampson, Thomas; Schneider, Patrick / Disunited Kingdom? Brexit, Trade and Scottish Independence. February 2021; CEP BREXIT ANALYSIS.

Dhingra, Swati; Freeman, Rebecca; Huang, Hanwei / The impact of non-tariff barriers on trade and welfare. January 2021; CEP Discussion Paper.

Fang, Hanming; Ge, Chunmian; Huang, Hanwei; Li, Hongbin / Pandemics, Global Supply Chains, and Local Labor Demand: Evidence from 100 Million Posted Jobs in China. November 2020; NBER working paper.

Huang, Hanwei; Ju, Jiandong; Yue, Vivian Z. / Structural adjustments and international trade: theory and evidence from China. November 2017; CEP Discussion Paper.

Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case Studies

Bevington, Matt ; Huang, Hanwei; Menon, Anand; Portes, Jonathan; Rutter, Jill; Sampson, Thomas / The Economic Impact of Boris Johnson's Brexit Proposals. October 2019;

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