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Prof. CHEN Lei


Adjunct Professor


Journal Publications and Reviews

Che, Wenwei; Frey, H. Christopher; Fung, Jimmy C.H.; Ning, Zhi; Qu, Huamin; Lo, Hong Kam; Chen, Lei; Wong, Tze-Wai; Wong, Michelle K.M.; Lee, Ophelia C.W.; Carruthers, David; Cheung, Freeman; Chan, Jimmy W.M.; Yeung, David W.; Fung, Yik Him; Zhang, Xuguo; Stocker, Jenny; Hood, Christina; Hohenberger, Tilman Leo; Leung, King Wai; Louie, Phillip Y.K.; Li, Alison T.Y.; Sun, Li; Wei, Peng; Li, Zhiyuan; Zhang, Yumiao; Wang, Meilan; Shen, Qiaomu; Huang, Wei; Lee, Enoch; Patwary, Ashraf; Lei, Xiayu; Cheng, Steven; Shakhaoat Hossain, Md; Tang, Kimberly Tasha Jiayi; Lao, XiangQian; Leung, Rae; Chan, Denise; Li, Ying; Yuan, Zibing; Lau, Alexis K.H. / PRAISE-HK: A personalized real-time air quality informatics system for citizen participation in exposure and health risk management. March 2020; In: Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 54

Chen, Lei; DiMatteo, Larry A. / Inefficiency of Specific Performance as a Contractual Remedy in Chinese Courts: An Empirical and Normative Analysis. 2020; In: Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 275-332

Chen, Lei / Specific Performance as a Contractual Remedy in Chinese Courts: An Empirical Study. June 2019; In: The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 95-123

Chen, Lei / Debating Personality Rights Protection in China: A Comparative Outlook. 2018; In: European Review of Private Law. Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 31-56

WANG, Jia; LEI, Chen / Will Innovative Technology Result in Innovative Legal Frameworks? – Smart Contracts in China. 2018; In: European Review of Private Law. Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 921-942

陈磊 / 超越边界: 业主的权利限制之比较分析. 2017; In: 南京大学学报:哲学.人文科学.社会科学. Vol. 2017, No. 5, pp. 29-39

Chen, Lei; Kielsgard, Mark D. / Evolving Property Rights in China: Patterns and Dynamics of Condominium Governance. March 2014; In: The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 21-42

Chen, Lei; Sng, Ban Chuan Gordon / Whither Adverse Possession in Hong Kong? A Comparative and Statistical Study. 2014; In: The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer. Vol. 78, No. 5, pp. 413 - 429

Kielsgard, Mark D.; Chen, Lei / The Emergence of Private Property Law in China and Its Impact on Human Rights. 2013; In: Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal. Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 94-134

CHEN, Lei / Legal Culture and Legal Transplants: Hong Kong Report. December 2011; In: ISAIDAT Law Review. Vol. 1, No. 2

Mostert, Hanri; Lei, Chen / The Dynamics of Constitutional Property Clauses in the Developing World: China and South Africa. December 2010; In: Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 377-405

陳磊 / 普通法視角的純粹經濟損失. September 2010; In: 清华法学. Vol. 5, pp. 106 - 117

CHEN, Lei / Private Property with Chinese Characteristics: A Critical Analysis of the Chinese Law on Property of 2007. September 2010; In: European Review of Private Law. Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 983 - 1004

Chen, Lei / The Developer's role in the surging Chinese condominium housing: Through the comparative lens of the US system. 2010; In: Asia Pacific Law Review. Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 223-242

Lei, Chen / The historical development of the Civil Law tradition in China: a private law perspective. 2010; In: Legal History Review. Vol. 78, No. 1-2, pp. 159-181

Lei, Chen; Van Der Merwe, C. G. / Reflections on the role of the managing agent in South African and Chinese sectional title (Condominium) legislation. 2009; In: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg. No. 1, pp. 22-38

Chen, Lei / The New Chinese Property Code: A Giant Step Forward?. September 2007; In: Electronic Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 11, No. 2

Chen , Lei; Mostert, Hanri / The Unavoidable Necessity of Formalizing Condominium Ownership in China: A Pilot Study. 2007; In: Asian Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-30

Conference Papers

CHEN, Lei / Whither the adverse possession in Hong Kong?. July 2012; 11th Australasian Property Law Teachers Conference 2012, 12/07/2012 - 13/07/2012, , Singapore.

CHEN, Lei; Samoy, Ilse; Vu, Tam Dang / Avoidance of Contracts and Void Contracts. February 2012; Tsinghua Workshop: Contract law in China and Europe: A comparison, 16/02/2012 - 18/02/2012, , China.

CHEN, Lei / The Principles of Asian Contract Law: Hong Kong report on Breach of Contract. December 2011; 6th Principles of Asian Contract Law, 16/12/2011 - 18/12/2011, , Korea, Republic of.

CHEN, Lei / The Asian Principles of Contract Law: Hong Kong Report on Performance. September 2011; The 5th Forum of Principles of of the Asian Contract Law, 17/09/2011 - 19/09/2011, Beijing, China.

CHEN, Lei / Legal transplant and legal Ethology in Hong Kong. July 2010; XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law, 25/07/2010 - 01/08/2010, , United States.

陳磊 / 純粹經濟損失: 普通法的視角. October 2009; International Conference on the Harmonization of East Asian Private Law, 09/10/2009 - 10/10/2009, , China.

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

Trakman, Leon E.; Liu, Qiao; Chen, Lei / Investor-State Arbitration in China: A Comparative Perspective. April 2020; Dispute Resolution in China, Europe and World. pp. 231-261

Wang, Jia; Chen, Lei / Regulating Smart Contracts and Digital Platforms: A Chinese Perspective. October 2019; The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms. pp. 183-210

Chen, Lei; Michalek, Andrew ; Wang, Jia / The Norm of Property’s Social Function: A Chinese Perspective. September 2019; Léon Duguit and the Social Obligation Norm of Property: A Translation and Global Exploration. pp. 331-354

CHEN, Lei / The evolution of the property system in China: between the socialist heritage and liberal market. July 2018; Socialist Law in Socialist East Asia . pp. 385-405

Chen Lei / Codifying Personality Rights in China: Legislative Innovation or Scaremongering?. March 2018; The Legal Protection of Personality Rights: Chinese and European Perspectives. pp. 101-137

Oliphant, Ken; Zhang Pinghua; Chen Lei / Introduction. March 2018; The Legal Protection of Personality Rights: Chinese and European Perspectives. pp. 1-10

Oliphant, Ken; Zhang Pinghua; Chen Lei / Preface. March 2018; The Legal Protection of Personality Rights: Chinese and European Perspectives. pp. VII

CHEN, Lei / Relaxations of contractual privity and the need for third party rights in Chinese contract law. January 2018; Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia II: Formation and Third Party Beneficiaries. pp. 45-63

Lei, Chen; Howells, Geraint / Consumer Sales Law in Hong Kong. 2018; Comparative Consumer Sales Law. pp. 69-81

Chen, Lei / Damages and Specific Performance in Chinese Contract Law. October 2017; Chinese Contract Law: Civil and Common Law Perspectives . pp. 377-403

Chen, Lei; DiMatteo, Larry A. / History of Chinese Contract Law. October 2017; Chinese Contract Law: Civil and Common Law Perspectives . pp. 3-26

Chen, Lei / The changing landscape of condominium laws and urban governance in China. July 2016; Private Communities and Urban Governance: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. pp. 1-26

CHEN, Lei / Availability of Specific Remedies in Chinese Contract Law. April 2016; Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia I: Remedies for Breach of Contract. Vol. 1, pp. 21-40

Chen, Lei / Legal and institutional analysis of land expropriation in China. July 2014; Resolving land disputes in East Asia: exploring the limits of law. pp. 59-85

CHAN, C H Peter; CHAN, David; CHEN, Lei / China: Hong Kong. Selective Adoption of the English Woolf Reforms. 2013; Civil litigation in China and Europe: essays on the role of the judge and the parties. pp. 71-125

Chen, Lei / 100 Years of Chinese property law: Looking back and thinking forward. 2012; Towards a Chinese Civil Code: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. Vol. 1, pp. 87-108

Lei, Chen / Contextualizing legal transplant: China and Hong Kong. 2012; Methods of Comparative Law. pp. 192-212

Chen, Lei; Van Rhee, C.H. Remco / Introduction. 2012; Towards a Chinese Civil Code: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. Vol. 1, pp. 1-17

CHEN, Lei / A Structural Analysis of Chinese Mortgage Law. November 2011; Essays in honour of CG van der Merwe. pp. 395-412

Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case Studies

Chen, Lei; Ge, Jiangqiu; He, Jian; Liu, Qiao; Wu, Zhicheng; Xiong, Bingwan / The Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China: English Translation. October 2021;

Chen, Lei; Janssen, André / Dispute Resolution in China, Europe and World. April 2020;

Oliphant, Ken; Zhang, Pinghua; Chen, Lei / The Legal Protection of Personality Rights: Chinese and European Perspectives. March 2018;

Howells, Geraint; Twigg-Flesner, Christian; Micklitz, Hans-W.; Lei, Chen / Comparative Consumer Sales Law. 2018;

DiMatteo, Larry A.; Chen, Lei / Chinese Contract Law: Civil and Common Law Perspectives . October 2017;

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