People and Research People

People Details

Prof. Muammer OZER



12-257, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34427852
+852 34420309

Research Areas

Interdisciplinary research
Technology management
Strategic management
Multinational business
Strategies, behaviors, and performance of Individuals, teams, and firms
Innovation management and strategy


Executive Education - Information Services (Harvard University Harvard Business School)
PhD - Business Administration (University of Pittsburgh)
MBA - Business Administration (Saint Louis University)
MS - Management Engineering (Istanbul Technical University)
BS - Management Engineering (Istanbul Technical University)


Professor Muammer Ozer is Director of Doctor of Business Administration program (DBA) in the College of Business (CB) of the City University of Hong Kong (CityU).  The DBA program is one of the most prestigious and recognized DBA programs in the world and is designed for senior executives who are interested in engaging in rigorous business research with practical and societal impacts.


He is a professor of management.  He holds BS and MS degrees in Engineering from the Istanbul Technical University, an MBA degree from the Saint Louis University and a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration from the University of Pittsburgh.  He is also a graduate of an executive education program of Harvard Business School.


His research focuses on the strategies, behaviors, and performance of individuals, teams, and firms within the context of innovation and technology management, information technology, and international business.  He is a prolific author and a much sought-after expert in these areas.  He was a finalist at the Best Dissertation Competition of the Academy of Marketing Science in 1997.  He is the winner of the 2015 City University of Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Award. He is also the winner of the 2009 City University of Hong Kong College of Business Research Excellence Award as well as the 2012 City University of Hong Kong College of Business Teaching Excellence Award.  This makes him the first and the only person at the City University of Hong Kong and the College of Business to receive both of these awards.  He is also the recipient of numerous research grants from various prominent institutions such as the Institute for Industrial Competitiveness and the Jagdish Sheth Foundation.


He was the editor of a highly acclaimed special journal issue about New Product Development in Asia.  His research publications have appeared in such leading international journals as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Journal, among many others.  His research on the role of the Internet in new product development has been considered to be a "pioneering" work in the research community.  He has been an editorial board member and an ad hoc reviewer for leading international journals as well as a pre-publication book reviewer for major publishing companies.



Award TitleInstitution
WINNER -- Innovative CityU-Learning Award 2020. This award makes him the only person at CityU to receive teaching excellence awards for both online and offline teaching.City University of Hong Kong
WINNER -- City University of Hong Kong 2019 College of Business Teaching Excellence AwardCity University of Hong Kong
WINNER -- 2017 Researchfora Excellent Paper Award for Best Presentation and ContentResearch World / Research Fora -- International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Management, (ICSTEM)
WINNER -- 2016 University President’s AwardCity University of Hong Kong
WINNER -- 2016 Academics World Excellent Paper Award for Best Presentation and Content44th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovations, (IACETI)
WINNER -- 2016 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Business and Management (ICIBM 2016) Best Paper Presentation Award3rd International Conference on Innovation in Business and Management (ICIBM 2016)
WINNER -- City University of Hong Kong 2015 Teaching Excellence AwardCity University of Hong Kong
WINNER -- DOUBLE CROWNS (GRAND SLAM). The first and the only person at the City University of Hong Kong and the College of Business to receive both the College of Business Research (2009) and the College of Business Teaching (2012) Excellence Awards City University of Hong Kong
WINNER -- City University of Hong Kong 2012 College of Business Teaching Excellence Award City University of Hong Kong
WINNER -- World Academy of Social Science 2011 Business and Social Science Research Conference Best Paper AwardWorld Academy of Social Science
WINNER -- City University of Hong Kong 2009 College of Business Research Excellence AwardCity University of Hong Kong
FINALIST -- Academy of Marketing Science 1997 Best Dissertation CompetitionAcademy of Marketing Science
BETA GAMMA SIGMA HONOR -- 1996 (The highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB International.)University of Pittsburgh
JAGDISH N. SHETH FOUNDATION FELLOW -- 1995University of Pittsburgh
JAGDISH N. SHETH FOUNDATION FELLOW -- 1994University of Pittsburgh
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Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

Sean, Kuan-Thye; Ozer, Muammer / Talent retention in Asian emerging markets: evidence from China and Malaysia. November 2024; In: Journal of Asia Business Studies.

Ozer, Muammer; Chen, Tingting; Tang, Jacky W. / Detrimental Effects of Remaining Silent about Operational Concerns at Work: Implications for employee outcomes. November 2024; In: Organization Studies. Vol. 45, No. 11, pp. 1611-1643

Ma, Joel; Ozer, Muammer / Innovation outsourcing versus joint innovation in collaboration with suppliers: A strategic relational-institutional perspective. July 2024; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 120, pp. 78-89

Yoo, Sung Hee (Jodie); Ozer, Muammer; Xu, Jingjun (David) / Relative effects of the different bundles of web-design features on intentions to purchase experience products online. April 2024; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 179

Liu, Zhiqiang; Ozer, Muammer; Zhou, Kong / The role of status diversity in the innovative performance of R&D teams. January 2024; In: R and D Management. Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 60-75

Ettlie, John; Muammer, Ozer; Murthy, Rajendran / R&D Dynamic Capabilities in a Changing Regulatory Context. January 2023; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 98-111

Lin, Xiaowan; Lu, Lin; Ozer, Muammer; Tang, Heng / Am I motivated to share knowledge for better innovative performance? An approach and avoidance framework. 2023; In: Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 108, No. 1, pp. 138-151

Ozer, Muammer; Zhang, Guangxi / Interpersonal relationships and creativity at work: A network building perspective. May 2022; In: Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 312-333

Zhang, Guangxi; Zhong, Jianan; Ozer, Muammer / Status Threat and Ethical Leadership: A Power-Dependence Perspective. 2020; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 161, pp. 665–685

Zhao, Hongxin; Ozer, Muammer; Rong, Weidong; Mondejar, Reuben / Do Management Innovations of Indigenous Firms Benefit from Managerial Spillovers from Multinational Enterprises?. December 2019; In: Management International Review. Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 919–947

Ozer, Muammer; Zhang, Guangxi / The Roles of Knowledge Providers, Knowledge Recipients, and Knowledge Usage in Bridging Structural Holes. March 2019; In: Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 224-240

Ozer, Muammer; Tang, Jacky W. / Understanding the trade-off between familiarity and newness in product innovation. December 2018; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 77, pp. 116-128

Law, Kuok Kei; Chan, Andrew; Ozer, Muammer / Towards an integrated framework of intrinsic motivators, extrinsic motivators and knowledge sharing. August 2017; In: Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 1486-1502

OZER, MUAMMER ; VOGEL, DOUG / Contextualized Relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Performance in Software Development. August 2015; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 134-161

OZER, Muammer; ZHANG, Wen / The Effects of Geographic and Network Ties on Exploitative and Exploratory Product Innovation. July 2015; In: Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 1105-1114

Ozer, Muammer / A moderated mediation model of the relationship between organizational citizenship behaviors and job performance. November 2011; In: Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 96, No. 6, pp. 1328-1336

Ozer, Muammer / Strategic, organizational, and operational challenges of product innovation in China. July 2011; In: Research Technology Management. Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 46-52

Ozer, Muammer / Understanding the impacts of product knowledge and product type on the accuracy of intentions-based new product predictions. June 2011; In: European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 211, No. 2, pp. 359-369

Ozer, Muammer / An application of fuzzy information granulation in the emerging area of online sports. April 2011; In: Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 4514-4521

Ozer, Muammer / The moderating roles of prior experience and behavioral importance in the predictive validity of new product concept testing. January 2011; In: Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 109-122

Ozer, Muammer; Cebeci, Ufuk / The role of globalization in new product development. May 2010; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 168-180

Ozer, Muammer / The roles of product lead-users and product experts in new product evaluation. October 2009; In: Research Policy. Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 1340-1349

Ozer, Muammer / Personal and Task-Related Moderators of Leader-Member Exchange Among Software Developers. September 2008; In: Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 93, No. 5, pp. 1174-1182

Ozer, Muammer / Improving the accuracy of expert predictions of the future success of new internet services. February 2008; In: European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 184, No. 3, pp. 1085-1099

Ozer, Muammer / Reducing the demand uncertainties at the fuzzy-front-end of developing new online services. November 2007; In: Research Policy. Vol. 36, No. 9, pp. 1372-1387

Ozer, Muammer; Chen, Ziguang / Do the best new product development practices of US companies matter in Hong Kong?. April 2006; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 279-292

Ozer, Muammer / New product development in Asia: An introduction to the special issue. April 2006; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 252-261

Ozer, Muammer / Fuzzy c-means clustering and Internet portals: A case study. August 2005; In: European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 164, No. 3 SPEC. ISS., pp. 696-714

Ozer, Muammer / Factors which influence decision making in new product evaluation. June 2005; In: European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 163, No. 3, pp. 784-801

Ozer, Muammer / Online business: Tailoring your business environment in order to compete. April 2005; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 137-149

Ozer, Muammer / Managing the selection process for new product ideas. July 2004; In: Research Technology Management. Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 10-11

Ozer, Muammer / The role of the Internet in new product performance: A conceptual investigation. July 2004; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 355-369

Ozer, Muammer / Process implications of the use of the Internet in new product development: A conceptual analysis. August 2003; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 517-530

Ozer, Muammer / Using the Internet in new product development. January 2003; In: Research Technology Management. Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 10-16

Ozer, Muammer / Concept testing of Internet services. December 2002; In: European Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 208-213

Ozer, Muammer / The role of flexibility in online business. January 2002; In: Business Horizons. Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 61-69

Ozer, Muammer / User segmentation of online music services using fuzzy clustering. April 2001; In: Omega. Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 193-206

Ozer, Muammer / Information technology and new product development: Opportunities and pitfalls. September 2000; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 387-396

Ozer, Muammer / The use of Internet-based groupware in new product forecasting. October 1999; In: International Journal of Market Research. Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 425-438

Ozer, Muammer / A survey of new product evaluation models. January 1999; In: Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 77-94

Conference Papers

Ozer, Muammer / Implications of Internal and External Innovation. May 2019; 3rd AFU International Conference: Towards Advanced Scientific Knowledge (TASK2019) in Business Sciences, 01/05/2019 - 02/05/2019, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Ozer, Muammer / Success in Software Development. March 2019; Universal Academic Cluster International Spring Conference, 02/03/2019 - 04/03/2019, Okinawa, Japan.

OZER, Muammer / The Role of the Fuzzy-Front End of The Innovation Process in Innovation Performance. June 2016; 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Business and Management (ICIBM 2016), 22/06/2016 - 24/06/2016, , Singapore.

OZER, Muammer / Key Success Factors in Product Innovation. May 2016; 44th International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovations, (IACETI), 07/05/2016 - 08/05/2016, , Singapore.

Ettlie, John; Veloso, Francisco; Ozer, Muammer; Belzowksi, Bruce / R&D Dynamic Capabilities in a Changing Regulatory Context. October 2013; 33rd Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, 28/09/2013 - 01/10/2013, Atlanta, United States.

Ettlie, John; Veloso, Francisco; OZER, Muammer / R&D Dynamic Capabilities in a Changing Regulatory Context. September 2013; 17th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, 19/09/2013 - 20/09/2013, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

OZER, Muammer; Ettlie, John; Zhang, W. / Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance: Evidence from China. July 2013; Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, 03/07/2013 - 06/07/2013, Istanbul, Türkiye.

Ettlie, John; Veloso, Francisco; OZER, Muammer / Sustainable Technology Products in the Global Automotive Industry: A Comparative Study of U.S. and Chinese R&D Dynamic Capabilities. December 2012; 2012 Asia Academy of Management Conference, 10/12/2012 - 12/12/2012, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.

Ettlie, John; Veloso, Francisco; OZER, Muammer / A comparative study of US and Chinese R&D dynamic capabilities in the auto industry. October 2012; 36th Product Innovation Management Association (PDMA) Annual Global Conference, 20/10/2012 - 24/10/2012, Orlando, Florida, United States.

Ettlie, John; OZER, Muammer; Veloso, Francisco; Gray, John; Penner-Hahn, Joan D. / Globalization of R&D in Manufacturing. August 2012; Academy of Management Conference 2012 Anual Conference, 03/08/2012 - 09/08/2012, Boston, MA, United States.

OZER, Muammer / Research and Teaching Collaborations with Colleagues in Underrepresented Nations. August 2012; Academy of Management Conference 2012 Annual Meetings, 03/08/2012 - 09/08/2012, Boston, MA, United States.

OZER, Muammer; Ettlie, John; Zhang, Wen / Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Turbulence and Market Orientation in Firm Performance. October 2011; Product Innovation Management Association (PDMA) Annual Research Forum, 29/10/2011 - 30/10/2011, Phoenix, Arizona, United States.

OZER, Muammer / Personal Experiences of Scholars Successfully Transcending the West-East Divide. August 2011; 2011 Annual Meetings of Academy of Management: Theme Symposium, 12/08/2011 - 16/08/2011, San Antonio, Texas, United States.

BIAN, Lin; OZER, Muammer / The Effects of Cross-functional Cooperation and Competition on New Product Performance: The Mediating Roles of Knowledge Management Processes. June 2010; International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference (IACMR 2010), 17/06/2010 - 20/06/2010, Shanghai, China.

OZER, Muammer / Product Innovation: An International Perspective. August 2009; 2009 Academy of Management Annual Conference, 07/08/2009 - 11/08/2009, Chicago, United States.

OZER, Muammer / Is it Really Possible to Predict the Viability of New Product Ideas?. July 2007; 2007 International Conference on Business and Information, 11/07/2007 - 13/07/2007, Tokyo, Japan.

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

Ozer, Muammer / The Role of Innovation in Company Bottom-Line: A Multi-Industry Comparison. Winner of the Best Oral Presentation Award.. August 2018; Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Automation, Engineering and Technology CAET-2018. pp. 20

Kamakura, Wagner; Ozer, Muammer / A multi-trait multi-method validity test of partworth estimates. 2007; Conjoint Measurement: Methods and Applications. pp. 145-166

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