Prof. Henry Ko Hok-han is the Honorary Chairman and a founding member of Flexport Asia, where he also served as Managing Director since its inception.
He has held various senior leadership roles at prominent multinational companies, including DHL, Li & Fung, and SF Express. In addition to his corporate experience, Prof. Ko is dedicated to community service, offering advice to organizations such as the HKTDC, educational institutions, and government agencies. He has been appointed by the Education Bureau of the HKSAR to the Logistics Industry Training Advisory Committee and as the Convener of its Promotion and Consultation Sub-Committee. Additionally, he has been designated by the Transport and Logistics Bureau of the HKSAR to sit on the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council and as the Vice- chairman of its Industry Development sub-committee.
Prof. Ko holds a BBA (Hons) in Quantitative Analysis for Business, an EMBA, and a Juris Doctor from the City University of Hong Kong. He is a Chartered Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Logistics (FCILT). Additionally, he serves as an Adjunct Professor at Global EMBA Program and the Department of Decision Analytic and Operations, and is a member of the College of Business Internationalization Advisory Board at the City University of Hong Kong. In 2022, he was honored as one of Forbes China's Global Top 100 Outstanding Chinese.
高學亨教授目前擔任 Flexport Asia (飛協博亞洲) 榮譽主席。高教授於2016年加入Flexport飛協博作為Flexport飛協博亞洲的創始成員兼董事總經理。
高教授擁有香港城市大學的工商管理(工商數量分析)) 榮譽學士學位、高級管理人員工商管理碩士學位(EMBA)及法律博士學位。他亦是香港運輸及物流學會院士(FCILT),並擔任香港城市大學 Global EMBA 課程及決策分析與運營學系的特聘教授,同時被任命為商學院國際顧問委員會成員。2022年,他被福布斯中國評選為全球華人精英百強之一。