People and Research People

People Details

Prof. LU Jinzhi

Assistant Professor

13-224, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34425665
+852 34420349
Public CV

Research Areas

Financial Accounting Theory


PhD - Accounting (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
MS - Financial Mathematics (University of Chicago)
BA and BS - Economics and Mathematics (Wuhan University)


Journal Publications and Reviews

Gao, Pingyang; Jiang, Xu; Lu, Jinzhi / Manipulation, panic runs, and the short selling ban. January 2025; In: Journal of Economic Theory. Vol. 223

LU, Jinzhi / Limited Attention: Implications for Financial Reporting. December 2022; In: Journal of Accounting Research. Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 1991-2027

Conference Papers

Lu, Jinzhi; Cao, Yang; Liu, Miao; Sapra, Haresh / Does More Information Production Lead to Less Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift?. June 2023; 13th Accounting Research Workshop (ARW 2023), 29/06/2023 - 30/06/2024, Zurich, Switzerland.

Gao, Pingyang; Jiang, Xu ; Lu, Jinzhi / Manipulation, Panic Runs, and the Short Selling Ban. November 2019; 30th Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting (CFEA 2019), 01/11/2019 - 02/11/2019, NYC, United States.