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People Details

Prof. GUO Liang


Chair Professor

10-230, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34424951
+852 34420346
Public CV

Research Areas

Economics of Psychology; Marketing Strategy; Industrial Organization; Applied Economics


PhD - Business Administration (University of California at Berkeley)
BA - Economics (Beijing University)


Liang Guo is a Chair Professor of Marketing at City University of Hong Kong. He received a Ph.D. in Business Administration from University of California at Berkeley, and a B.A. in Economics from Beijing University. His research interests include economics of psychology, marketing strategy, industrial organization, and applied economics. He has published over thirty papers at top academic journals such as Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, AEJ: Microeconomics, and Journal of Economic Theory. He serves as an AE for Management Science and a SE for Production and Operations Management.


Journal Publications and Reviews

Gao, Buqu; Guo, Liang / Optimal Contracts for Time-Inconsistent Consumers with Heterogenous Beliefs. January 2025; In: Management Science. Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 861–878

GUO, Liang / Recovering the Anchoring of Economic Valuations. November 2024; In: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 192–228

Guo, Liang / The Voice of Customers in Customization. November 2024; In: Management Science. Vol. 70, No. 11, pp. 7579-7596

Guo, Liang / Unifying Procedure-Dependent Preference Reversals: Theory and Experiments. November 2024; In: Management Science. Vol. 70, No. 11, pp. 8163–8186

Guo, Liang / The Credibility of Communication in a Pandemic. August 2024; In: Journal of Marketing Research. Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 638-658

Guo, Liang / Overage Charge or Loyalty Discount: When Should Extra Consumptions Be Penalized or Rewarded?. May 2023; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 614-633

Guo, Liang; Xu, Wendy / “We Are the World”: When More Equality Improves Efficiency and Antipandemic Consumptions Are Intervened. March 2023; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 214-232

Guo, Liang / The Mnemonomics of Contractual Screening. March 2023; In: Management Science. Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 1739-1757

Guo, Liang / Gathering Information Before Negotiation. January 2023; In: Management Science. Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 200-219

Guo, Liang / Strategic Communication Before Price Haggling: A Tale of Two Orientations. September 2022; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 922-940

Guo, Liang / Testing the Role of Contextual Deliberation in the Compromise Effect. June 2022; In: Management Science. Vol. 68, No. 6, pp. 4326-4355

Yang, Chaolin; Guo, Liang; Zhou, Sean X. / Customer Satisfaction, Advertising Competition, and Platform Performance. April 2022; In: Production and Operations Management. Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 1576-1594

Guo, Liang / Partial Unraveling and Strategic Contract Timing. December 2021; In: Management Science. Vol. 67, No. 12, pp. 7719-7736

Guo, Liang / Contextual deliberation and the choice-valuation preference reversal. July 2021; In: Journal of Economic Theory. Vol. 195

Guo, Liang / Endogenous evaluation and sequential search. May 2021; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 413-427

Gardete, Pedro M.; Guo, Liang / Prepurchase information acquisition and credible advertising. March 2021; In: Management Science. Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 1696-1717

Gao, Long; Guo, Liang; Orsdemir, Adem / Dual-Channel Distribution: The Case for Cost Information Asymmetry. February 2021; In: Production and Operations Management. Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 494-521

Guo, Liang / Upstream exploitation and strategic disclosure. September 2020; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 923-938

Guo, Liang / Anticipatory consumptions. August 2020; In: Management Science. Vol. 66, No. 8, pp. 3717-3734

Guo, Liang; Wu, Xiaole / Capacity sharing between competitors. August 2018; In: Management Science. Vol. 64, No. 8, pp. 3554-3573

Guo, Liang / Contextual deliberation and preference construction. October 2016; In: Management Science. Vol. 62, No. 10, pp. 2977-2993

Guo, Liang; Wu, Yue / Consumer deliberation and quality signaling. September 2016; In: Quantitative Marketing and Economics. Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 233-269

Guo, Liang; Meng, Xiangyi / Digital content provision and optimal copyright protection. May 2015; In: Management Science. Vol. 61, No. 5, pp. 1183-1196

Guo, Liang / Inequity aversion and fair selling. February 2015; In: Journal of Marketing Research. Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 77-89

Guo, Liang; Li, Tian; Zhang, Hongtao / Strategic information sharing in competing channels. October 2014; In: Production and Operations Management. Vol. 23, No. 10, pp. 1719-1731

Guo, Liang; Iyer, Ganesh / Multilateral bargaining and downstream competition. May 2013; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 411-430

Guo, Liang; Zhang, Juanjuan / Consumer deliberation and product line design. November 2012; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 995-1007

Guo, Liang / Capturing consumption flexibility in assortment choice from scanner panel data. October 2010; In: Management Science. Vol. 56, No. 10, pp. 1815-1832

Guo, Liang; Iyer, Ganesh / Information acquisition and sharing in a vertical relationship. May 2010; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 483-506

Guo, Liang / Quality disclosure formats in a distribution channel. September 2009; In: Management Science. Vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 1513-1526

Guo, Liang / Service cancellation and competitive refund policy. September 2009; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 901-917

Guo, Liang / The benefits of downstream information acquisition. May 2009; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 457-471

Guo, Liang; Zhao, Ying / Voluntary quality disclosure and market interaction. May 2009; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 488-501

Guo, Liang; Villas-Boas, J. Miguel / Consumer stockpiling and price competition in differentiated markets. December 2007; In: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 827-858

Guo, Liang / Removing the boundary between structural and reduced-form models. November 2006; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 629-632

Guo, Liang / Consumption flexibility, product configuration, and market competition. March 2006; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 116-130

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