Prof. LI Juan Julie
Associate Vice-President (Mainland Strategy)
Chair Professor
10-233, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34427865
+852 34420383
Research Areas
Marketing Strategies in China
Knowledge Creation and Innovation in Marketing Channels
Social Networks and Interorganizational Relationships in Marketing Channels
PhD - Business Administration
M.S. - Statistics
B.A. - Library Science (Minor in Law)
Selected Publications
Journal Publications and Reviews
Hou, Tianyu; Zhang, Liang; Li, Julie Juan; Chong, Bin; Wu, Yanzi / The quest for valuable inventions: Knowledge search and the value of patented inventions. December 2024; In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 209
Ren, Yeyao; Li, Julie Juan; Zhao, Wenhong; Zhang, Liang / The Delicate Equilibrium: Unveiling the Curvilinear Nexus Between Supply Concentration and Organizational Resilience. October 2024; In: British Journal of Management. Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 1935–1960
Hou, Tianyu; Wang, Wei; Zhang, Liang; Li, Julie Juan; Chong, Bin / Dual network configurations and invention renewals within the pharmaceutical industry. June 2024; In: Management Decision. Vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 2029-2054
Hou, Tianyu; Li, Julie Juan / Conceptual underpinnings: theory selection in strategic management research. May 2024; In: Management Decision.
Ruiz Serrano, Andres; Musumeci, Andrea; Li, Juan Julie; Ruiz Serrano, Mauricio; Serrano Barquin, Carolina / Rationality and the exploitation of natural resources: a psychobiological conceptual model for sustainability. January 2024; In: Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Hou, Tianyu; Fang, Yue; Li, Julie Juan; Lin, Jun; Su, Qin / Building Organizational Resilience: The Role of Supply Chain Board Members and in Supply Network Positions. 2024; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 71, pp. 6929-6949
Hou, Tianyu; Li, Julie Juan; Lin, Jun / Neighboring Knowledge Recombination: Knowledge Relationship Intensity, Neighboring Knowledge Concentration, and Knowledge Impact. 2024; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 71, pp. 5160-5173
Hou, Tianyu; Li, Julie Juan; Lin, Jun / Recombination of Knowledge Components and Knowledge Impact: Neighboring Components Versus Distant Components. 2024; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 71, pp. 245-257
Hou, Tianyu; Li, Julie Juan; Lin, Jun / Linking knowledge search to knowledge creation: the intermediate role of knowledge complexity. April 2023; In: Management Decision. Vol. 61, No. 5, pp. 1156-1182
Wang, Qingtao; Bai, Xuan; Li, Julie Juan / Achieving value co-creation through cooperation in international joint ventures: A two-level perspective. February 2023; In: International Business Review. Vol. 32, No. 1
Wang, Qingtao; Li, Julie Juan; Yang, Defeng / Unequal participation in joint new product development: The roles of information opportunism concern and contract binding force. June 2022; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 145, pp. 21-34
Wang, Qiong; Cheng, Li; Craighead, Christopher W.; Li, Julie Juan / The roles of locus of causality and buyer attribution in resolution of recurrent supplier-induced disruptions. January 2022; In: Journal of Operations Management. Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 55-93
Bai, Xuan; Wang, Qingtao; Sheng, Shibin; Li, Julie Juan / Cross-level interpersonal ties and IJV innovation: Evidence from China. September 2021; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 134, pp. 618-630
Bai, Xuan; Sheng, Shibin; Li, Julie Juan / Governance mechanism alignment at the top and operating levels of alliance hierarchy: reconciling two competing schools of thought. July 2021; In: European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 1873-1900
Bai, Xuan; Li, Julie Juan / Alliance justice and relational performance: the mediating role of boundary spanners' citizenship behaviors. 2021; In: Management Decision. Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 223-239
Cheng, Li; Craighead, Christopher W.; Wang, Qiong; Li, Juan Julie / When is the Supplier’s Message “Loud and Clear”? Mixed Signals from supplier-Induced Disruptions and the Response. April 2020; In: Decision Sciences. Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 216-254
Zhang, Chun; Zheng, Xu(Vivian); Li, Juan Julie / Is collaboration a better way to develop trust after opportunism? Distinguishing firm and boundary spanner opportunism. October 2019; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 82, pp. 38-51
Bai, Xuan; Chang, Jeanine; Li, Julie Juan / How Do International Joint Ventures Build Legitimacy Effectively in Emerging Economies? CSR, Political Ties, or Both?. June 2019; In: Management International Review. Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 387–412
Sheng, Shibin; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Li, Julie Juan; Guo, Zhaoyang / Institutions and opportunism in buyer–supplier exchanges: the moderated mediating effects of contractual and relational governance. November 2018; In: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 1014–1031
Zhang, Chun; Li, Julie Juan; Huang, Ying / Sustaining relationships after opportunism and misunderstanding: the role of formalization and socialization. June 2017; In: Marketing Letters. Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 305-319
Wei, Zelong; Shen, Hao; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Li, Julie Juan / How Does Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility Matter in a Dysfunctional Institutional Environment? Evidence from China. January 2017; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 140, No. 2, pp. 209-223
Wang, Jeff Jianfeng; Li, Julie Juan; Chang, Jeanine / Product co-development in an emerging market: The role of buyer-supplier compatibility and institutional environment. September 2016; In: Journal of Operations Management. Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 69-83
Powers, Thomas L.; Sheng, Shibin; Li, Julie Juan / Provider and relational determinants of customer solution performance. July 2016; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 56, pp. 14-23
Poppo, Laura; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Li, Julie J. / When can you trust "trust"? Calculative trust, relational trust, and supplier performance. April 2016; In: Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 724-741
Bai, Xuan; Sheng, Shibin; Li, Julie Juan / Contract governance and buyer-supplier conflict: The moderating role of institutions. January 2016; In: Journal of Operations Management. Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 12-24
Chang, Jeanine; Bai, Xuan; Li, Julie Juan / The influence of leadership on product and process innovations in China: The contingent role of knowledge acquisition capability. October 2015; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 50, pp. 18-29
Chang, Jeanine; Bai, Xuan; Li, Julie Juan / The influence of institutional forces on international joint ventures' foreign parents' opportunism and relationship extendedness. June 2015; In: Journal of International Marketing. Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 73-93
Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Li, Julie Juan; Sheng, Shibin; Shao, Alan T. / The evolving role of managerial ties and firm capabilities in an emerging economy: evidence from China. November 2014; In: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 581-595
Wang, Qiong; Craighead, Christopher W.; Li, Julie Juan / Justice served: Mitigating damaged trust stemming from supply chain disruptions. September 2014; In: Journal of Operations Management. Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 374-386
Wang, Jeff Jianfeng; Zhao, Xin; Li, Julie Juan / Group buying: A strategic form of consumer collective. September 2013; In: Journal of Retailing. Vol. 89, No. 3, pp. 338-351
Wang, Qiong; Li, Julie Juan; Ross Jr., William T.; Craighead, Christopher W. / The interplay of drivers and deterrents of opportunism in buyer-supplier relationships. January 2013; In: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 111-131
Li, Julie Juan / The alignment between organizational control mechanisms and outsourcing strategies: A commentary essay. September 2012; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 65, No. 9, pp. 1384-1386
Wang, Jeff Jianfeng; Zhao, Xin; Li, Julie Juan / Team Purchase: A Case of Consumer Empowerment in China. September 2011; In: Journal of Consumer Affairs. Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 528-538
Li, Julie Juan; Sheng, Shibin / When does guanxi bolster or damage firm profitability? The contingent effects of firm- and market-level characteristics. May 2011; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 561-568
Sheng, Shibin; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Li, Julie Juan / The effects of business and political ties on firm performance: Evidence from China. January 2011; In: Journal of Marketing. Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 1-15
Li, Julie Juan; Zhou, Kevin Zheng / How foreign firms achieve competitive advantage in the Chinese emerging economy: Managerial ties and market orientation. August 2010; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 63, No. 8, pp. 856-862
Li, Julie Juan; Poppo, Laura; Zhou, Kevin Zheng / Relational mechanisms, formal contracts, and local knowledge acquisition by international subsidiaries. April 2010; In: Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 349-370
Li, Julie Juan; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Shao, Alan T. / Competitive position, managerial ties, and profitability of foreign firms in China: An interactive perspective. February 2009; In: Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 339-352
Su, Chenting; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Zhou, Nan; Li, Julie Juan / Harmonizing conflict in husband-wife purchase decision making: Perceived fairness and spousal influence dynamics. September 2008; In: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 378-394
Li, Julie Juan / How to retain local senior managers in international joint ventures: The effects of alliance relationship characteristics. September 2008; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 986-994
Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Li, Julie Juan; Zhou, Nan; Su, Chenting / Market orientation, job satisfaction, product quality, and firm performance: Evidence from China. September 2008; In: Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 985-1000
Li, Julie Juan; Poppo, Laura; Zhou, Kevin Zheng / Do managerial ties in China always produce value? Competition, uncertainty, and domestic vs. foreign firms. April 2008; In: Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 383-400
Li, Caroline Bingxin; Li, Julie Juan / Achieving superior financial performance in China: Differentiation, cost leadership, or both?. 2008; In: Journal of International Marketing. Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 1-22
Li, Julie Juan; Su, Chenting / How face influences consumption A comparative study of American and Chinese consumers. 2007; In: International Journal of Market Research. Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 237-256
Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Tse, David K.; Li, Julie Juan / Organizational changes in emerging economies: Drivers and consequences. March 2006; In: Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 248-263
Li, Julie Juan; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Lam, Simon S.K.; Tse, David K. / Active trust development of local senior managers in international subsidiaries. January 2006; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 73-80
Li, Julie Juan / The formation of managerial networks of foreign firms in China: The effects of strategic orientations. December 2005; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 423-443
Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Li, Julie Juan; Zhou, Nan / Employee's perceptions of market orientation in a transitional economy: China as an example. 2004; In: Journal of Global Marketing. Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 5-22
Conference Papers
Ruiz Serrano, Andres; Wang, Qingtao; Li, Juan Julie / Strategically agile to become green: Innovation as a competitive advantage to improve financial and corporate performance in China. October 2019; 2019 Annual Conference of JMS China Marketing Science & Doctoral Consortium, 2019 JMS, 25/10/2019 - 27/10/2019, Chengdu, China.
Zhang, Chun; Zheng, Xu; Li, Julie Juan / Is Collaboration a Better Way to Develop Trust After Opportunism? Distinguishing Firm and Boundary Spanner Opportunism. February 2019; 2019 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, 22/02/2019 - 24/02/2019, Austin, United States.
Chang, Jeanine; Bai, Xuan; LI, Juan / The Influence of Institutional Forces on IJVs’ Foreign Parents’ Opportunism and IJVs’ Relationship Extendedness. August 2014; 2014 Summer Marketing Educators Conference, 01/08/2014 - 03/08/2014, San Francisco, United States.
Bai, Xuan; Li, Juan Julie / Ex post governance and relationship repair: Matching governance to dependence structure. March 2014; International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations, 13/03/2014 - 16/03/2014, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
LI, Julie Juan; Bai, Xuan / How Do Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Contribute to Firm Performance: The Role of Market Competence. February 2013; American Marketing Association Conference, 15/02/2013 - 17/02/2013, , United States.
CHANG, In Ngan; LI, Julie / The Effects of Trust and Control on Local Knowledge Acquisition of Foreign Firms in China. December 2012; ANZMAC 2012, 03/12/2012 - 05/12/2012, Adelaide, Australia.
Sheng, Shibin; Li, Julie Juan / Is More Knowledge Always Better? The Effect of Knowledge Breadth and Depth on New Product Performance. June 2012; 2012 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference, 27/06/2012 - 28/06/2012, , United Kingdom.
Zhang, Qiyuan; Zhou, Kevin; Li, Julie Juan / Governing Interfirm Knowledge Transfer in the Chinese Market: The Interplay of Formal and Informal Mechanisms. May 2012; 2012 Consortium for International Marketing Research, 15/05/2012 - 18/05/2012, , Taiwan.
LI, Julie Juan; Chen, Linda / External Learning and Firm Performance in China: A Contingency View. September 2010; Global Marketing Conference, 09/09/2010 - 12/09/2010, Tokyo, Japan.
Wang, Qiong; LI, Julie, Juan; Ross, Bill / The Role of Social Capital in Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Transaction Cost Approach. August 2010; ISBM Bi-Annual Academic Conference, 11/08/2010 - 12/08/2010, Boston, United States.
Poppo, Laura; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; LI, Juan Julie / Resolving Tensions and Disbelief in Trust Research: Calculative versus Relational Trust in Inter-Organizational Exchanges. June 2010; Biennial Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR 2010), 17/06/2010 - 20/06/2010, Shanghai, China.
Sheng, Shibin; Li, Juan Julie; Zhou, Kevin Zheng / Institutional Environment and the Value of Social Network Ties in China. September 2009; 3rd China Goes Global Conference , 30/09/2009 - 02/10/2009, Cambridge, MA, United States. pp. 35-36
Li, Julie; Zhou, Kevin; Poppo, Laura / Relational Mechanisms, Formal Contracts, and Local Knowledge Acquisition by International Subsidiaries. October 2008; SMS 28th Annual International Conference, 12/10/2008 - 15/10/2008, Cologne, Germany. pp. 67
Li, Julie Juan; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Poppo, Laura / Managerial Ties in China: When do They Bolster or Damage Performance?. August 2005; 65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2005), 05/08/2005 - 10/08/2005, Honolulu, United States. pp. 305
Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works
Hou, Tianyu; LI, Juan Julie / Underpinnings of Conceptual Development: How to Select a Theory to Address a Research Question. August 2022; Academy of Management Proceedings.
Hou, Tianyu; Li, Juan / The Impact of Intra-Organizational Knowledge configuration on the Termination of Patented Inventions. August 2021; Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2021.
Alauddin, Md.; Li, Juan Julie; Chowdhury, Md. Asad Iqbal / General Medical Tourism Products and Services in Bangladesh. March 2021; Tourism Products and Services in Bangladesh : Concept Analysis and Development Suggestions. pp. 27-44
Sheng, Shibin; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Li, Juan Julie / Is More Knowledge Always Better? The Effect of Knowledge Breadth and Depth on New Product Performance. August 2009; AMA Summer Educators’ Conference 2009 : Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing. pp. 29-30
Li, Julie Juan; Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Shao, Alan / Market Orientation or Managerial Ties? How Foreign Firms Achieve Competitive Advantage in Emerging Economies. June 2006; Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business: "From the Silk Road to Global Networks: Harnessing the Power of People in International Business" . pp. 121
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