Prof. Robert M DAVISON
Chair, Assurance of Learning Committee
6-247, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34427534
+852 34420369
Personal Web
Public CV
Research Areas
Action Research
Virtual Teams and Work
Cross-cultural studies of Information Systems
Virtual Knowledge Management
PhD - Information Systems
MA - Information Technology
BA - Russian and SerboCroat (Joint Honours)
Professor Robert Davison is a Professor in the Department of Information Systems. He teaches IT Consulting, Global IS, and Qualitative Research Methods at the post-graduate level. His current research focuses on applications of Action Research to knowledge exchange activities and guanxi in Chinese organisations. More details of his work can be found at http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/staff/isrobert.
Research Grants
co-PI: "Research on the Influencing Mechanisms of Live Streaming E-Commerce in Consumers Online Shopping Behavior", , Amount: RMB440,000 (2023-2026), Xiayu Chen, Robert M Davison
PI: "The Impact of Social Media on Digital Guanxi Formation in the Chinese Workplace", GRF - Research Grants Council, Amount: HKD499,398 (2020-2023), Robert M Davison, Carol XJ Ou, Barney Tan, Julien Malaurent, Louie HM Wong
co-PI: "Research of Evolutional Decision-making Behavior based on Interactive Decision Support Aids in E-commerce", , Amount: RMB480,000 (2017-2020), Huang Qian, Robert M Davison
PI: "How Business Professionals Adapt to Inadequate Information Systems", GRF - RGC, Amount: HK$494000 (2016-2019), Robert M Davison, Carol XJ Ou, Steven Alter
co-PI: "An investigation of the Antecedents and Impact of Consumer Perceived Uncertainty: Based on Institutional Mechanisms and Swift Guanxi", , Amount: RMB460000 (2016-2019), HUANG Qian, Robert Davison
PI: "How Business Professionals Adapt to Inadequate Information Systems", Strategic Research Grant - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$100,000 (2015-2016), Robert M Davison, Steven Alter, Carol XJ Ou
PI: "Resistance and Workarounds: How Information Workers Gain Access to the Technology They Need", Strategic Research Grant - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$100,000 (2014-2015), Robert M Davison, Carol XJ Ou
PI: "Knowledge Strategy in Chinese Firms", Strategic Research Grant - City University of Kong Kong, Amount: HK$100,000 (2013-2014), Robert M Davison, Maris G Martinsons
PI: "Conceptualizing the Competitive Potential Perspective of Knowledge Strategizing", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Kong Kong, Amount: HK$71773 (2012-2013), Robert M Davison, Maris G Martinsons
PI: "Web 2.0 for Work: Social Networking in the Workspace", GRF - RGC, Amount: $528953 (2011-2013), Robert M Davison, Carol XJ Ou, MY Zuo, Andrew Hardin
PI: "Knowledge Management in the Chinese Private Sector", GRF - RGC, Amount: $411810 (2010-2012), Robert M Davison, Carol XJ Ou, Maris G Martinsons
PI: "The Impact of Knowledge Management Initiatives in Hong Kong and China", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$172,436 (2007-2009), Robert M Davison
PI: "Virtual Work: Collaboration and Cooperation to Promote Knowledge Sharing between SMEs in Hong Kong and China", Competitive Earmarked Research Grant - Research Grants Council (HK Govt), Amount: HK$655,909 (2006-2007), Robert M Davison
PI: "Action Research Based Virtual Collaboration Interventions in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$190,000 (2004-2006), Robert M Davison
PI: "Preliminary Investigation into Skills Appropriate for Virtual Collaboration in Hong Kong SMEs", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$142,222 (2003-2004), Robert M. Davison
PI: "The Information Ethics of Hong Kong’s IT Professionals", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong , Amount: HK$200,000 (2002-2004), Robert M Davison
PI: "CyberCourses", Teaching Development Grant - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$1,815,980 (1999-2001), Robert M Davison
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Teaching Activities (past 5 academic years)
Academic Year | Level | Title |
2024-2025 | Postgraduate Degree | Information Systems Consulting |
Information Systems Project | ||
Information Systems for Managers | ||
Professional Doctorate | Methodology for Applied Business Research II | |
Research Degree | Theory Development and Qualitative Methods in Information Systems Research | |
2023-2024 | Postgraduate Degree | Information Systems Consulting |
Information Systems Project | ||
Information Systems for Managers | ||
Professional Doctorate | Methodology for Applied Business Research II | |
Research Degree | Theory Development and Qualitative Methods in Information Systems Research | |
2022-2023 | Postgraduate Degree | Dissertation |
Global Information Technology & Knowledge Management Consulting | ||
Information Systems Project | ||
Information Systems for Managers | ||
Professional Doctorate | Methodology for Applied Business Research II | |
Research Degree | Theory Development and Qualitative Methods in Information Systems Research | |
2021-2022 | Postgraduate Degree | Global Information Technology & Knowledge Management Consulting |
Information Systems Project | ||
Management Information Systems | ||
Professional Doctorate | Methodology for Applied Business Research II | |
Research Degree | Theory Development and Qualitative Methods in Information Systems Research | |
2020-2021 | Postgraduate Degree | Dissertation |
Global Information Technology & Knowledge Management Consulting | ||
Information Systems Project | ||
Management Information Systems | ||
Professional Doctorate | Methodology for Applied Business Research II | |
Research Degree | Theory and Qualitative Methods in Information Systems Research |
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Administrative Assignments
Period | Name | Position |
2012 - Now | Department Performance Assessment Committee | Elected Member |
2002 - Now | Servicing Courses | Programme Leader |
2002 - Now | Departmental Examinations Officer | Officer |
2001 - Now | Departmental Executive Committee | Member |
2001 - Now | Dept Staffing Commottee | Elected Member / Nominated Member |
1997 - Now | Departmental Publications | Co-ordinator |
1996 - Now | Departmental Student Advisor | Advisor |
1993 - Now | Departmental Working Papers | Editor |
2020 - 2024 | Panel for Audit Assurance among UGC institutions | Appointed member |
2006 - 2023 | MA Electronic Business/MScElectronic Business and Knowledge Management | Programme Leader |
2016 - 2019 | Grievance Review Panel | Appointed member |
2017 - 2018 | Committee for Appointment and Personnel Reviews for Academic and Teaching Staff | Appointed member |
9/2015 - 8/2016 | Student Complaints and Student Complaints Appeal Panels | Appointed member |
2015 - 2016 | Research System Users' Group | Appointed member |
2010 - 2014 | Quality Assurance Committee | Appointed Member |
9/2016 - 8/2013 | Assistant Dean Assurance of Learning / Chair of AoL Cttee | Nominated by the Dean of Business |
9/2007 - 8/2008 | Approving Committee for Initial Assessment/Substantiation/Re-appointment /Pay Raise of Academic Staff at Associate Professor/Senior Teaching Fellow/Principal Lecturer level & below in Faculties/Schools/BST/Centres | Elected Member |
9/2007 - 8/2008 | Promotion Committee for Associate Professor | Elected Member |
2008 | Strategic Planning Sub-Group on Student Learning and Career Development | Secretary and Appointed Member |
2006 - 2008 | Faculty Graduate Studies Committee (FGSC) | Elected Member |
2006 - 2008 | BBA Global Business Systems Management | Programme Leader |
2005 - 2008 | Staff Development and Performance Committee | Elected Member |
2004 - 2008 | Faculty Executive Committee | Elected Member |
2000 - 2008 | Departmental Webmaster | Webmaster |
2006 - 2007 | Departmental Staffing Committee | Member |
2003 - 2007 | Working Group on the Teaching of Business Ethics | Member |
2001 - 2007 | Departmental Executive Committee | Elected Member |
2005 - 2006 | Search Group for a new Dean of the Faculty of Business | Elected Member |
2005 - 2006 | Quality Enhancement Sub-Committee of the MBA Programme Committee | Member |
2005 - 2006 | Selection Panel for the Teaching Excellence Award | Nominated Member (for Faculty of Business) |
2004 - 2006 | Faculty Graduate Studies Committee (FGSC) | Appointed Member |
2004 - 2005 | Promotion Committee for Associate Professors | Elected Member |
2001 - 2005 | Departmental Staffing Committee | Elected Member |
1997 - 2005 | Departmental Safety Officer | Officer |
1996 - 2005 | Library Liaison Officer | Officer |
2002 - 2004 | Staff Development Committee (Senate) | Elected Member |
1996 - 2004 | Principal Departmental Proof-reader | Proof-reader |
2002 | Search/Selection Committee for new Head of IS Dept | Elected Member |
2000 - 2002 | Faculty Board | Elected Member |
1999 - 2002 | Standing Committee on Teaching Evaluation | Member |
1998 - 2002 | Senate | Elected Member |
1999 - 2000 | Task Force for Web Teaching Support Services (IT Steering Committee) | Member |
1998 - 2000 | Information Services Advisory Committee (Senate) | BGS-appointed member |
1998 - 1999 | Working Party on Information Technology Strategy (OP) | Member |
1996 - 1999 | Electronic Meetings | Co-ordinator |
1996 - 1998 | Departmental Research Committee | Member |
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Consultancy Experience and Executive Training
Year | Client | Role |
2022 | University of Pretoria | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "The fourth industrial revolution: Developing innovation capabilities through smart technology adoption", Sean Kruger |
2021 | University of Pretoria | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "A Framework for Mobile Payment Adoption through a TOE Lens: A Case of South African Merchants (SMEs)", Alick Chingapi |
2021 | University of Cape Town | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: " Towards the implementation of a fully-fledged electronic service for citizens: The case for local government in South Africa", Mziwoxolo Mayedwa |
2020 | University of Agder | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Technology Affordance and Constraint Perspective on Social Media Role in eParticipation: A Case Study in Indonesia", Alfatika Aunuriella Dini |
2020 | University of South Africa | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "A Software Development Methodology for Solo Software Developers: Leveraging the Product Quality of Independent Developers", Sibonile Moyo |
2020 | University of Malaya | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Innovative Use of Social Media in Advancing Societal Issues", Ali Fauzi Ahmad Khan |
2020 | University of South Africa | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "eVoting in the SADC Region: Behavioral Issues Affecting its Implementation in Namibia and South Africa", Paul Sambo |
2020 | Rhodes University | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Applying Phronesis: Methodological Considerations for Rebalancing Sociotechnical Phenomena in CMS Performativity", Leandra Jordaan |
2020 | University of Jyvaskyla | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "On Research Work in Information Systems: Guidelines, Recommendations and Examples", Pertti Jarvinen |
2020 | University of Malaya | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Mobile Learning Acceptance Framework Among Formal Part-Time Learners", Noor Maizatulshima Binti Muhammad Sabri |
2019 | University of Pretoria | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "A Co-Creation Design Framework to Support Elderly Rural Women in Refining an ICT Platform", Ronel Smith |
2018 | Multimedia University | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Knowledge Management System Usage, User Satisfaction and Decision Making Effectiveness in Jordanian Banks", Mohamad Khaleel Okour |
2018 | University of Pretoria | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Developing and Validating an ICT Adoption Framework for SMEs in Developing Countries: A Case of Zimbabwe", Peter J Makiwa, |
2018 | University of KwaZulu Natal | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Enhancing Access to Socioeconomic Development Information Using Mobile Phone Applications in Rural Zimbabwe: The Case of Matabeleland South Province", Vusumuzi Maphosa |
2018 | Rhodes University | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "A Critical Realist Exploration of the Culture of Resistance in Educational Technology Integration Practices at a South African University", Nompilo Tshuma |
2018 | University of Cape Town | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Enterprise Architecture Driven Design of an Artefact to Support Strategic Information Technology Decision-Making of Small Enterprises in Nigeria and South Africa", Mohammed Elhassan Enagi |
2018 | Tampere University of Technology | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Enterprise Architecture: Adoption and Institutionalisation", Duong Dinh Dang |
2017 | University of South Africa | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: Closing the Digital Gap: Handheld Computing, Adult First-time User and User Experience Model |
2016 | University of Cape Town | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: A Systemic Analysis of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation Challenges and Coping Mechanisms: The Case of a Large, Decentralised, Public Organisation in South Africa |
2016 | University of Malaya | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: Developing a Knowledge Management Process Model for Healthcare Organizations |
2016 | University of Kwazulu-Natal | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: Adoption of Mobile Health Technologies for Public Healthcare in Burundi |
2016 | ESSEC Business School | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: Exploring the Creation and Evolution of ICT for Development Initiatives in India: Issues of Scaling through Bricolage, Business-Model Design and Inclusive Innovation, |
2016 | University of Malaya | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: Developing a Knowledge Management Process Model for Healthcare Organizations |
2016 | University of Kwazulu-Natal | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: Adoption of Mobile Health Technologies for Public Healthcare in Burundi |
2016 | ESSEC Business School | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: Exploring the Creation and Evolution of ICT for Development Initiatives in India: Issues of Scaling through Bricolage, Business-Model Design and Inclusive Innovation |
2015 | University of Jyvaskyla | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: Sustainable Solutions for Last Mile Internet Access in Developing Countries: Critical Success Factors |
2014 | Universidade Positivo, Curitiba | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: Information System in Use: Going Beyond Information Technology Acceptance, |
2013 | University of Malaya | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "Semantic Recommender System for Malaysia Tourism Industry", Tirad Mohammed Aref Almalahmeh |
2013 | Agder University | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "The Role of Institutional Entrepreneurs in the Institutionalisation of eGovernment Initiatives in Developing Countries: The Case of an eProcurement System in the Indonesian Public Sector", Fathul Wahid |
2012 | Massey University | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "The Impact of National Culture on Strategic Information Systems Planning", Raja Mohd Ali |
2003 - 2009 | Staffordshire University | Project Manager for BScIS, BScBIT and BScCS |
2008 | Multimedia University | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: |
2008 | University of South Australia | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "An impact study of an information and communications technology for development (ICT4D) project: results from field studies in Bangladesh", Md Mahfuz Ashraf |
2008 | Victoria University of Wellington | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "An Integrated Knowledge Management Model for Community Enterprises: A Case Study of a Rural Community Enterprise in Thailand", Lanthom Jonjoubsong |
2008 | Victoria University of Wellington | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: "An Integrated Knowledge Management Model for Community Enterprises: A Case Study of a Rural Community Enterprise in Thailand", Lanthom Jonjoubsong |
2005 | University of Cape Town | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: “A Theory of the Use of Information for Environmental Planning: The Case of Botswana”, Athulang Mutshewa. |
2005 | National University of Singapore | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: “Essays on Information and Communication Technology: Investment, Post-Adoption and Economic Impacts”, Roghieh Gholami. |
2005 | Curtin University of Technology | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: “The Impacts and Implications of I-engineering on Established Companies in Hong Kong”, Albert Yeung. |
2001 - 2005 | Staffordshire University | Project Supervisor |
2002 - 2003 | Staffordshire University | Internal Project Moderator for BScIS |
2002 | Curtin University of Technology | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: “The Effect of Indonesian Culture on the Design and Implementation of Lotus Notes Templates to Support Pre-Meeting Stage of Strategy Formulation”, Sjarif Abdat. |
2002 | University of Jyväskylä | External Examiner of PhD Thesis: “Information Systems Development in Developing Countries: Risk Management and Sustainability Analysis in Nigerian Software Companies”, Anja Mursu. |
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Professional Activities
Period | Client | Country / Region | Role |
1/2024 - 12/2026 | International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) | Austria | Chair of Technical Committee 9 |
1/2023 - 12/2024 | Association for Information Systems | United States of America | Secretary to the College of Senior Scholars |
1/2017 - 12/2023 | International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 9.4 : The Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development | Austria | Chair Person |
1/2021 - 12/2022 | Association for Information Systems College of Senior Scholars | United States of America | Convenor |
2019 | Tianjin University | China | Member of the International Peer Review Team for the Discipline of Management Science and Engineering |
2009 - 2018 | Association for Information Systems | United States of America | Chair of the Research Conduct Committee |
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External Academic Activities
Period | Organizer | Country / Region | Role |
2012 - Now | Information Systems Journal | United Kingdom | Editor in Chief |
2001 - Now | Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries | Hong Kong | Editor-in-Chief |
2008 - 2016 | Information Technology & People | United Kingdom | Co-editor |
2008 - 2012 | Information Systems Journal | United Kingdom | Senior Editor |
2007 - 2011 | MIS Quarterly | United States of America | Associate Editor |
2009 - 2010 | International Conference on Information Systems | United States of America | Track Chair (Global Issues) |
2009 | 8th Global Mobility Roundtable | Egypt | Programme Committee Member |
2008 - 2009 | 3rd Information and Communications Technology and Development (ICTD) Conference | United Arab Emirates | Senior Programme Committee Member |
2008 - 2009 | MISQ | United States of America | Associate Editor |
2008 | Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences | Canada | Associate Editor |
2008 | Wuhan International Conference on E-Business | China | Programme Committee Member |
2008 | International Conference on Information Systems | France | Associate Editor (Social Issues) |
2003 - 2008 | Information Technology & People | London, UK | Associate Editor |
2002 - 2008 | Information Systems Journal | Bath, UK | Associate Editor |
2000 - 2008 | Journal of Global Information Management | Auckland, New Zealand | Editorial Board Member |
2007 | 28th International Conference on Information Systems | United States of America | Associate Editor, Theme Track (IS Research Diversity) |
2005 - 2007 | IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference on Virtuality and Virtualization | Portland, USA | Programme Committee Member |
2005 - 2007 | 1st IFIP WG 9.5 (Virtuality and Society) Working Conference on Virtuality and Society: Emerging Themes | London, UK | Programme Committee Member. |
2001 - 2007 | ISWORLD | Atlanta, USA | Co-editor of the Professional Ethics page, http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/Research/Resources/ethics/ethics.htm |
2001 - 2007 | ISWORLD | Atlanta, USA | Editor of the Working Papers page, ISWORLD http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/Research/Resources/wp/isw-wp.htm |
12/2006 | 27th International Conference on Information Systems | United States of America | Track co-chair Underserved Communities |
2005 - 2006 | 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Co-chair of the Social and Cultural Issues Track. |
2005 - 2006 | 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | Hawaii, USA | Co-chair of the Virtual Work, Teams and Organizations Minitrack (Collaborative Systems Track). |
2001 - 2006 | ISWORLD | Atlanta, USA | Editor of the IT in Developing Countries page, http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/Research/Resources/itdc/itdc.htm |
2001 - 2006 | ISWORLD | Atlanta, USA | Editor of the Virtual Teams page, ISWORLD http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/research/resources/vt/vt-introduction.htm |
2001 - 2006 | ISWORLD | Atlanta, USA | Co-editor of the Global IT page, http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/Research/Resources/git/git.htm |
2004 - 2005 | 26th International Conference on Information Systems | Las Vegas, USA | Co-chair of the Breakthrough Ideas in IT Track. |
2004 - 2005 | 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT’05) http://www.it-innovations.ae | Dubai, UAE | Programme Committee Member |
2004 - 2005 | 1st European Conference on Mobile Government | Brighton, UK | Programme Committee Member |
2004 - 2005 | International Workshop on e-Learning Online Communities | Cairo, Egypt | Programme Committee Member |
2004 - 2005 | 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | Hawaii, USA | Co-chair of the Virtual Work, Teams and Organizations Minitrack (Collaborative Systems Track) |
2004 - 2005 | 25th International Conference on Information Systems | Washington, USA | AE of the Information Systems Innovation, Usage and Impacts Track |
2003 - 2004 | 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | Hawaii, USA | Co-chair of the Social Issues in Organisations Minitrack (Organisational Systems Track). Co-chair of the Global Virtual Collaboration Minitrack (Collaborative Systems Track). Co-chair of the Virtual Work, Teams and Organizations Minitrack (Collaborative S |
2003 | IFIP 8.2 and 9.4 Working Conference “IS Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalisation | Athens, Greece | Member of the Programme Committee |
2002 - 2003 | 24th International Conference on Information Systems | Seattle, USA | Associate Editor for Track 6: National and Societal Issues. |
2002 - 2003 | 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | Hawaii, USA | Co-chair of the Social Issues in Organisations Minitrack (Organisational Systems Track) Co-chair of the Global Virtual Collaboration Minitrack (Collaborative Systems Track) |
2002 | 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | Hawaii, USA | Co-chair of the Global Applications of Collaborative Technology Minitrack (Collaborative Systems Track) |
2002 | 6th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems | Tokyo, Japan | Member of the Programme Committee |
2001 - 2002 | 34th - 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | Hawaii, USA | Co-chair of the Professional Ethics in Information Systems Minitrack (Organisational Systems Track) |
2001 | 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | Hawaii, USA | Co-chair of the Community Informatics Minitrack (Organisational Systems Track) |
2001 | Group Decision and Negotiation 2001 Conference | La Rochelle, France | Member of the Programme Committee |
2000 | 8th European Conference on Information Systems | Vienna, Austria | Member of the Programme Committee of the Globalisation and Culture Track |
1999 - 2000 | Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries | Hong Kong | Senior Editor |
1999 | 10th Australasian Conference on Information Systems | Wellington, New Zealand | Member of the Programme Committee and of the Doctoral Consortium |
1999 | Conference on Information Technology in Asia | Sarawak, Malaysia | Member of the Programme Committee |
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Period | Name | Country / Region |
6/2023 | 31st ECIS | Norway/Kristiansand |
12/2022 | 43rd ICIS | Denmark/Copenhagen |
5/2022 | 16th IFIP 9.4 Conference | Peru/Lima (Virtual) |
6/2021 | 29th ECIS | Virtual |
6/2020 | 28th ECIS | Virtual |
6/2020 | 24th PACIS | Virtual |
12/2019 | 40th ICIS | Germany/Munich |
6/2019 | 27th ECIS | Sweden/Stockholm |
5/2019 | 15th IFIP 9.4 Conference | Tanzania/Dar es Salaam |
11/2018 | 1st IEEE ICTMOD Conference | Morocco/Marrakesh |
8/2018 | Regional IFIP 9.4 Conference | South Africa/Pretoria |
6/2018 | Regional IFIP 9.4 Conference | Albania/Tirana |
6/2018 | 22nd PACIS | Japa/Yokohama |
12/2017 | 38th ICIS | Seoul, S Korea |
6/2017 | 25th ECIS | Guimaraes, Portugal |
5/2017 | 14th IFIP WG 9.4 Working Conference | Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
12/2016 | 1st Digital Enablement Conference | Sydney, Australia |
12/2016 | 37th ICIS | Dublin, Ireland |
6/2016 | 24th ECIS | Istanbul, Turkey |
1/2016 | 1st ICT for Africa Development | Yaounde, Cameroon |
12/2015 | 26th ACIS | Adelaide, Australia |
12/2015 | 36th ICIS | Fort Worth, USA |
8/2015 | 75th Academy of Management Conference | Vancouver, Canada |
8/2015 | 21st AMCIS | Fajardo, Puerto Rico |
5/2015 | 13th IFIP WG 9.4 Working Conference | Negombo, Sri Lanka |
12/2014 | 25th ACIS | Auckland, New Zealand |
12/2014 | 35th ICIS | Auc |
11/2014 | 9th KICSS | Lemasos, Cyprus |
8/2014 | 20th AMCIS | Savannah, USA |
6/2014 | 22nd ECIS | Tel Aviv, Israel |
6/2019 | 27th ECIS | Stockholm, Sweden |
6/2018 | 22nd PACIS | Yokohama, Japan |
12/2013 | 34th ICIS | Milan, Italy |
8/2013 | 73rd Academy of Management | Orlando, USA |
6/2013 | 21st ECIS | Utrecht, The Netherlands |
6/2013 | 17th PACIS | Jeju, South Korea |
12/2012 | 33rd ICIS | Orlando, USA |
8/2012 | 72nd Academy of Management | Boston, USA |
7/2012 | 16th PACIS | Vietnam/HCM City |
12/2011 | 32nd ICIS | Shanghai / China |
8/2011 | 71st AoM | San Antonio / USA |
6/2011 | IFIP WG 82 | Turku / Finland |
6/2011 | 19th ECIS | Helsinki / Finland |
6/2011 | IEEE ITMC | St Jose / USA |
4/2011 | OLKC | Hull / UK |
12/2010 | 31st ICIS | St Louis / USA |
8/2010 | AMCIS | Lima / Peru |
6/2010 | OLKC | Boston / USA |
12/2009 | 30th ICIS | Phoenix / USA |
8/2009 | 69th AoM | Chicago, USA |
7/2009 | 13th PACIS | Hyderabad / India |
6/2009 | 17th ECIS | Verona / Italy |
12/2008 | 29th ICIS | Paris / France |
8/2008 | 68th AoM | Anaheim / USA |
6/2008 | 16th ECIS | Galway / Ireland |
6/2008 | 21st Bled | Bled / Slovenia |
5/2008 - 6/2008 | Wuhan International Conference on E-Business | Wuhan/China |
12/2007 | 28th ICIS | Montreal / Canada |
8/2007 | 4th ICKM | Vienna / Austria |
6/2007 | 15th ECIS | St Gallen/Switzerland |
6/2007 | APJM SI Conference | Xian / China |
5/2007 | Wuhan International Conference on E-Business | Wuhan/China |
10/2006 | 2nd China AIS Conference | China/Chengdu |
7/2006 | 6th International Conference on Culture, Change and Organisations | Italy/Prato |
7/2006 | 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems | Malaysia/Kuala Lumpur |
6/2006 | 2nd International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference | China/Nanjing |
12/2005 | 26th International Conference on Information Systems | USA/Las Vegas |
8/2005 | 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems | USA/Omaha |
8/2005 | 65th Academy of Management Conference | USA/Waikiki |
7/2005 | 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems | Thailand/Bangkok |
8/2004 | 64th Academy of Management Conference | USA/New Orleans |
7/2004 | 8th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems | China/Shanghai |
6/2004 | 1st International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference | China/Beijing |
12/2003 | 24th International Conference on Information Systems | USA/Seattle |
8/2003 | 63rd Academy of Management Conference | USA/Seattle |
7/2003 | IFIP WG 8.2 and 9.4 Working Conference | Greece/Athens |
12/2002 | 23rd International Conference on Information Systems | Spain/Barcelona |
9/2002 | 6th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems | Japan/Tokyo |
8/2002 | 62nd Academy of Management Conference | USA/Denver |
6/2002 | 15th Bled International Conference on Electronic Commerce | Slovenia/Bled |
1/2002 | 35th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science | USA/Kona |
12/2001 | 22nd International Conference on Information Systems | USA/New Orleans |
12/2001 | IFIP WG8.2 OASIS Workshop | USA/New Orleans |
8/2001 | 61st Academy of Management Conference | USA/Washington D C |
8/2001 | IFIP WG8.2 Working Conference | USA/Boise |
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Journal Publications and Reviews
Davison, Robert M. / Why You Should Write a Cover Letter. February 2025; In: Information Systems Journal.
Davison, Robert M.; Karanasios, Stan; Chatterjee, Sutirtha / Fit, scope and the shifting baseline: Is your submission likely to be desk rejected?. January 2025; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 1-5
Davison, Robert M. / Reviews, recommendations and decisions: Contrasting perspectives. November 2024; In: Information Systems Journal.
Davison, Robert M. / Ethics III: The ethics of editing. November 2024; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 1835-1837
Davison, Robert M. / Evolving editorial boards. September 2024; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 1833-1834
Davison, Robert M.; Chughtai, Hameed; Nielsen, Petter; Marabelli, Marco; Iannacci, Federico; van Offenbeek, Marjolein; Tarafdar, Monideepa; Trenz, Manuel; Techatassanasoontorn, Angsana A.; Díaz Andrade, Antonio; Panteli, Niki / The ethics of using generative AI for qualitative data analysis. September 2024; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 1433-1439
Davison, Robert M. / Article production changes at the ISJ and their consequences. May 2024; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 585
Hardin, Andrew; Davison, Robert M.; Schneider, Christoph; Looney, Clayton A.; Sarker, Suprateek / Contextualising collective efficacy in virtual team research: The essential role of collaborative technologies in the virtual team efficacy conceptual framework. March 2024; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 469-498
Davison, Robert M.; Scheepers, Rens; Henningsson, Stefan; Karanasios, Stan / The virtue of brevity. March 2024; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 287-292
Brown, Olivia; Davison, Robert M.; Decker, Stephanie; Ellis, David A.; Faulconbridge, James; Gore, Julie; Greenwood, Michelle; Islam, Gazi; Lubinski, Christina; MacKenzie, Niall G.; Meyer, Renate; Muzio, Daniel; Quattrone, Paolo; Ravishankar, M. N.; Zilber, Tammar; Ren, Shuang; Sarala, Riikka M.; Hibbert, Paul / Theory-Driven Perspectives on Generative Artificial Intelligence in Business and Management. January 2024; In: British Journal of Management. Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 3-23
Davison, Robert M. / Digital transformation: Understanding business goals, risks, processes and decisions: By Mathias Cöster, Mats Danielson, Love Ekenberg, Cecilia Gullberg, Gard Titlestad, Alf Westelius, Gunnar Wettergren, Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. 2023. ISBN: 9781805110606. January 2024; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 284
Davison, Robert M.; Chatterjee, Sutirtha / Ethics I: Authors and their research. January 2024; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 1-5
Men, Jinqi; Zheng, Xiabing; Davison, Robert M. / The role of vicarious learning strategies in shaping consumers' uncertainty: the case of live-streaming shopping. 2024; In: Internet Research. Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 891-916
Chen, Xiayu; Chen, Renee Rui; Wei, Shaobo; Davison, Robert M. / Herd behavior in social commerce: understanding the interplay between self-awareness and environment-awareness. December 2023; In: Internet Research.
Davison, Robert M. / Quirks, neologisms, provocations and the mundane: Titles and interpretations. November 2023; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1275-1278
Davison, Robert M.; Marabelli, Marco; Tim, Yenni; Beath, Cynthia / The practitioner perspective. November 2023; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1455-1458
Hurbean, Luminita; Wong, Louie H.M.; Ou, Carol XJ; Davison, Robert M.; Dospinescu, Octavian / Instant messaging, interruptions, stress and work performance. September 2023; In: Information Technology and People.
Davison, Robert M.; Laumer, Sven; Tarafdar, Monideepa; Wong, Louie H. M. / Pickled eggs: Generative AI as research assistant or co-author?. September 2023; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 989-994
Dwivedi, Yogesh K.; Kshetri, Nir; Hughes, Laurie; Slade, Emma Louise; Jeyaraj, Anand; Kar, Arpan Kumar; Baabdullah, Abdullah M.; Koohang, Alex; Raghavan, Vishnupriya; Ahuja, Manju; Albanna, Hanaa; Albashrawi, Mousa Ahmad; Al-Busaidi, Adil S.; Balakrishnan, Janarthanan; Barlette, Yves; Basu, Sriparna; Bose, Indranil; Brooks, Laurence; Buhalis, Dimitrios; Carter, Lemuria; Chowdhury, Soumyadeb; Crick, Tom; Cunningham, Scott W.; Davies, Gareth H.; Davison, Robert M.; De, Rahul; Dennehy, Denis; Duan, Yanqing; Dubey, Rameshwar; Dwivedi, Rohita; Edwards, John S.; Flavian, Carlos; Gauld, Robin; Grover, Varun; Hu, Mei-Chih; Janssen, Marijn; Jones, Paul; Junglas, Iris; Khorana, Sangeeta; Kraus, Sascha; Larsen, Kai R.; Latreille, Paul; Laumer, Sven; Malik, F. Tegwen; Mardani, Abbas; Mariani, Marcello; Mithas, Sunil; Mogaji, Emmanuel; Nord, Jeretta Horn; O'Connor, Siobhan / "So what if ChatGPT wrote it?" Multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges and implications of generative conversational AI for research, practice and policy. August 2023; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 71
Struijk, Mylène; Angelopoulos, Spyros; Ou, Carol X. J.; Davison, Robert M. / Navigating digital transformation through an information quality strategy: Evidence from a military organisation. July 2023; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 912-952
Díaz Andrade, Antonio; Tarafdar, Monideepa; Davison, Robert M.; Hardin, Andrew; Techatassanasoontorn, Angsana A.; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Chatterjee, Sutirtha; Schwabe, Gerhard / The importance of theory at the Information Systems Journal. July 2023; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 693-702
Davison, Robert M.; Lowry, Paul Benjamin / ISJ editorial: Addressing the implications of recent developments in journal impact factors. May 2023; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 419-436
Davison, Robert M.; Wong, Louie HM; Peng, John / The art of digital transformation as crafted by a chief digital officer. April 2023; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 69
Wu, Wei; Yang, Qianwen; Gong, Xiang; Davison, Robert M. / Understanding sustained participation in crowdsourcing platforms: the role of autonomy, temporal value, and hedonic value. March 2023; In: Information Technology & People. Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 734-757
Davison, Robert M.; Joia, Luiz / Digital Transformation in Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities. March 2023; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 89, No. 2
Davison, Robert M. / Impact and implications for practice. March 2023; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 187-191
Davison, Robert M.; Harris, Roger W. / Reforming research assessment. January 2023; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 89, No. 1
Davison, Robert M.; Majchrzak, Ann; Hardin, Andrew; Ravishankar, Mayasandra-Nagaraja / Special issue on responsible IS research for a better world. January 2023; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 1-7
Baskerville, Richard L; Davison, Robert M; Kaul, Mala; Malaurent, Julien; Wong, Louie HM / Information systems as a nexus of information technology systems: A new view of information systems practice. December 2022; In: Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 387-406
Davison, Robert M. / Review of "LEO remembered-By the people who worked on the world's first business computer". November 2022; In: Information Systems Journal.
Davison, Robert M. / Special issues. November 2022; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 1093-1096
Davison, Robert M.; Dennis, Alan R.; Young, Amber G.; Shuva, Syed / Anatomy of a Good Paper: Choosing Research Topics. October 2022; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 543-553
Davison, Robert M.; Tarafdar, Monideepa / Do scholarly journals have cultural values?. September 2022; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 927-931
Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Zhang, Xiaowei; Angelopoulos, Spyros; Davison, Robert M.; Janse, Noury / Security breaches and organization response strategy: Exploring consumers’ threat and coping appraisals. August 2022; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 65
Davison, Robert M. / Creating a culture: Reviewing expectations in EJISDC. July 2022; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 88, No. 4
Techatassanasoontorn, Angsana A.; Davison, Robert M. / Scholarly conversation through a review response document. July 2022; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 691-695
Zheng, Bowen; Davison, Robert M / Hybrid Social Media Use and Guanxi Types: How Do Employees Use Social Media in the Chinese Workplace?. June 2022; In: Information & Management. Vol. 59, No. 4
Wong, Louie H.M.; Hurbean, Luminita; Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol XJ; Muntean, Mihaela / Working around inadequate information systems in the workplace: An empirical study in Romania. June 2022; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 64
Chen, Xiayu; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Davison, Robert M. / Internal or external social media? The effects of work-related and social-related use of social media on improving employee performance. May 2022; In: Internet Research. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 680-707
Santos-Vijande, María Leticia; Gómez-Rico, Mar; Molina-Collado, Arturo; Davison, Robert M. / Building user engagement to mhealth apps from a learning perspective: Relationships among functional, emotional and social drivers of user value. May 2022; In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol. 66
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial: The digital transformation of Africa. May 2022; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 88, No. 3
Struijk, Mylène; Ou, Carol X. J.; Davison, Robert M.; Angelopoulos, Spyros / Putting the IS back into IS research. May 2022; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 469-472
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Wong, Louie H. M. / The ethics of action research participation. May 2022; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 573-594
Dwivedi, Yogesh K.; Hughes, Laurie; Kar, Arpan Kumar; Baabdullah, Abdullah M.; Grover, Purva; Abbas, Roba; Andreini, Daniela; Abumoghli, Iyad; Barlette, Yves; Bunker, Deborah; Chandra Kruse, Leona; Constantiou, Ioanna; Davison, Robert M.; De', Rahul; Dubey, Rameshwar; Fenby-Taylor, Henry; Gupta, Babita; He, Wu; Kodama, Mitsuru; Mäntymäki, Matti; Metri, Bhimaraya; Michael, Katina; Olaisen, Johan; Panteli, Niki; Pekkola, Samuli; Nishant, Rohit; Raman, Ramakrishnan; Rana, Nripendra P.; Rowe, Frantz; Sarker, Suprateek; Scholtz, Brenda; Sein, Maung; Shah, Jeel Dharmeshkumar; Teo, Thompson S. H.; Tiwari, Manoj Kumar; Vendelø, Morten Thanning; Wade, Michael / Climate change and COP26: Are digital technologies and information management part of the problem or the solution? An editorial reflection and call to action. April 2022; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 63
Hu, Xi; Chen, Zhenjiao; Davison, Robert M.; Liu, Yaqin / Charting consumers' continued social commerce intention. January 2022; In: Internet Research. Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 120-149
Hardin, Andrew; Schneider, Christoph; Davison, Robert M. / Established theory rejection. January 2022; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 1-4
Davison, Robert M.; Wong, Louie H.M.; Ou, Carol X.J.; Alter, Steven / The coordination of workarounds: Insights from responses to misfits between local realities and a mandated global enterprise system. December 2021; In: Information & Management. Vol. 58, No. 8
Beath, Cynthia; Chan, Yolande; Davison, Robert M.; Dennis, Alan; Recker, Jan / Letter from the Co-authors to the CAIS Editor-in-Chief. November 2021; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 49, pp. 594-596
Davison, Robert M. / Special issue: Indigenous Theory. November 2021; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 767-768
Chamakiotis, Petros; Panteli, Niki; Davison, Robert M. / Reimagining e-leadership for reconfigured virtual teams due to Covid-19. October 2021; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 60
Tarafdar, Monideepa; Davison, Robert M. / The associate editor and senior editor roles in premier IS journals. July 2021; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 515-520
Wang, Panpan; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M. / How do digital influencers affect social commerce intention? The roles of social power and satisfaction. May 2021; In: Information Technology & People. Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 1065-1086
Davison, Robert M. / Diversity and inclusion at the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. May 2021; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 87, No. 3
Davison, Robert M. / Diversity and inclusion at the ISJ. May 2021; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 347-355
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Malaurent, Julien / Research Perspectives: Improving Action Research by Integrating Methods. May 2021; In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 851-873
Beath, Cynthia M.; Chan, Yolande; Davison, Robert M.; Dennis, Alan R.; Recker, Jan / Editorial Board Diversity at the Basket of Eight Journals: A Report to the College of Senior Scholars. April 2021; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 48, pp. 236-247
Wang, Youying; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Yang, Feng / Role stressors, job satisfaction, and employee creativity: The cross-level moderating role of social media use within teams. April 2021; In: Information & Management. Vol. 58, No. 3
Chatterjee, Sutirtha; Davison, Robert M. / The need for compelling problematisation in research: The prevalence of the gap-spotting approach and its limitations. March 2021; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 227-230
Chen, Xiayu; Li, Yanrui; Davison, Robert M.; Liu, Yezheng / The impact of imitation on Chinese social commerce buyers’ purchase behavior: The moderating role of uncertainty. February 2021; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 56
Davison, Robert M. / From ignorance to familiarity: Contextual knowledge and the field researcher. January 2021; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 31, No. 1
Davison, Robert M. / The Transformative Potential of Disruptions: A Viewpoint. December 2020; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 55
Harris, Roger W.; Davison, Robert M. / Peer review: Academia's most important but least understood task. November 2020; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 86, No. 6
Schneider, Christoph; Hardin, Andrew; Davison, Robert M. / ERRATUM: On tailoring and hand-me-downs. September 2020; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 928
Davison, Robert M; Ou, Carol XJ; Ng, Evelyn / Inadequate Information Systems and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. September 2020; In: Information & Management. Vol. 57, No. 6
Tarafdar, Monideepa; Davison, Robert M. / The art of referencing. September 2020; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 787-790
Clarke, Roger; Davison, Robert M.; Jia, Wanying / Researcher perspective in the IS discipline: an empirical study of articles in the basket of 8 journals. August 2020; In: Information Technology and People. Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1515-1541
Nielsen, Petter; Davison, Robert M. / Predatory journals: A sign of an unhealthy publish or perish game?. July 2020; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 635–638
Davison, Robert M.; Harris, Roger W. / Maximising your chance of acceptance in EJISDC. May 2020; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 86, No. 3
Chen, Renee Rui; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Wang, Wei; Peng, Zhuo; Davison, Robert M. / Moving beyond the direct impact of using CRM systems on frontline employees' service performance: The mediating role of adaptive behaviour. May 2020; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 458-491
Schneider, Christoph; Hardin, Andrew; Davison, Robert M. / On tailoring and hand-me-downs. May 2020; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 427-430
Clarke, Roger; Davison, Robert M. / Research Perspectives: Through Whose Eyes? The Critical Concept of Researcher Perspective. April 2020; In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 483-501
Chen, Renee Rui; Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan / A symbolic interactionism perspective of using social media for personal and business communication. April 2020; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 51
Davison, Robert M. / Research contributions: The role of the iconoclast. March 2020; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 215-219
Cecez-Kecmanovic, Dubravka; Davison, Robert M.; Fernandez, Walter; Finnegan, Patrick; Pan, Shan L.; Sarker, Suprateek / Advancing Qualitative IS Research Methodologies: Expanding Horizons and Seeking New Paths. January 2020; In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 246-263
Chen, Xiayu; Wei, Shaobo; Davison, Robert M.; Rice, Ronald E. / How do enterprise social media affordances affect social network ties and job performance?. January 2020; In: Information Technology and People. Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 361-388
Davison, Robert M. / Which journal characteristics best invite submissions?. January 2020; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 1-5
Khoir, Safirotu; Davison, Robert M. / The art of good neighboring in Kampoeng Cyber: Community economic development through ICTs. September 2019; In: Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 572-588
Davison, Robert M.; Bjørn-Andersen, Niels / Do we care about the Societal Impact of our research?: The Tyranny of the H-Index and New Value-Oriented Research Directions. September 2019; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 989-993
Mirkovski, Kristijan; Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G. / The effects of trust and distrust on ICT-enabled information sharing in supply chains. August 2019; In: International Journal of Logistics Management. Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 892-926
Hu, Xi; Chen, Xiayu; Davison, Robert M. / Social Support, Source Credibility, Social Influence, and Impulsive Purchase Behavior in Social Commerce. July 2019; In: International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 297-327
Bi, Rui; Davison, Robert; Smyrnios, Kosmas / The Role of Top Management Participation and IT Capability in Developing SMEs' Competitive Process Capabilities. July 2019; In: Journal of Small Business Management. Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 1008-1026
Davison, Robert M. / For whom do we write?. May 2019; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 577-581
Davison, Robert M. / EJISDC Editorial. March 2019; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 85, No. 2
Davison, Robert M. / On serendipity: The happy discovery of unsought knowledge. March 2019; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 275-278
Davison, Robert M. / The art of vivacious variance. January 2019; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 1-5
Chen, Zhen-Jiao; Davison, Robert M.; Mao, Ji-Ye; Wang, Zhao-Hua / When and how authoritarian leadership and leader renqing orientation influence tacit knowledge sharing intentions. November 2018; In: Information & Management. Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 840-849
Davison, Robert M.; Díaz Andrade, Antonio / EDITORIAL: Promoting indigenous theory. September 2018; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 759-764
Wang, Youying; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Yang, Feng / Effect of transactive memory systems on team performance mediated by knowledge transfer. August 2018; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 41, pp. 65-79
Wong, Louie H.M.; Davison, Robert M. / Knowledge sharing in a global logistics provider: An action research project. July 2018; In: Information & Management. Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 547-557
Davison, Robert M. / REVIEW OF “DELIBERATION, REPRESENTATION, EQUITY: RESEARCH APPROACHES, TOOLS AND ALGORITHMS FOR PARTICIPATORY PROCESSES": Edited by Love Ekenberg Karin Hansson | Mats Danielson | Göran Cars et al. Published by Open Book. July 2018; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 84, No. 4
Davison, Robert M.; Tarafdar, Monideepa / Shifting baselines in information systems research threaten our future relevance. July 2018; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 587-591
Tarafdar, Monideepa; Davison, Robert M. / Research in Information Systems: Intra-Disciplinary and Inter-Disciplinary Approaches. June 2018; In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 523-551
Wu, Wei; Huang, Vivian; Chen, Xiayu; Davison, Robert M.; Hua, Zhongsheng / Social value and online social shopping intention: the moderating role of experience. May 2018; In: Information Technology and People. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 688-711
Yin, Pengzhen; Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M.; Wu, Jie / Coping with mobile technology overload in the workplace. May 2018; In: Internet Research. Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 1189-1212
Zheng, Bowen; Liu, Hefu; Davison, Robert M. / Exploring the relationship between corporate reputation and the public's crisis communication on social media. March 2018; In: Public Relations Review. Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 56-64
Avison, D.E.; Davison, R.M.; Malaurent, J. / Information systems action research: Debunking myths and overcoming barriers. March 2018; In: Information & Management. Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 177-187
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J.; Martinsons, Maris G. / Interpersonal knowledge exchange in China: The impact of guanxi and social media. March 2018; In: Information & Management. Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 224-234
Davison, Robert M. / The ethics of extended revisions. March 2018; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 263-265
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial: Researchers and the stakeholder's perspective. January 2018; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1-5
Davison, Robert; Harris, Roger / The end of one era and the start of the next era. January 2018; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 84, No. 1
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J. / Subverting organizational IS policy with feral systems: a case in China. 2018; In: Industrial Management and Data Systems. Vol. 118, No. 3, pp. 570-588
Zhu, Hui; Liu, Hongwei; Ou, Carol XJ; Davison, Robert M.; Yang, Zherui / Privacy preserving mechanisms for optimizing cross-organizational collaborative decisions based on the Karmarkar algorithm. December 2017; In: Information Systems. Vol. 72, pp. 205-217
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial: The limitations of limitations. November 2017; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 695-697
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial: Why are you submitting to the ISJ?. September 2017; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 555-558
Davison, Robert M.; Panteli, Niki; Hardin, Andrew M.; Fuller, Mark A. / Establishing Effective Global Virtual Student Teams. September 2017; In: IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 317-329
Martinsons, Maris G.; Davison, Robert M.; Huang, Qian / Strategic knowledge management failures in small professional service firms in China. August 2017; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 327-338
Davison, Robert M. / An eye for detail. May 2017; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 233-235
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial appreciating alien thinking. March 2017; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 121-124
Bi, Rui; Davison, Robert M.; Smyrnios, Kosmas X. / E-business and fast growth SMEs. March 2017; In: Small Business Economics. Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 559-576
Chen, Xiayu; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M. / The role of website quality and social capital in building buyers’ loyalty. February 2017; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 1563-1574
Khoir, Safirotu; Du, Jia Tina; Davison, Robert M.; Koronios, Andy / Contributing to social capital: An investigation of Asian immigrants' use of public library services. January 2017; In: Library and Information Science Research. Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 34-45
Chen, Xiayu; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M. / Economic and Social Satisfaction of Buyers on Consumer-to-Consumer Platforms: The Role of Relational Capital. January 2017; In: International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 219-248
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J. / Digital work in a digitally challenged organization. January 2017; In: Information & Management. Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 129-137
Davison, Robert M. / Transition arrangements to a new editorial structure. January 2017; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-3
Huang, Qian; Chen, Xiayu; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Davison, Robert M.; Hua, Zhongsheng / Understanding buyers’ loyalty to a C2C platform: the roles of social capital, satisfaction and perceived effectiveness of e-commerce institutional mechanisms. January 2017; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 91-119
Hu, Xi; Huang, Qian; Zhong, Xuepan; Davison, Robert M.; Zhao, Dingtao / The influence of peer characteristics and technical features of a social shopping website on a consumer's purchase intention. December 2016; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 36, No. 6, Part B, pp. 1218-1230
Davison, Robert M; Martinsons, Maris G / Context is king! Considering particularism in research design and reporting. September 2016; In: Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 241-249
Martinsons, Maris G.; Davison, Robert M. / People, places and time in research design and reporting: responding to commentaries on particularism. September 2016; In: Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 267-268
Wong, Louie H. M.; Ou, Carol X. J.; Davison, Robert M.; Zhu, Hui; Zhang, Cheng / Web 2.0 and Communication Processes at Work: Evidence From China. September 2016; In: IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 230-244
Ou, Carol X. J.; Davison, Robert M.; Huang, Vivian Q. / The Social Networking Application Success Model: An Empirical Study of Facebook and Twitter. June 2016; In: International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology. Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 5-39
Davison, Robert M. / The art of storytelling. May 2016; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 191-194
Ou, Carol X. J.; Davison, Robert M. / Shaping Guanxi Networks at Work through Instant Messaging. May 2016; In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 1153-1168
Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M.; Wong, Louie H.M. / Using interactive systems for knowledge sharing: The impact of individual contextual preferences in China. March 2016; In: Information & Management. Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 145-156
Chen, Xiayu; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Hua, Zhongsheng / What Drives Trust Transfer? The Moderating Roles of Seller-Specific and General Institutional Mechanisms. 2016; In: International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 261-289
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial-The Art of Constructive Reviewing. September 2015; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 429-432
Bi, Rui; Davison, Robert M.; Smyrnios, Kosmas X. / IT and fast growth small-to-medium enterprise performance: An empirical study in Australia. March 2015; In: Australasian Journal of Information Systems. Vol. 19, pp. S247-S266
Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M; Leung, Darren / Instant Messenger-Facilitated Knowledge Sharing and Team Performance. December 2014; In: International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 5 - 23
Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Liu, Hefu / An exploratory study of buyers' participation intentions in reputation systems: The relationship quality perspective. December 2014; In: Information & Management. Vol. 51, No. 8, pp. 952-963
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial - cultural bias in reviews and mitigation options. November 2014; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 475-477
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Zhao, Angela Y.; Du, Rong / The communicative ecology of Web 2.0 at work: Social networking in the workspace. October 2014; In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 65, No. 10, pp. 2035-2047
Trauth, Eileen M.; Davison, Robert; Powell, Philip / Editorial. July 2014; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 295-297
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial. May 2014; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 203-205
Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Pavlou, Paul A.; Davison, Robert M. / Swift guanxi in online marketplaces: The role of computer-mediated communication technologies. March 2014; In: MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems. Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 209-230
Bi, Rui; Davison, Robert M.; Kam, Booi; Smyrnios, Kosmas X. / Developing organizational agility through IT and supply chain capability. October 2013; In: Journal of Global Information Management. Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 38-55
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial. September 2013; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 377-379
Yan, Yalan; Davison, Robert M.; Mo, Chunyan / Employee creativity formation: The roles of knowledge seeking, knowledge contributing and flow experience in Web 2.0 virtual communities. September 2013; In: Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 1923-1932
Yan, Yalan; Davison, Robert M. / Exploring behavioral transfer from knowledge seeking to knowledge contributing: The mediating role of intrinsic motivation. June 2013; In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 1144-1157
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X. J.; Martinsons, Maris G. / Information technology to support informal knowledge sharing. January 2013; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 89-109
Davison, Robert M. / The privacy rights of cyborgs. December 2012; In: Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 324-325
Joia, Luiz Antonio; Davison, Robert M.; Andrade, Antonio Díaz; Urquhart, Cathy / Where are the indigenous ICT for development researchers: Marginalised or uninvited?. December 2012; In: ACM Inroads. Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 94-97
Davison, Robert M. / Editorial. November 2012; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 407-409
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Ou, Carol X.J. / The roles of theory in canonical action research. September 2012; In: MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems. Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 763-786
Davison, Robert M.; Powell, Philip; Trauth, Eileen M. / ISJ inaugural editorial. July 2012; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 257-260
Zhong, Xuepan; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Yang, Xuan; Chen, Huaping / Empowering teams through social network ties. June 2012; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 209-220
Davison, Robert M. / Making a world of a difference. June 2012; In: Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 100-101
Harris, Roger W.; Davison, Robert M. / Editorial: A note to Contributors. 2012; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 55, No. 1
Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M. / Interactive or interruptive? Instant messaging at work. December 2011; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 61-72
Davison, Robert M; Martinsons, Maris G / Methodological practice and policy for organisationally and socially relevant IS research: an inclusive-exclusive perspective. December 2011; In: Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 288-293
Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Gu, Jibao / The impact of trust, guanxi orientation and face on the intention of Chinese employees and managers to engage in peer-to-peer tacit and explicit knowledge sharing. November 2011; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 557-577
Yan, Yalan; Davison, Robert M. / Using decision support systems in chinese enterprises: A study of managerial information behaviour. February 2011; In: Information Development. Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 15-31
Davison, Robert M. / Retrospect and prospect: Information systems in the last and next 25 years: Response and extension. December 2010; In: Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 352-354
Yang, Xuan; Davison, Robert; Zhong, Xuepan; Huang, Qian / Employee-related critical success factors for utilization of digitally-enabled supply chain management. 2010; In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB). pp. 280-288
Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M.; Zhong, Xuepan; Liang, Yi / Empowering employees through instant messaging. 2010; In: Information Technology and People. Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 193-211
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Lo, Henry W. H.; Li, Yuan / Technical opinion: The ethics of IT professionals in China. July 2009; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 153-155
Martinsons, Maris G.; Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Valdis / How culture influences IT-enabled organizational change and information systems. April 2009; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 118-123
Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Davison, Robert M. / Technical opinion - Why eBay lost to TaoBao in China: The global advantage. January 2009; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 145-148
Clarke, Roger; Davison, Robert; Beath, Cynthia M. / Journal self-citation XI: Regulation of "Journal self-referencing" - The substantive role of the AIS code of research conduct. 2009; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 91-96
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Ou, Carol X.J.; Murata, Kiyoshi; Drummond, Damon; Li, Yuan; Lo, Henry W.H. / The ethics of IT professionals in Japan and China. 2009; In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 10, No. 11, pp. 834-859
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan / Guanxi, knowledge and online intermediaries in China. October 2008; In: Chinese Management Studies. Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 281-302
Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Liu, Hefu; Gu, Jibao / The impact of leadership style on knowledge-sharing intentions in China. October 2008; In: Journal of Global Information Management. Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 67-91
Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Gu, Jibao / Impact of personal and cultural factors on knowledge sharing in China. September 2008; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 451-471
Davison, Robert; Sia, Siew Kien; Dong, Xiao Ying / Introduction to the special issue on information systems in China. July 2008; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 325-330
KHALIFA, Mohamed; DAVISON, Robert / Explaining the Intended Continuance Level of Telecommuting. 2008; In: International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management. Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 264 - 294
DAVISON, Robert / Learning through Blogging: Graduate Student Experiences. 2008; In: eLearn Magazine. Vol. 2008, No. 2, pp. 3 -
Martinsons, Maris G.; Davison, Robert M. / Culture's consequences for IT application and business process change: a research agenda. June 2007; In: International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 158-177
Hardin, Andrew M.; Fuller, Mark A.; Davison, Robert M. / I know i can, but can we? Culture and efficacy beliefs in global virtual teams. February 2007; In: Small Group Research. Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 130-155
Martinsons, Maris G.; Davison, Robert M. / Strategic decision making and support systems: Comparing American, Japanese and Chinese management. February 2007; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 284-300
Fuller, Mark A.; Hardin, Andrew M.; Davison, Robert M. / Efficacy in technology-mediated distributed teams. December 2006; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 209-235
Davison, Robert / Virtual work, teams and organisations. October 2006; In: Information Technology & People. Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 265-272
Khalifa, Mohamed; Davison, Robert M. / SME adoption of IT: The case of electronic trading systems. May 2006; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 275-284
Pauleen, David J.; Evaristo, Roberto; Davison, Robert M.; Ang, Soon; Alanis, Macedonio; Klein, Stefan / Cultural Bias in Information Systems Research and Practice: Are You Coming From the Same Place I Am?. March 2006; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 17, pp. 354-372
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Lo, Henry W.H.; Kam, Carol S.P. / Ethical values of IT professionals: Evidence from Hong Kong. February 2006; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 48-58
Ahuja, Manju; Davison, Robert; Bélanger, France; Watson, Mary Beth / Virtual work, teams, and organizations. 2006; In: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 1
Davison, Robert M.; Li, Yuan; Kam, Carol S. P. / Web-based data collection in China. 2006; In: Journal of Global Information Management. Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 39-58
Davison, Robert M.; de Vreede, Gert-Jan; Briggs, Robert O. / On Peer Review Standards For the Information Systems Literature. December 2005; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 16, pp. 967-980
Weinstein, Eugene; Davison, Robert M.; Vogel, Douglas R. / Taiwan's place in China [1]. June 2005; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 48, No. 6
Panteli, Niki; Davison, Robert M. / The role of subgroups in the communication patterns of global virtual teams. June 2005; In: IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 191-200
Davison, Robert M.; Vogel, Douglas R.; Harris, Roger W. / The e-transformation of Western China. April 2005; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 62-66
Davison, Robert M.; Wagner, Christian; Ma, Louis C.K. / From government to e-government: A transition model. 2005; In: Information Technology and People. Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 280-299
Davison, Robert M.; Munro, Malcolm C.; Straub, Detmar W. / Introduction to the AIS Code of Research Conduct. January 2004; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 13
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Kock, Ned / Principles of canonical action research. January 2004; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 65-86
Kock, Ned; Davison, Robert / Dealing with plagiarism in the information systems research community: A look at factors that drive plagiarism and ways to address them. December 2003; In: MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems. Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 511-532
Davison, Robert; Fuller, Mark; Hardin, Andrew / E-consulting in virtual negotiations. November 2003; In: Group Decision and Negotiation. Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 517-535
Davison, Robert M.; Smith, H. Jeff; Clarke, Roger; Langford, Duncan; Kuo, Bob / Information Privacy in a Globally Networked Society: Implications for IS Research. October 2003; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 12
De Vreede, Gert-Jan; Davison, Robert M.; Briggs, Robert O. / How a silver bullet may lose its shine. August 2003; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 96-101
BOLLOJU, Narasimha; DAVISON, Robert / Learning through asynchronous discussions: experiences from using a discussion board in a large undergraduate class in Hong Kong. June 2003; In: eLearn Magazine. Vol. 2003, No. 6, pp. 4
Kock, Ned; Davison, Robert / Can lean media support knowledge sharing? Investigating a hidden advantage of process improvement. May 2003; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 151-163
Martinsons, Maris G.; Davison, Robert / Guest editorial cultural issues and It management: Looking ahead. February 2003; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 113-117
Davison, Robert; Martinsons, Maris / Guest editorial cultural issues and IT management: Past and present. February 2003; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 3-7
Davison, Robert M. / Discussants and the Quality of Interactions at Conferences. January 2003; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 11, pp. 128-136
George, Joey F.; Beath, Cynthia; Davison, Robert; Heales, Jon; Munro, Malcolm / Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Member Misconduct to the AIS Council. January 2003; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 11, pp. 54-78
Davison, R. M.; De Vreede, G. J.; Loch, K. / Global virtual collaboration. 2003; In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2003.
Amoroso, D. L.; Loch, K.; Davison, R. M. / Social issues in organizations. 2003; In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2003.
Davison, Robert / Cultural complications of ERP. July 2002; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 45, No. 7, pp. 109-111
Davison, Robert; Martinsons, Maris G. / Empowerment or enslavement?: A case of process-based organisational change in Hong Kong. March 2002; In: Information Technology & People. Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 42-59
Khalifa, Mohamed; Davison, Robert; Kwok, Ron Chi-Wai / The effects of process and content facilitation restrictiveness on GSS-mediated collaborative learning. 2002; In: Group Decision and Negotiation. Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 345-361
DAVISON, ROBERT; DE VREEDE, GERT-JAN / The Global Application of Collaborative Technologies. December 2001; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 44, No. 12, pp. 69-70
VOGEL, Douglas; DAVISON, Robert M; SHROFF, Ronnie Homi / Sociocultural Learning: A Perspective on GSS-Enabled Global Education. August 2001; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 7, No. 9, pp. 1-41
Kock, Ned; Davison, Robert; Wazlawick, Raul; Ocker, Rosalie / E-collaboration: A look at past research and future challenges. June 2001; In: Journal of Systems and Information Technology. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-8
Davison, Robert / GSS and action research in the Hong Kong police. March 2001; In: Information Technology & People. Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 60-77
DAVISON, Robert M; Kock, Ned F; Loch, Karen D.; Clarke, Roger / Research Ethics in Information Systems: Would a Code of Practice Help?. 2001; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 1-39
Davison, Robert M.; Briggs, Robert O. / GSS for presentation support. September 2000; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 43, No. 9, pp. 91-97
KHALIFA, Mohamed; DAVISON, Robert / Exploring the telecommuting paradox. March 2000; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 29-31
Davison, Robert; Vogel, Doug; Harris, Roger; Jones, Noel / Technology Leapfrogging in Developing Countries – An Inevitable Luxury?. January 2000; In: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-10
Davison, Robert; Vogel, Doug / Group support systems in Hong Kong: An action research project. January 2000; In: Information Systems Journal. Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 3-20
Davidson, Robert; Qureshi, Sajda; de Vreede, Gert-Jan; Vogel, Douglas; Jones, Noel / Group support systems through the lens of action research: Experiences in organisations. 2000; In: Journal of Global Information Technology Management. Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 6-23
DAVISON, Robert M / Professional Ethics in Information Systems: A Personal Perspective. 2000; In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-34
Davison, Robert / The Role of Groupware in Requirements Specification. 2000; In: Group Decision and Negotiation. Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 149-160
Davison, Robert / An instrument for measuring meeting success: Revalidation and modification. December 1999; In: Information & Management. Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 321-328
Davison, Robert; Harris, Roger; Vogel, Doug R.; de Vreede, Gert-Jan / Information technology in developing countries: Closing the digital divide. June 1999; In: Journal of Global Information Technology Management. Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 1-4
Harris, Roger; DAVISON, Robert M / Anxiety and Involvement: Cultural Dimensions of Attitudes Towards Computers in Developing Societies. 1999; In: Journal of Global Information Management. Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 26-38
Martinsons, Maris; Davison, Robert; Tse, Dennis / The balanced scorecard: A foundation for the strategic management of information systems. 1999; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 71-88
Kamel, Nabil N.; Davison, Robert M. / Applying CSCW technology to overcome traditional barriers in group interactions. November 1998; In: Information & Management. Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 209-219
Davison, Robert; Jordan, Ernest / Group Support Systems: Barriers to Adoption in a Cross-Cultural Setting. 1998; In: Journal of Global Information Technology Management. Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 37-50
Davison, Robert M. / An instrument for measuring meeting success. April 1997; In: Information & Management. Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 163-176
Burn, Janice; Davison, Robert; Jordan, Ernest / The Information Society - A Cultural Fallacy?. 1997; In: Failure and Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management. Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 219-232
Conference Papers
Liu, Shu; Cassumbhoy, Fareeda; Wong, HM Louie; Davison, Robert M / Spearheading Digital Transformation: The Role of the Chief Digital Officer. July 2023; 2023 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2023), 08/07/2023 - 12/07/2023, Nanchang, China.
ZHENG, Bowen; LIU, Hefu; DAVISON, Robert M / Social Media Word-of-Mouth in Crisis and Non-Crisis Context: Examining the Halo Effect of Corporate Reputation. June 2018; 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2018), 26/06/2018 - 30/06/2018, Yokohama, Japan. pp. 3414-3425
DAVISON, Robert M / Facilitating Social Harmony through ICTs. May 2017; 14th IFIP WG 9.4 Conference, 22/05/2017 - 24/05/2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 3-9
CHEN, R; DAVISON, Robert M / Frontline Employees’ Adaptive Performance in Service Encounters: The Driving Force of CRM Systems. August 2015; 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2015), 13/08/2015 - 15/08/2015, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.
Bi, Rui; Davison, Robert M.; Smyrnios, Kosmas / Evaluating E-Business Capability and E-Business Value for Fast Growth Small-to-Medium Enterprises. January 2014; 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2014), 01/08/2014 - 04/08/2014, Philadelphia, United States.
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Martinsons, Maris G.; Hua, Xiaoqing; Zhao, Angela Y; Du, Rong / The Communicative Ecology of Web 2.0 @ Work: Social Networking in the Workspace. August 2013; 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2013), 09/08/2013 - 13/08/2013, Orlando, United States.
Bi, Rui; Davison, Robert M.; Smyrnios, Kosmas X. / Effect of IT Complementary Resources on Fast Growth Small-to-Medium Enterprise Performance: A Resource-based View. June 2013; 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2013), 18/06/2013 - 22/06/2013, Jeju Island, Korea, Republic of.
ZHONG, Xuepan; HUANG, Qian; DAVISON, Robert M; YANG, Xuan; CHEN, Huaping / Empowering Teams through Social Network Ties. April 2011; Organisational Learning and Knowledge and Capabilities Conference, 12/04/2011 - 14/04/2011, Hull, United Kingdom.
HUANG, Qian; ZHONG, Xuepan; DAVISON, Robert M; LIU, Hefu / Transactive Memory System Impact on Team Performance through Knowledge Quality and Perceived Knowledge Satisfaction. April 2011; Organisational Learning and Knowledge and Capabilities Conference, 12/04/2011 - 14/04/2011, Hull, United Kingdom.
Davison, Robert M; Ou, Carol X.J. / Privacy and Utility: IM Use in a Chinese Professional Services Firm. March 2011; ACM 2011 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW 2011, 19/03/2011 - 23/03/2011, Hangzhou, China.
DAVISON, Robert M; JOIA, LA / Publishing IS Research in and about Latin America. August 2010; 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010), 12/08/2010 - 15/08/2010, Lima, Peru.
MARTINSONS, Maris G; DAVISON, Robert M; HUANG, Qian / Knowledge management challenges in small professional services firms: Action research in China. August 2009; 2009 Academy of Management Annual Conference, 07/08/2009 - 11/08/2009, Chicago, United States.
DAVISON, Robert; Vogel, D.R.; Bjorksten, J.; Schwabe, G.; Cameron, A. F.; ČEČEZ-KECMANOVIČ, D. / Informal Communication Practices in Organisational Knowledge Management. June 2008; 16th European Conference on Information Systems, 09/06/2008 - 11/06/2008, Galway, Ireland.
DAVISON, Robert; OU, X J C / The B2B Knowledge Environment in China: Shifting from Tacit Understanding to Explicit Representation. August 2007; 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2007), 27/08/2007 - 28/08/2007, Vienna, Austria.
DAVISON, Robert; Huang, Q V; Martinsons, Maris G / Managing Knowledge in China: Action Research in a Small Enterprise. July 2007; Asia Pacific Journal of Management Special Issue Conference (APJM 2007), 07/07/2007 - 09/07/2007, Xian, China.
OU, C X J; DAVISON, Robert / Knowledge Management Problems, Causes and Solutions: Junior Knowledge Workers' Perspectives. 2007;
Davison, Robert / Empowering or enslaving? The effects of culture on process improvement in Hong Kong. December 2000; Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) Workshop 2000, 10/12/2000 - , Brisbane, Australia.
Davison, Robert / Ethical and Professional Challenges of Teaching on the Web: a personal view. June 2000; 6th Hong Kong Web Symposium, 08/06/2000 - 10/06/2000, , Hong Kong.
Dhillon, Gurpreet; Davison, Robert / Learning in a WWW Based Teaching Environment: Reconsidering Ethical Principles and Legal Issues. June 1999; 11th World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 1999), 19/06/1999 - 24/06/1999, Seattle, United States.
Davison, R / Technology leapfrogging for development. February 1998; 4th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, 18/02/1998 - 20/02/1998, Bangkok, Thailand.
Harris, Roger W.; Davison, Robert / DO STUDENTS AND LECTURERS FEEL THE SAME ABOUT COMPUTERS?. December 1997; 3rd International Conference of Computers in Education (ICCE97), 02/12/1997 - 06/12/1997, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Davison, Robert / INNOVATIVE EDUCATION IN THE ROYAL HONG KONG POLICE FORCE. July 1997; 4th International Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, 20/07/1997 - 23/07/1997, Sydney, Australia.
Davison, Robert / Intervening with GSS to Facilitate Meetings - An Action Research Approach. December 1996; Doctoral Consortium of the 17th International Conference on Information Systems, 13/12/1996 - 15/12/1996, Cleveland, United States.
DAVISON, Robert / Developing an Instrument to Measure Meetings (in Hong Kong). September 1995; 6th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 1995), 26/09/1995 - 29/09/1995, Perth, Australia.
Davison, Robert / THE ROLE OF GSS IN REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION: A CASE STUDY. June 1995; INFORMS 1995 Sessions on GDSS as Support for Designing Organisations and Information Systems, 25/06/1995 - 28/06/1995, , Singapore.
Wong, Eva Y. W.; Davison, Robert / A Study on the Expectation of Female Students following a Technically Oriented Degree Course in Hong Kong. September 1994; International Conference on the Development and Role of Women in Technology, 21/09/1994 - 23/09/1994, Beijing, China.
James, G.C.; Davison, R.M.; Fang, A.C.Y. / Compiling a corpus: techniques, problems and solutions. December 1991; 7th International Language in Education Conference, 17/12/1991 - 19/12/1991, , Hong Kong.
Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works
Kromidha, Endrit; Davison, Robert M. / Generative AI-Augmented Decision-Making for Business Information Systems. August 2024; Human Choice and Computers: 16th IFIP International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC 2024, Phuket, Thailand, September 8–10, 2024, Proceedings. pp. 46-55
Davison, Robert M.; Kreps, David / Preface. August 2024; Human Choice and Computers: 16th IFIP International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC 2024, Proceedings. pp. v
ER, Mahendrawathi; Davison, Robert M.; Khoir, Safirotu; Fauzia, Rahma / The Digital Transformation of Microbusinesses in Indonesia: Dichotomous Effects and Consequences. August 2024; Human Choice and Computers: 16th IFIP International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC 2024, Phuket, Thailand, September 8–10, 2024, Proceedings. pp. 98-109
Davison, Robert M.; Díaz Andrade, Antonio; Bailey, Arlene; Ruhode, Ephias; Walsham, Geoff; van Belle, Jean-Paul; van Biljon, Judy; Wakunuma, Kutoma; Park, Kyung Ryul; Joia, Luiz A.; Thomas, Manoj; Frasheri, Neki; Wall, P. J.; La Rovere, Renata Lèbre; Masiero, Silvia; Karanasios, Stan / Past Practices, Current Debates and Disputes: Future Engagements and Opportunities Regarding Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development: Working Group 9.4: Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development. January 2024; Current Directions in ICT and Society: IFIP TC9 50th Anniversary Anthology. pp. 43-58
Malaurent, Julien; Davison, Robert M.; Wong, Louie H.M. / Case study followed by action research: Enhancing researcher and practitioner outcomes. July 2023; Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems: New Perspectives. pp. 149-162
Davison, Robert M. / Current trends and future opportunities in qualitative IS research. July 2023; Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems: New Perspectives. pp. 376-382
Davison, Robert M. / Introduction to the Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems. July 2023; Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems: New Perspectives. pp. 1-8
Davison, Robert M.; Wong, Louie H.M. / Knowledge acquisition for quality engagement. July 2023; Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems: New Perspectives. pp. 77-87
Davison, Robert M.; Tan, Barney; Wong, Louie H.M.; Ng, Evelyn / Teaching qualitative research methods. July 2023; Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems: New Perspectives. pp. 10-29
Ng, Evelyn; Tan, Barney; Davison, Robert; Hong, Jingzhu; Wong, Louie / Developing Guanxi Through Social Media: User Archetypes and Influencing Factors. June 2023; ECIS 2023 Proceedings : ECIS 2023 Research-in-Progress Papers.
Viguerie, Christophe; Davison, Robert M. / A Blockchain-Based RegTech System for Product Safety Enforcement: A Case Study of Food Import in China. February 2023; Blockchain in Supply Chain Digital Transformation. pp. 43-73
Hong, Jingzhu; Tan, Barney; Ng, Evelyn; Davison, Robert M.; Wong, Louie / The Impact of Social Media on Digital Guanxi Development in the Chinese Workplace. January 2023; Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 2264-2273
AbuJarour, Safaa; Beath, Cynthia; Carter, Michelle; Davison, Robert; Madon, Shirin; Maitland, Carleen; Miranda, Shaila / Digitization to Support Generations of Refugees: How Can IS Research and Researchers Make a Difference?. December 2022; ICIS 2023 Proceedings.
Kreps, David; Davison, Robert / Preface. August 2022; Human Choice and Digital by Default: Autonomy vs Digital Determination: 15th IFIP International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC 2022, Tokyo, Japan, September 8–9, 2022, Proceedings. pp. vi
Gupta, Babita; Boudreau, Marie-Claude; Davison, Robert / How to make the IS discipline relevant to non-IS stakeholders?. July 2022; AMCIS 2022 TREOs.
Strous, Leon; Davison, Robert M.; Marín-Raventós, Gabriela / Digital Equity, Sustainable Development and the ICT Professional. December 2020; Unimagined Futures – ICT Opportunities and Challenges. pp. 220-231
Davison, Robert M; Wong, Louie HM; Ou, Carol XJ; Er, Mahendrawathi; Chen, Xiayu; Kayser, Ina; Prasarnphanich, Pattarawan / Beneficial Non-Compliance with Inadequate Information Systems. December 2020; ICIS 2020 Proceedings.
Struijk, Mylène; Angelopoulos, Spyros; Ou, Carol; Davison, Robert M. / Influencing Information Quality: Evidence from a Military Organization. June 2020; Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
Ng, Evelyn; Tan, Barney; Davison, Robert M.; Sun, Yuan / Guanxi in the Digital Age: The Influence of Social Media on Guanxi Development. December 2019; 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2019.
Chen, Xiayu; Davison, Robert M. / Self-Awareness or Context-Awareness? The Role of Awareness in Herd Behavior. December 2019; ICIS 2019 Proceedings.
Martinsons, Maris; Davison, Robert M; Boswood, Timothy Stephen; Mitchell, Rick / Communicating Organizational Development: Metaphors in Strategic Plans. August 2019; Academy of Management Proceedings.
Chen, Xiayu; Li, Yanrui; Davison, Robert M.; Liu, Yezheng / The Impact of Herd Behavior on Purchase Behavior: The Moderating Role of Uncertainty. July 2019; PACIS 2019 Proceedings.
Davison, Robert M.; Wong, Louie H.M.; Alter, Steven; Ou, Carol X.J. / Adopted Globally but Unusable Locally: What Workarounds Reveal about Adoption, Resistance, Compliance and Noncompliance. June 2019; Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
Khoir, Safirotu; Du, Jia Tina; Davison, Robert M. / Applying Photovoice to the Study of Asian Immigrants’ Information Needs. March 2019; Information in Contemporary Society - 14th International Conference, iConference 2019, Proceedings. pp. 222-227
Davison, Robert; Wong, Louise HM / Action Research for PhD Students: a Supervisor-Student Dialogue. June 2018; Information Systems, Development Approaches and Qualitative Research: A Tribute to David Avison. pp. 97-100
Davison, Robert / Reflections on 20 years of ar, the isj and David Avison. June 2018; Information Systems, Development Approaches and Qualitative Research: A Tribute to David Avison. pp. 38-42
Zheng, Bowen; Liu, Hefu; Davison, Robert M. / Social Media Word-of-Mouth in Crisis and Non-Crisis Contexts: Examining the Halo Effect of Corporate Reputation. June 2018; PACIS 2018 PROCEEDINGS: PACIS 2018 - Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are We Ready?.
Davison, Robert M; Ou, Carol XJ; Ng, Evelyn / The Professional Responsibilities of ERP Experts: A New Form of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. June 2018; PACIS 2018 PROCEEDINGS: PACIS 2018 - Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are We Ready?. pp. 2708-2719
Khoir, Safirotu; Davison, Robert M. / iTransformation of a Digital Village: A Community Development Initiative Through ICTs. March 2018; Transforming Digital Worlds: 13th International Conference, iConference 2018, Proceedings. pp. 114-119
Coleman, Emma; Carter, Michelle; Davison, Robert M.; Chigona, Wallace; Urquhart, Cathy / Social Inclusion in the AIS Community: What, Why and How?. December 2017; 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2017): Transforming Society with Digital Innovation. Vol. 4, pp. 2252-2259
Wu, Wei; Huang, Qian; Liu, Hefu; Davison, Robert M / Competitive Self-efficacy and Solvers’ Sustained Participation in the Crowdsourcing Contest Market: The Moderating Effect of Regulatory Focuses. July 2017; Proceedings of the 21th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017).
WANG, Pan Pan; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M; Wu, Wei / The Antecedents and Consequences of Social and Economic User Satisfaction in Online Social Shopping Community: The User Experience Perspective. July 2017; Proceedings of the 21th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017).
Wang, You-Ying; Davison, Robert M.; Huang, Qian / Understanding How Software Developers Innovate in an IT-Enabled Work Environment: A Role Perceptions Perspective. July 2017; Proceedings of the 21th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017).
Davison, Robert; Schwabe, Gerhard; Elbanna, Amany; Andrade, Antonio Díaz / UNLEASHING INNOVATION IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH TOGETHER. June 2017; Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017). pp. 3260-3263
Huang, Qian; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Davison, Robert M. / The role of swift relationships and institutional structures in uncertainty reduction. December 2016; 2016 International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2016.
Chen, Renee Rui; Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan / Using Social Media for Business Communication: A Symbolic Interaction Perspective. December 2016; Proceedings of the 27th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS2016).
Hu, Xi; Zhang, Hong; Sun, Jianshan; Xiang, Li; Wei, Jiuchang; Davison, Robert / Impulsive purchase behaviour in social commerce: The role of social influence. June 2016; Proceeding of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016).
Hui, Zhu; Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M.; Pavlou, Paul A.; Liu, Hongwei / Investigating Decision Support Aids in Online Marketplaces Based on the Effort-Accuracy Co-Existence Framework. June 2016; ECIS 2016 Proceedings.
Wang, You-Ying; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Zheng, Xiabing / Effect of role dynamics on transactive memory system and team performance in open-source software teams: The moderating role of communication. 2016; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2016 - Proceedings.
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G. / Methodological practice and policy for organisationally and socially relevant IS research: an inclusive-exclusive perspective. 2016; Formulating Research Methods for Information Systems. Vol. 1, pp. 97-111
Zhu, Hui; Yang, Zherui; Ou, Carol XJ; Liu, Hongwei; Davison, Robert M. / Investigating the Impacts of Recommendation Agents on Impulsive Purchase Behaviour. November 2015; Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) 2015 Proceedings.
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J. / Subverting Organisational IT Policy: A Case in China. August 2015; AMCIS 2015 Proceedings.
Chen, Xiayu; Davison, Robert; Huang, Qian / The Impact of Technology Support for Contextualization and Media System Dependency on Enterprise Social Media Use. August 2015; AMCIS 2015 Proceedings.
Davison, Robert M. / Commentaries on retrospect and prospects for IS research: Retrospect and prospect: Information systems in the last and next 25 years: Response and extension. January 2015; Formulating Research Methods for Information Systems: Volume 1. pp. 54-60
Martinsons, Maris G.; Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan / Developing a New Theory of Knowledge Sharing: Documenting and Reflecting on a Messy Process. January 2015; Academy of Management Proceedings.
Chen, Renee Rui; Davison, Robert M. / Frontline employees' adaptive performance in service encounters: The driving force of CRM systems. 2015; 2015 Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2015.
Khoir, Safirotu; Davison, Robert M. / Applications of Social Media by Digital Natives in the Workplace: An Exploratory Study in Indonesia. December 2014; Proceedings of the 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems.
Wong, Louie H.M.; Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J.; Zhang, Cheng / The Mediating Role of Guanxi Network and Communication Performance in Transforming Web 2.0 Technologies Usage to Work Performance: An Empirical Study in China. December 2014; Proceedings of the 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems.
Ou, Carol XJ; Wong, Louie HM; Davison, Robert M; Zhang, Cheng / Social Media and Communication Processes at Work: Evidence from China. November 2014; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems. pp. 277-288
Bi, Rui; Davison, Robert M.; Smyrnios, Kosmas X. / E-business use and value for fast growth smallto-medium enterprises in turbulent environments. June 2014; Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2014.
Chen, Xiayu; Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Hua, Zhongsheng / The moderating effects of contextual factors on a buyer's trust in e-commerce platforms and sellers. June 2014; Proceeding of the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2014).
Yin, Pengzhen; Davison, Robert M.; Bian, Yiyang; Wu, Ji; Liang, Liang / The sources and consequences of mobile technostress in the workplace. June 2014; Proceeding of the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2014).
Ou, Carol X. J.; Davison, Robert M.; Wong, Louie H. M. / Contextual preferences and network-based knowledge sharing in China. 2014; 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2014.
Baskerville, Richard; Davison, Robert; Kaul, Mala; Wong, Louie / Designing artifacts for systems of information. 2014; Information Systems and Global Assemblages: (Re)Configuring Actors, Artefacts, Organizations. Vol. 446, pp. 233-245
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J. / Digital work in a pre-digital organizational culture. 2014; ECIS 2014 Proceedings - 22nd European Conference on Information Systems.
Bi, Rui; Smyrnios, Kosmas X.; Davison, Robert M. / IT as An Enabler to Enhance Fast Growth Small-to-Medium Enterprise Performance. August 2013; Academy of Management Proceedings.
Cai, Zhao; Huang, Qian; Liu, Hefu; Davison, Robert M.; Liang, Liang / Developing organizational agility through it capability and km capability: The moderating effects of organizational climate. June 2013; Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2013.
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol XJ / Sharing Knowledge in Technology Deficient Environments: Individual Workarounds amid Corporate Restrictions. June 2013; ECIS 2013 Proceedings.
Yang, Xuan; Hu, Daning; Robert, Davison M. / How microblogging networks affect project success of open source software development. 2013; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 3178-3186
Mirkovski, Kristijan; Davison, Robert / The emergence and development of interorganizational relationships in the wine industry: Moderating roles of trust and distrust in ICT use. 2013; Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2013.
Bi, Rui; Davison, Robert M.; Kam, Booi; Smyrnios, Kosmas X. / Developing organizational agility through it and supply chain capability. July 2012; PACIS 2012 Proceedings.
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan / The Informal Entanglement of Knowledge, Guanxi and Technology: Evidence from China and a New Theory. July 2012; Academy of Management Proceedings.
Mirkovski, Kristijan; Davison, Robert; Schneider, Chrostoph / Emergence and development of inter-organizational relationships in international supply chains: The Macedonian winery case. 2012; 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012, AMCIS 2012. Vol. 2, pp. 1109-1117
Yang, Xuan; Liu, Libo; Davison, Robert M. / Reputation management in social commerce communities. 2012; 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012, AMCIS 2012. Vol. 3, pp. 2194-2201
Davison, Robert; Ou, Carol / Investigating transactive memory shaped by knowledge management tools - Proposing a longitudinal study in China. 2011; 19th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2011.
Ou, Carol X. J.; Poon, Wing Sze; Pavlou, Paul A.; Davison, Robert M. / Nurturing sales entrepreneurship in consumer-to-consumer marketplaces. 2011; International Conference on Information Systems 2011, ICIS 2011. Vol. 5, pp. 3685-3694
Joia, Luiz Antonio; Davison, Robert; Andrade, Antonio Diaz; Urquhart, Cathy; Kah, Muhammadou / Self-marginalized or uninvited? The absence of indigenous researchers in the arena of globalized ICT4D research. 2011; International Conference on Information Systems 2011, ICIS 2011. Vol. 5, pp. 4411-4415
Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert / The impact of different types of satisfaction on C2C platform loyalty. 2011; International Conference on Information Systems 2011, ICIS 2011. Vol. 5, pp. 3617-3633
Ou, Carol X. J.; Leung, Darren W. L.; Davison, Robert M. / The impact of instant messaging tools on knowledge management and team performance. 2011; Researching the Future in Information Systems. Vol. 356 AICT, pp. 131-148
Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M.; Cheng, Nikki C.K. / Why are social networking applications successful? An empirical study of Twitter. 2011; PACIS 2011 - 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Quality Research in Pacific.
Yang, Xuan; Hu, Daning; Davison, Robert M. / HOW MICROBLOG FOLLOWER NETWORKS AFFECT OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE PROJECT SUCCESS. December 2010; ICIS 2010 Proceedings: Thirty First International Conference on Information Systems.
Martinsons, Maris G; DAVISON, Robert M / Knowledge management in the Chinese business context. July 2010; Encyclopedia of knowledge management. Vol. 1, pp. 682-693
Ou, Carol X.J.; Wong, Wing Po; Davison, Robert M. / Beyond institution-based trust: Building effective online marketplaces with social mechanisms. 2010; ICIS 2010 Proceedings - Thirty First International Conference on Information Systems.
Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M.; Zhong, Xuepan; Liang, Yi / Can instant messaging empower teams at work?. 2010; 2010 4th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science - Proceedings, RCIS 2010. pp. 589-598
MARTINSONS, Maris G; DAVISON, Robert / Globalization and Information Management Strategy: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. 2010; The handbook of technology management. Vol. 2, pp. 653-664
Davison, Robert M.; Martinsons, Maris G. / Inclusive or exclusive? Methodological practice and policy for organisationally and socially relevant IS research. 2010; 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2010, AMCIS 2010. Vol. 2, pp. 1154-1161
Davison, Robert; Martinsons, Maris G.; Ou, Carol Xiaojuan / Knowledge sharing in professional services firms in China. 2010; China's Emerging Outsourcing Capabilities: The Services Challenge. pp. 165-183
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J. / Knowledge sharing initiatives in a Chinese professional services firm. 2010; 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2010, AMCIS 2010. Vol. 2, pp. 1162-1170
Ferran, Carlos; Garcia-Murillo, Martha; Graeml, Alexandre; Davison, Robert / Publishing IS research in and about Latin America panel proposal. 2010; 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2010, AMCIS 2010. Vol. 2, pp. 1459-1461
Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M. / The impact of instant messaging in the workplace. 2010; 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2010, AMCIS 2010. Vol. 5, pp. 3782-3792
Ou, Carol X.J.; Liang, Yi; Davison, Robert M.; Zhong, Xuepan / The significance of instant messaging at work. 2010; 5th International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, ICIW 2010. pp. 102-109
Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M. / An exploratory study of buyers' participation in C2C reputation systems. 2009; PACIS 2009 - 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: IT Services in a Global Environment.
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J.; Li, Maggie Y.; Björkstén, Johan / Eastwei: A knowledge-based value shop. 2009; PACIS 2009 - 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: IT Services in a Global Environment.
Davison, Robert M. / Foreword. 2009; Handbook of Research on Contemporary Theoretical Models in Information Systems. pp. xxvii-xxviii
Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M.; Pavlou, Paul A.; Li, Maggie Y. / LEVERAGING RICH COMMUNICATION TOOLS: EVIDENCE OF ONLINE TRUST AND GUANXI IN CHINA. December 2008; ICIS 2008 Proceedings.
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J.; Li, Maggie Y.; Martinsons, Maris G.; Björkstén, Johan / The Multimethodological Investigation of Knowledge Sharing Practices in Eastwei. December 2008; ICIS 2008 Proceedings.
DAVISON, Robert; MARTINSONS, Maris G. / Empowerment or Enslavement?: A Case of Process-Based Organisational Change in Hong Kong. 2008; Major currents in information systems. Vol. 5, pp. 308-324
Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M. / Knowledge sharing barriers at the individual level in a Chinese bank. 2008; PACIS 2008 - 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Leveraging ICT for Resilient Organizations and Sustainable Growth in the Asia Pacific Region.
Davison, Robert M.; Li, Yuan; Kam, Carol S.P. / Web-based data collection in China. 2008; Handbook of Research on Information Management and the Global Landscape. pp. 24-43
Davison, Robert M.; Kam, Carol S.P.; Li, Maggie Y.; Li, Yuan; Ou, Carol X.J. / Web-based surveys in China. 2008; Handbook of Research on Information Management and the Global Landscape. pp. 164-184
Ou, Carol Xiaojuan; Davison, Robert / Im in C2C markets: Atranslucent technology designed to facilitate interactions. 2007; ICIS 2007 Proceedings - Twenty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems.
Ou, Carol X.J.; Davison, Robert M. / Knoweldge management problems, causes, and solutions: Junior knowledge workers' prespectives. 2007; PACIS 2007 - 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Managing Diversity in Digital Enterprises.
Davison, Robert M.; Ou, Carol X.J. / Sharing knowledge in China: Experiences in an SME. 2007; PACIS 2007 - 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Managing Diversity in Digital Enterprises.
Davison, Robert M.; Vogel, Douglas R.; Lo, Henry W.H. / Low-tech virtuality: Evidence from SMEs in Hong Kong. 2006; PACIS 2006 - 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: ICT and Innovation Economy. pp. 112-121
Huang, Qian; Davison, Robert M.; Liu, Hefu; Gu, Jibao / The impact of management style on the intention to share knowledge in China. 2006; PACIS 2006 - 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: ICT and Innovation Economy. pp. 83-98
Wong, Ada; Chau, Patrick Y.K.; Scarbrough, Harry; Davison, Robert / Critical failure factors in ERP implementation. 2005; 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: I.T. and Value Creation, PACIS 2005.
Ahuja, Manju; Davison, Robert; Bélanger, France; Watson, Mary Beth / Mini track: Virtual work, teams, and organizations. 2005; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Davison, Robert M.; Harris, Roger W.; Licker, Paul L.; Shoib, Gamila / Open access e-journals: Creating sustainable value in developing countries. 2005; 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: I.T. and Value Creation, PACIS 2005. pp. 248-256
Davison, Robert; Jordan, Ernest; Hsu, Carol; Avgerou, Chrisanthi / Professional societies in information systems: A force for globalisation or good?. 2003; Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization - IFIP TC8 and TC9/WG8.2 and WG9.4 Working Conf. on Information Systems Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalization. Vol. 126, pp. 455-459
Davison, Robert M.; De Vreede, Gert-Jan / Global applications of collaborative technology. August 2002; Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: HICSS-35.
Davison, Robert M.; Loch, Karen D. / Professional ethics in information systems. August 2002; Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: HICSS-35.
Davison, R. M. / Ethics and research methods. 2002; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2002-January, pp. 3439-3445
Harris, Roger; Davison, Robert; de Vreede, Gert-Jan; Vogel, Doug; Gurstein, Michael / Community informatics. January 2001; Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Davison, Robert; Kock, Ned; Chismar, William; Langford, Duncan / Professional ethics in information systems. January 2001; Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Khalifa, Mohamed; Kwok, Ron; Davison, Robert / GSS facilitation restrictiveness in collaborative learning. 2001; Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 1-8
Vogel, Doug; Davison, Robert; SHROFF, Ronnie; Qureshi, Sajda / Methodological issues in assessing sociocultural learning. 2001; Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 1-10
Dhillon, Gurpreet; Davison, Robert / Interpreting the Evolving Nature of Transactions in Cyberteaching. June 2000; PACIS 2000 Proceedings. pp. 550-558
Kock, Ned; Davison, Robert; Clarke, Roger; Loch, Karen / IS RESEARCH ETHICS: DEFINING ETHICAL, BARELY ETHICAL, AND UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR. 2000; Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2000. pp. 720-723
Davison, Robert; Dhillon, Gurpreet / CyberCourses at City University of Hong Kong. September 1999; Proceedings of CITA '99: Conference of Information Technology in Asia. pp. 93-99
Davison, Robert; Harris, Roger; Vogel, Doug; de Vreede, Gert Jan / Information technology in developing countries. 1999; Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. pp. 1-2
Lee, Matthew; Wei, Kwok Kee; Davison, Robert / The adoption and diffusion of collaborative systems and technology. 1999; Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences.
Harris, Roger; Davison, Robert; Wong, Ada; Splettstoesser, Dietrich; Yeo, Alvin / Ethnic dimensions of attitudes towards computers in developing societies: Computer anxiety and PC involvement. 1998; Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 6, pp. 695-704
Vogel, Doug; Jones, Noel; Davison, Robert; Chismar, Bill / Information technology in developing countries. 1998; Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 6, pp. 694
Davison, Robert M.; Briggs, Robert O. / GSS for presentation-style meetings. 1997; Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2, pp. 430-439
Davison, R.M.; Jordan, E. / Cultural factors in the adoption and use of GSS. 1996; Information Systems and Technology in the International Office of the Future: Proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.4 working conference on the International Office of the Future: Design Options and Solution Strategies, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA, April 8-11, 1996. pp. 99-110
Davison, Robert / The Development of an Instrument for Measuring the Suitability of Using GSS to Support Meetings. June 1995; PACIS 1995 Proceedings. pp. 21-29
WONG, Eva Y.W.; DAVISON, Robert M.; WADE, Patricia W. / COMPUTER ETHICS AND TERTIARY LEVEL EDUCATION IN HONG KONG. November 1994; Proceedings of the Conference on Ethics in the Computer Age, ECA 1994. pp. 127-132
Davison, Robert / An Agenda for GDSS Research in Hong Kong. May 1993; PACIS 1993 Proceedings. pp. 162-165
Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case Studies
Davison, Robert M. / The Humble Art of Journal Editing. May 2024;
Davison, Robert M. / Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems: New Perspectives. July 2023;
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