People and Research People

People Details

Prof. SIA Choon Ling


Associate Dean (Research and Faculty)

6-269, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34426649
+852 34420489

Research Areas

Electronic Commerce
Knowledge Management
Distributed Work Arrangements
Virtual Organizations
Team Support Systems
Green IS & Sustainability
Systems Analysis and Design


PhD - Information Systems (Group Support Systems) (National University of Singapore)


Choon Ling Sia is Professor at the City University of Hong Kong and AIS Fellow (2015). He received his Ph.D. degree from the National University of Singapore. He is Director of Center of Social Media Marketing and Business Intelligence at the City University of Hong Kong. He is serving, or has served, on the editorial boards of MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of the AIS, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Global Information Management, Information and Management, and Journal of Database Management. His research interests include electronic commerce, social media, cross-cultural issues in information systems, knowledge management, distributed work arrangements, and computer-mediated communication. His research work has been published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of International Business Studies, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Information and Management, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Internet Research, Information and Software Technology, International Journal of Information Management, among others.


Award TitleInstitution
AIS FellowAssociation for Information Systems (AIS)

Teaching Areas

Management Information Systems and Electronic Commerce

Information Systems Construction

Social Science Research Methods

Research Grants

PI: "Center for Social Media Marketing and Business Intelligence", Interdisciplinary Fund - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$2,500,000 (2012-2015), Choon Ling Sia, Yer Van Hui, Jeff Jianfeng Wang

PI: "Recommendation Agents: Impact of Recommendation Source and Timing on Consumer Decisions", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$180,000 (2012-2014), Choon Ling Sia, Chuan Hoo Tan, Amy Yani Shi

PI: "A Study of Web Strategies for Ingrouping of Outgroup Endorsers in Online Webstores", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$124,416 (2010-2012), Choon Ling Sia, Chuan Hoo Tan

PI: "Online Review Credibility from an Elaboration-Likelihood Perspective", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$180,000 (2008-2010), Sia Choon Ling, Cheung Man Yee Cindy, Kuan Kam-yung Kevin

PI: "Knowledge Sourcing Across Cultures: Impacts of Formality of Knowledge Sources and Equivocality", Competitive Earmarked Research Grant - Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Amount: HK$ 534,390.00 (2008-2009), Sia Choon Ling

PI: "Getting to Know Websites through Uncertainty Reduction Strategies: Which Strategies are Used More, and Which are Better? An Empirical Study of First-time Visitors", Competitive Earmarked Research Grant - Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Amount: HK$575,174.00 (2005-2006), Sia Choon Ling

PI: "Web Strategies to Build Trust in the Digital Economy: Are They Equally Effective for Initial Versus Ongoing Buying Relationships?", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$174,200 (2004-2006), Sia Choon Ling

PI: "Web Strategies to Build Trust in the Digital Economy: Gaining Insights on the Effects of Customer Endorsement Messages ", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, (2002-2004), Sia Choon Ling

PI: "Working in the New Millennium: A Study of Executives’ Predispositions to Adopt Virtual Work Environments ", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$200,000 (2001-2003), Sia Choon Ling

PI: "Organizational Predisposition towards Distributed Work Arrangements: Exploring the Effects of the Environment, Risk Perceptions and Organizational Culture ", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$166,140 (1999-2001), Sia Choon Ling

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Administrative Assignments

7/2012 - NowCenter for Social Media Marketing and Business IntelligenceDirector
2011 - 2013Department Performance Appraisal Committee (DPAC)Member
2006 - 2013Departmental Staffing Committee (DSC)Member
12/2010 - 11/2012College Academic Conduct CommitteeMember
2009 - 2012DepartmentAssociate Head
2009 - 2012BBA Marketing Information Management (MIM)Program Leader
8/2011First-Year Teaching Excellence Award CommitteePanel Judge
2006 - 2009Programme Planning Team for BBA Marketing Information ManagementMember
2004 - 2008Departmental Student Exchange AdvisorAdvisor
2004 - 2008Departmental Supplemental Instruction CoordinatorCoordinator
2005 - 2006Programme Planning Team of DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) Programme
2005 - 2006Departmental Staffing Committee (Pay Raise Review)Member
2004 - 2006Departmental Student Mentorship Program CoordinatorCoordinator
2004MSc Electronic Commerce programPanel Member
2004Departmental TLQPR (Teaching and Learning Quality Process Review) Coordinator for Research Postgraduate EducationCoordinator
2002MSc Electronic CommercePanel Member
2000MAIS (eBusiness) Program Planning TeamMember
2000BBA (eCommerce) Program Planning TeamMember
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Consultancy Experience and Executive Training

1/2009 - NowClarkson University, School of BusinessExternal Assessor for Tenure and Promotion
4/2008Agency for Science, Research & Technology (A*STAR)Grant Reviewer
5/2007National Research Foundation of Singapore Grant Reviewer

Professional Activities

PeriodClientCountry / RegionRole
2013ICIS 2013United States of AmericaTrack Chair, Human-Computer Interaction Track
5/2011 - 5/2012Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing-Honorary Advisor
1/2009 - 12/2010Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems Executive Committee-Secretary
2009Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2009, Hyderabad India-Track Co-Chair
9/200814th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2008)United States of AmericaProgram Committee
2008Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2008ChinaDoctoral Consortium Co-Chair
2008International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2008)FranceAssociate Editor,
2008AMIGE 2008, IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Global EnterprisesChinaTrack Co-Chair
20072nd International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM’07)AustraliaProgramme Committee
2007International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2007)CanadaAssociate Editor, “Global Information Technology Issues” Track
200713th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2007)ArgentinaProgram Committee
2007Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2007)New ZealandTrack Co-Chair, "Decision, Collaborative & Open Source Technologies” Track
2006International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2006)United States of AmericaAssociate Editor, “Global IT Management” Track
2006Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2006)MalaysiaPanels and Tutorials Co-Chair
2006First International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM'06)ChinaProgram Committee
200612th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2006)SpainProgram Committee
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External Academic Activities

PeriodOrganizerCountry / RegionRole
2017 - NowInformation Systems ResearchUnited States of AmericaAssociate Editor
1/2011 - NowJournal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS) United States of AmericaSenior Editor
2008 - NowHong Kong Polytechnic University-External Examiner of DBA Theses
2002 - NowJournal of Database Management, Published by Idea Group PublishingUnited States of AmericaMember of Editorial Board
2000 - NowInformation & Management, Published by Elsevier ScienceNorth-HollandMember of Editorial Board
3/2012 - 6/2016Journal of Global Information ManagementUnited States of AmericaEditor-in-Chief
2012 - 2014Lingnan University, Department of Computing and Decision Sciences-Department Academic Adviser
5/2010 - 7/2013IEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementUnited States of AmericaMember of Editorial Board
4/2010 - 3/2013Open University of Hong KongChina (Hong Kong)External Examiner
2010 - 2013Open University of Hong Kong-External Examiner
4/2009 - 12/2010Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS)United States of AmericaMember of Editorial Board
8/2010 - 9/2010Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina (Hong Kong)External Examiner (DBA Thesis - Mr Tony Yip)
2008Nanyang Technological UniversitySingaporeExternal Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2008Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina (Hong Kong)External Examiner (DBA Thesis)
2005 - 2008MIS Quarterly, Published by The Management Information Systems Research Center at the University of Minnesota and The Association for Information SystemsUnited States of AmericaAssociate Editor
2007The Open University of Hong KongChina (Hong Kong)External Programme Assessor for Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Business Information Systems
2007Hong Kong University of Science and Technology China (Hong Kong)External Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2006Nanyang Technological UniversitySingaporeExternal Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2006The Open University of Hong KongChina (Hong Kong)External Programme Assessor for Master of Electronic Commerce, Bachelor of Electronic Commerce with Honours, Bachelor of Electronic Commerce, Associate of Electronic Commerce
2006American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2006)Mexicoprogram committee
2005Deakin UniversityAustraliaExternal Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2005Nanyang Technological UniversitySingaporeExternal Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2005The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina (Hong Kong)External Examiner (MPhil Thesis)
2005The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)Bangkok/ThailandTrack Co-Chair of “Social or Cultural Issues in IT”
2004The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina (Hong Kong)External Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2004International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)USA/Washington DCAssociate Editor of “Information Systems Innovation, Usage & Impacts” Track
2004The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)China/ShanghaiTrack Chair of “Knowledge Management and e-Learning”
2002International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)Spain/BarcelonaAssociate Editor of “Innovation, Strategy and Change” Track
2002The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)Japan/TokyoMember of Program Committee
2002The International Conference on E-Business (ICEB)China/BeijingMember of Program Committee
2001The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)Korea/SeoulMember of Program Committee
2000Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2000)USA/CaliforniaCo-chair, Mini Track on “Adoption and Diffusion of Electronic Commerce”
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Journal Publications and Reviews

Wu, Tailai; Peng, Chih-Hung; Sia, Choon Ling; Lu, Yaobin / Website Localization Strategies to Promote Global E-Commerce: The Moderating Role of Individualism and Collectivism. March 2024; In: MIS Quarterly. Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 31-66

Tong, Yu; Tan, Chuan-Hoo; Sia, Choon Ling; Shi, Yani; Teo, Hock-Hai / Rural–Urban Healthcare Access Inequality Challenge: Transformative Roles of Information Technology. December 2022; In: MIS Quarterly. Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 1937-1982

Li, Jingwei; Huang, Wei; Sia, Choon Ling; Chen, Zhuo; Wu, Tailai; Wang, Qingnan / Enhancing COVID-19 Epidemic Forecasting Accuracy by Combining Real-time and Historical Data from Multiple Internet-Based Sources: Analysis of Social Media Data, Online News Articles, and Search Queries. June 2022; In: JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. Vol. 8, No. 6

Lee, Yi-Chen; Shen, Bo-Chun; Sia, Choon Ling / Bringing Credibility Through Portals: Examining the Multiple Information Sources on Information Quality and Credibility. 2022; In: Journal of Database Management. Vol. 33, No. 1

Jiang, Qiqi; Tan, Chuan-Hoo; Sia, Choon Ling; Wei, Kwok-Kee / FOLLOWERSHIP IN AN OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE PROJECT AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN CODE REUSE. December 2019; In: MIS Quarterly. Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 1303-1319

Yang, Xue; Wang, Xinwei; Yue, Wei Thoo; Sia, Choon Ling; Luo, Xin(Robert) / Security Policy Opt-in Decisions in Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) – A Persuasion and Cognitive Elaboration Perspective. July 2019; In: Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce. Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 274–293

Oh, Wonseok; Acquisti, Alessandro; Sia, Choon Ling / ICT Challenges and Opportunities in Building a “Bright Society”. February 2018; In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 58-62

Luo, Chuan; Luo, Xin (Robert); Xu, Yun; Warkentin, Merrill; Sia, Choon Ling / Examining the moderating role of sense of membership in online review evaluations. April 2015; In: Information & Management. Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 305-316

Wang, Quansheng; Yang, Xue; Song, Peijian; Sia, Choon Ling / Consumer segmentation analysis of multichannel and multistage consumption: A latent class MNL approach. November 2014; In: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 339-358

Liu, Chunhui; Luo, Xin(Robert); Sia, Choon Ling; O'Farrell, Grace; Teo, Hock Hai / The impact of XBRL adoption in PR China. March 2014; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 59, pp. 242-249

Shi, Yani; Sia, Choon Ling; Chen, Huaping / Leveraging social grouping for trust building in foreign electronic commerce firms: An exploratory study. June 2013; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 419-428

Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Sia, Choon Ling / Consumer trust and distrust: An issue of website design. December 2010; In: International Journal of Human Computer Studies. Vol. 68, No. 12, pp. 913-934

Sia, Choon Ling; Shi, Yani; Yan, Jiaqi; Chen, Huaping / Web personalization to build trust in E-commerce: A design science approach. 2010; In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 64, pp. 325-329

Sia, Choon Ling; Lim, Kai H.; Leung, Kwok; Lee, Matthew K. O.; Huang, Wayne Wei; Benbasat, Izak / Web strategies to promote internet shopping: Is cultural-customization needed?. September 2009; In: MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems. Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 491-512

Cheung, Man; Luo, Chuan; Sia, Choon; Chen, Huaping / Credibility of electronic word-of-mouth: Informational and normative determinants of on-line consumer recommendations. July 2009; In: International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 9-38

Teo, Hock-Hai; Wang, Xinwei; Wei, Kwok-Kee; Sia, Choon-Ling; Lee, Matthew K. O. / Organizational learning capacity and attitude toward complex technological innovations: An empirical study. January 2006; In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 264-279

Lim, Kai H.; Leung, Kwok; Sia, Choon Ling; Lee Matthew, K. O. / Is eCommerce boundary-less? Effects of individualism-collectivism and uncertainty avoidance on Internet shopping. November 2004; In: Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 545-559

TAN, Bernard C. Y.; WEI, Kwok-Kee; SIA, Choon-Ling; RAMAN, Krishnamurthy S. / A Partial Test of the Task-Medium Fit Proposition in a Group Support System Environment. March 1999; In: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 47-66

Sia, Choon-Ling; Tan, Bernard C. Y.; Teo, Hock-Hai; Wei, Kwok-Kee / Applying total quality concepts to continuous process redesign. April 1997; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 83-93

Sia, Choon-Ling; Tan, Bernard C.Y.; Wei, Kwok-Kee / Effects of gss interface and task type on group interaction: An empirical study. April 1997; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 289-299

Sia, Choon-Ling; Ho, Yin-Seong / Performance tuning of Unix systems using knowledge-based technology. 1997; In: International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. Vol. 10, No. 5-6, pp. 370-383

Sia, Choon-Ling; Ho, Yin-Seong / Predictive capacity planning: A proactive approach. 1997; In: Information and Software Technology. Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 195-204

Tan, Bernard C Y; Sia, Choon Ling; Teo, Hock Hai; Wei, Kwok Kee / Maximizing the gains from strategic information systems through an integrated planning approach. 1995; In: International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. Vol. 8, No. 5-6, pp. 307-314

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

LIU, Yue; Sia, Choon-Ling / Impacts of AI Tool Clues on Fake Reviews Detecting and User Decision-making. December 2024; ICIS 2024 Proceedings.

Liu, Yue; Ke, Weiling; Sia, Choon Ling / Clue Types of AI Detection Tools Influence Decision-Making Competence in the Context of Fake Reviews. June 2024; The 17th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, CSWIM 2024 - PROCEEDINGS. pp. 143-148

Yang, Wei; Sia, Choon Ling / Success Factors in Micro-Celebrity Endorsement: The Role of Informational and Narrative Content in Product Recommendation. July 2020; HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 7th International Conference, HCIBGO 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Proceedings. pp. 562-575

Yang, Wei; Sia, Choon Ling / Why blogger sells: An approach from the attachment theory. July 2018; HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations. pp. 526-535

Yuan, Ziqing; Chen, Hailiang; Sia, Choon Ling / Mobile Initiative and Firm Equity Value: An Event Study. December 2017; 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2017): Transforming Society with Digital Innovation. Vol. 1, pp. 445-456

Yuan, Ziqing; Chen, Hailiang; Sia, Choon Ling / Mobile Initiative and Firm Equity Value. July 2017; PROCEEDINGS OF The 11th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, CSWIM 2017. pp. 34-38

Fan, Shaokun; Sia, Choon Ling; Zhao, J. Leon / Towards collaboration virtualization theory. 2012; Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2012.

Lee, Matthew K. O.; Cheung, Christy M. K.; Sia, Choon Ling; Lim, Kai H. / How positive informational social influence affects consumers' decision of Internet shopping?. 2006; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 6, pp. 115a

Sia, Choon-Ling; Teo, Hock-Hai; Tan, Bernard C. Y.; Wei, Kwok-Kee / EXAMINING ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERCEPTIONS AND PREDISPOSITION TOWARD DISTRIBUTED WORK ARRANGEMENTS: A PATH MODEL. December 1998; Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Information Systems. pp. 88-102

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