13-245, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34428484
+852 34420349
Public CV
Research Areas
Corporate Disclosure
Securities Regulation
Behavioral Economics
Ph.D. - Accounting (Cornell University)
M.S. - Accounting (Cornell University)
BCom (Hons.) - Accounting (University of Alberta)
Teaching Areas
Financial Accounting
Research Grants
PI: "Detecting Financial Misreporting: An Application of Transdermal Optical Imaging ", General Research Fund (GRF) - Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Amount: 350,881 (2023-2025), Dr. Jeong Bon Kim; Dr. Kelvin Yeung
PI: "Audit Quality and Trust: The Importance of Audit Partners’ Inherited Culture", Early Career Scheme (ECS) - Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Amount: 368,000 HKD (2022-2024), Dr. Kelvin Yeung
PI: "The Effect of the CEO Pay Ratio Disclosure Mandate on Labor Upskilling", Start-up Grant - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: 400,000 HKD (2022-2024), Dr. Kelvin Yeung
Journal Publications and Reviews
Schoar, Antoinette; Yeung, Kelvin; Zuo, Luo / The Effect of Managers on Systematic Risk. February 2024; In: Management Science. Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 815–833
Hanlon, Michelle; Yeung, Kelvin; Zuo, Luo / Behavioral Economics of Accounting: A Review of Archival Research on Individual Decision Makers. 2022; In: Contemporary Accounting Research. Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 1150-1214
Conference Papers
Khurana, Inder; Li, Bing; Yeung, Kelvin; Yu, Jia Yin (Elisha) / Audit Partners’ Cultural Heritage and Audit Outcomes. June 2023; Joint Accounting Research Workshop 2023, 28/06/2023 - 29/06/2023, Hong Kong, China.
Khurana, Inder; LI, Bing; Yeung, Kelvin; Yu, Jia Yin (Elisha) / Audit Partners’ Cultural Heritage and Audit Outcomes. January 2023; University of Alberta, 06/01/2023 - 06/01/2023, Edmonton, Canada.
Khurana, Inder; LI, Bing; Yeung, Kelvin; Yu, Jia Yin (Elisha) / Audit Partners’ Cultural Heritage, Audit Outcomes, and Client Financial Reporting Choices. September 2022; 2022 Hong Kong Junior Accounting Faculty Conference, 03/09/2022 - 03/09/2022, Hong Kong, China.
Yeung, Kelvin / Real Effects of the CEO Pay Ratio Disclosure Mandate. July 2021; 2021 MIT Asia Conference in Accounting , 12/07/2021 - 13/07/2021, , .
Schoar, Antoinette; Yeung, Kelvin; Zuo, Luo / The Effects of Managers on Systematic Risk. January 2020; 18th American Finance Association Annual Meeting (AFA 2020), 03/01/2020 - 05/01/2020, San Diego, United States.
Schoar, Antoinette ; Yeung, Kelvin; Zuo, Luo / The Effects of Managers on Systematic Risk. November 2019; 30th Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting (CFEA 2019), 01/11/2019 - 02/11/2019, NYC, United States.
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