People and Research People

People Details

Prof. YANG Zhilin



10-231, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34424644
+852 34420346

Research Areas

Network in Marketing
Governance Strategies in Marketing Channels
Customer Value and Customer Loyalty
Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Electronic Commerce


PhD - Marketing
MA - International Business
BA - Accounting


My primary research interests include ESG and marketing, governance strategies in marketing channels, institutional theory, business network analysis, and service marketing. 

I have been listed in Stanford's list of the top 2% most cited scientists in the world since 2022. In recognition of my research contributions, I was awarded the University Research Excellence Award and College Research Excellence Award in 2013. My research has garnered several prestigious awards, including the Emerald Citations of Excellence in 2015IBM Best Paper Award Finalist from the Journal of Service Research, 2011; Best Paper Award (Supply Chain Track) from the Decision Science Institution and McGraw-Hill Irwin Distinguished Paper Award; and three Highly Commended Award from Emerald Literati Club (2015, 2013 & 2005). My papers have been widely cited, with 5,928 citations ISI, 7,859 from Scopus, and 20,010 from Google Scholar as of June 30, 2024.

Since joining CityU in 2001, I have published over 120 articles in various prestigious academic journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of International Business Studies, MIS Quarterly, Organization Science, Journal of Operations Management, and American Journal of Sociology. In addition, I have had over 40 conference presentations and proceedings.

I currently serve as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing and as an Associate Editor of the European Journal of Marketing. I served as EIC of the Asian Journal of Business Research from 2011 to 2022, , and a member of the editorial board for Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, and EsicMarket (Spain), and as a special issue editor for Journal of Business Ethics, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, and International Journal of Emerging Markets. I have served ad hoc reviewer for over 40 journals and conferences.

I have received 37 research grants and served as a principal investigator for 30 grants, including NSFC (China), CERG/GRFs (Hong Kong), and Hong Kong/Germany joint research scheme. Over the years, I have been invited by more than 30 universities to deliver quality seminars.

I have served as a supervisor for over 60 doctoral students, including professional doctoral students who are successful entrepreneurs. In addition to my academic work, I have built extensive connections with business communities, particularly in China, by providing business training and consulting services for many Chinese firms and multinational enterprises.


Award TitleInstitution
Highly Commended AwardAsia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
Emerald Citations of ExcellenceEmerald Group Publishing (for paper published in Journal of Marketing)
Research Excellence AwardCity University of Hong Kong(College of Business)
Highly Commended AwardEmerald Group Publishing (for paper published in Journal of Product and Brand Management)
Research Excellence AwardCity University of Hong Kong
Outstanding Achievement (raked as A) New Zealand’s 2012 PBRF Assessment
IBM Best Paper Award FinalistJournal of Service Research
Distinguished Paper Awardthe 38th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting
McGraw-Hill Irwin Distinguished Paper AwardConference of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute,
The Best Paper Award in MarketingThe Best Paper Award in Marketing
Highly Commended AwardInternational Journal of Service Industry Management
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Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

Li, Xi; Li, Bingqing; Yang, Zhilin / The Dark Side of Voluntary Data Sharing. March 2025; In: MIS Quarterly. Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 155-178

Ma, Caiyuan; Wang, Billy Wei; Dai, Lingqi; Guan, Xinya; Yang, Zhilin / What determines the effectiveness of social media influencer marketing? An fsQCA-based study of influencer characteristics and content features’ configurational effects. February 2025; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 189

Yuan, Jingbo; Ahmad, Bilal; Yang, Zhilin; Ye, Qing / Buyer-seller interaction dynamics: a multidimensional assessment of seller reputation and perceived freedom in curbing opportunism in online platforms. September 2024; In: Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.

Jiang, Ling (Alice); Feng, Yuan; Zhou, Wenkai; Yang, Zhilin; Su, Xiaolei / Too anthropomorphized to keep distance: The role of social psychological distance on meat inclinations. May 2024; In: Appetite. Vol. 196

Yan, Chenfeng; Chen, Quan; Zhou, Xinyue; Dai, Xin; Yang, Zhilin / When the Automated fire Backfires: The Adoption of Algorithm-based HR Decision-making Could Induce Consumer’s Unfavorable Ethicality Inferences of the Company. April 2024; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 190, No. 4, pp. 841–859

Cai, Shaohan; Wang, Zhining; Yang, Zhilin / Does community attitude matter? The effects of local community environmental orientation on firms' environmental practices. March 2024; In: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 929-947

Wang, Tao; Han, Linhao; Yang, Zhilin; Jia, Yu / The effect of cultural differences on the relationship between contract governance and opportunism. November 2023; In: European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 57, No. 11

Ma, Yongchao Martin; Deng, Zhongzhun; Teng, Ying; Yang, Zhilin; Zheng, Xu (Vivian) / Firms' multi-sided platform construction efforts and ESG performance: An information processing theory perspective. November 2023; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 115, pp. 455-469

Qi, Bing; Yang, Zhilin; Deng, Tianjuan / Government subsidization and enterprise productivity: A comparative analysis of the steel and photovoltaic industries. November 2023; In: Energy Strategy Reviews. Vol. 50

Qi, Bing; Deng, Tianjuan; Yang, Zhilin / The Role of User Experience in the Impact of Low-Carbon Building Characteristics on Consumer’s Housing Purchase Intention. July 2023; In: Sustainability. Vol. 15, No. 13

Hu, Qinfang; Hu, Jing; Yang, Zhilin / Performance implications of peer monitoring among suppliers. June 2023; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 1618-1638

O’Connor, Neale G.; Du, Yan; Yang, Zhilin; Akbari, Mohammadreza / Managing from a distance in international purchasing and supply. June 2023; In: Operations Management Research. Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 594-619

Shi, Jingjing; Huang, Fang; Jia, Fang; Yang, Zhilin; Rui, Mingjie / Mass customization: the role of consumer preference measurement, manufacturing flexibility and customer participation. May 2023; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 1366-1382

Yan, Chenfeng; Yang, Zhilin; Dai, Xin / Subscriptions versus one-off purchases: the impact of fee-charging models on consumer privacy concerns. May 2023; In: International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 835-859

Ma, Yongchao Martin; Teng, Ying; Deng, Zhongzhun; Yang, Zhilin / Does firms' carbon disclosure increase consumers' recycling willingness and firms' recycling performance?. May 2023; In: Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 2451-2470

Lu, Hui; Yang, Fang; Xu, Shen; Liu, Xia; Yang, Zhilin / Is corporate greening beneficial? Exploring the relationship between perceived corporate environmental behavior and organizational citizenship behavior. May 2023; In: Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 2360-2372

Li, Hongliu; Wang, Xingyuan; Wang, Shuyang; Zhou, Wenkai; Yang, Zhilin / The power of numbers: an examination of the relationship between numerical cues in online review comments and perceived review helpfulness. January 2023; In: Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 126-139

Qi, Bing; Yang, Zhilin / Board Group Faultlines, Slack Resource, and Corporate Carbon Performance. October 2022; In: Sustainability (Switzerland). Vol. 14, No. 20

Zhou, Yuanyuan; Fei, Zhuoying; He, Yuanqiong; Yang, Zhilin / How Human–Chatbot Interaction Impairs Charitable Giving: The Role of Moral Judgment. July 2022; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 178, No. 3, pp. 849–865

Zhou, Xinyue; Yang, Zhilin; Hyman, Michael R.; Li, Gang; Munim, Ziaul Haque / Guest editorial: Impact of artificial intelligence on business strategy in emerging markets: a conceptual framework and future research directions. May 2022; In: International Journal of Emerging Markets. Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 917-929

Yao, Qi; Wan, Qiuyan; Li, Shihao; Zhou, Wenkai; Yang, Zhilin / Perceived power and smile intensity in service encounters. April 2022; In: Marketing Intelligence and Planning. Vol. 40, No. 3

Zeng, Fue; Ye, Qing; Yang, Zhilin; Li, Jing; Song, Yiping Amy / Correction to: Which Privacy Policy Works, Privacy Assurance or Personalization Declaration? An Investigation of Privacy Policies and Privacy Concerns. April 2022; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 176, No. 4, pp. 799

Zeng, Fue; Ye, Qing; Yang, Zhilin; Li, Jing; Song, Yiping Amy / Which Privacy Policy Works, Privacy Assurance or Personalization Declaration? An Investigation of Privacy Policies and Privacy Concerns. April 2022; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 176, No. 4, pp. 781-798

Zhu, Nibing; Yang, Zhilin; Cai, Shaohan; Sun, Haohao / Understanding the differences between Chinese and Western business practices: insights into Confucian philosophy. January 2022; In: European Journal of International Management. Vol. 17, No. 2-3, pp. 180-197

Cai, Shaohan; Wang, Xiaoyan; Ma, Yongchao; Zhou, Xinyue; Yang, Zhilin / Boundary spanner closeness to partner firm as relational governance in turbulent versus stable environments. January 2022; In: European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 252-282

Chen, Shijiao; Zhang, Jing A.; Gao, Hongzhi; Yang, Zhilin; Mather, Damien / Trust Erosion During Industry-Wide Crises: The Central Role of Consumer Legitimacy Judgement. January 2022; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 175, No. 1, pp. 95–116

Cai, Shaohan; Wang, Xiaoyan; Zhou, Xinyue; Hyman, Michael R.; Yang, Zhilin / Political and community logics jointly affect ‘social distancing’ compliance. November 2021; In: Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 74

Zhu, Nibing; Liu, Chang; Yang, Zhilin / Team Size, Research Variety, and Research Performance: Do Coauthors’ Coauthors Matter?. November 2021; In: Journal of Informetrics. Vol. 15, No. 4

Wang, Xiaoyan; Li, Ping; Zheng, Yi; Jiang, Ling (Alice); Yang, Zhilin / Salespersons' self-monitoring, psychological capital and sales performance. October 2021; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 1918-1933

Jiang, Ling; Zhou, Wenkai; Ren, Zhuoyi; Yang, Zhilin / Make the apps stand out: discoverability and perceived value are vital for adoption. September 2021; In: Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.

Ge, Ling; Wang, Xiaoyan; Yang, Zhilin / The strategic choice of contract types in business process outsourcing. August 2021; In: Business Process Management Journal. Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 1569-1589

Zhou, Wenkai; Yang, Zhilin; Hyman, Michael R. / Contextual influences on marketing and consumerism: an East Asian perspective. July 2021; In: International Marketing Review. Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 641-656

Jia, Fang; Wei, Liyuan; Jiang, Ling; Hu, Zuohao; Yang, Zhilin / Curbing opportunism in marketing channels: The roles of influence strategy and perceived fairness. July 2021; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 131, pp. 69-80

Jia, Fang; Yang, Zhilin / Perceptual difference of dependence and trust in marketing channel: reconsideration of dependence measurement. February 2021; In: Asian Business and Management. Vol. 20, pp. 78-104

Cai, Shaohan; Jun, Minjoon; Wang, Xiaoyan; Yang, Zhilin / On boundary spanners and interfirm embeddedness: The role of guanxi institution in China. January 2021; In: Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. Vol. 27, No. 1

Zeng, Fue; Ye, Qing; Li, Jing; Yang, Zhilin / Does self-disclosure matter? A dynamic two-stage perspective for the personalization-privacy paradox. January 2021; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 124, pp. 667-675

Zhang, Guangming; Dai, Gengxin; Sun, Hao; Zhang, Guitao; Yang, Zhilin / Equilibrium in supply chain network with competition and service level between channels considering consumers' channel preferences. November 2020; In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol. 57

Cai, Shaohan; Jun, Minjoon; Yang, Zhilin / The Joint Effects of Formal Institutions and Business Characteristics on Interfirm Guanxi in China: A Fuzzy Set Analysis. May 2020; In: Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 151-174

Zheng, Xu (Vivian); Li, Xiaoling; Ren, Xingyao; Yang, Zhilin / Enhancing compliance among channel members by modeling reward events: matching motivation and ability with model selection. March 2020; In: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 331-349

Jia, Fang; Yang, Zhilin; Ji, Li; Xu, Shen / “Boss ceiling effect”: brand downgrading consumption of workplace employees. 2020; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 1589-1609

Xu, Lan; Zhang, Lei; Cui, Nan; Yang, Zhilin / How and when AR technology affects product attitude. 2020; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 1226-1241

Yang, Zhilin / Guanxi : How China Works. By Yanjie Bian. Medford, Mass.: Polity Books, 2019.. November 2019; In: American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 125, No. 3, pp. 848-850

Wang, Dianwen; Yang, Zhilin; Ding, Zhihua / Is Sociability or Interactivity more Effective for Enhancing Performance? Findings from a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. November 2019; In: Journal of Interactive Marketing. Vol. 48, pp. 106-119

Li, Lan; Li, Gang; Yang, Xue; Yang, Zhilin / Pursuing superior performance of service innovation through improved corporate social responsibility: From a knowledge acquisition perspective. September 2019; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 925-943

He, Yuanqiong; Zhang, Junfang; Zhou, Yuanyuan; Yang, Zhilin / “Monkey See, Monkey Do?”: The Effect of Construal Level on Consumers’ Reactions to Others’ Unethical Behavior. May 2019; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 156, No. 2, pp. 455-472

Jiang, Yiran; Xu, Lan; Cui, Nan; Zhang, Hui; Yang, Zhilin / How does customer participation in service influence customer satisfaction? The mediating effects of role stressors. April 2019; In: International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 691-710

Jiang, Ling(Alice); Zhu, Nibing; Yang, Zhilin; Xu, Shen; Jun, Minjoon / The relationships between distance factors and international collaborative research outcomes: A bibliometric examination. August 2018; In: Journal of Informetrics. Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 618-630

O'Connor, Neale G.; Yang, Zhilin; Jiang, Ling / Challenges in gaining supply chain competitiveness: Supplier response strategies and determinants. July 2018; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 72, pp. 138-151

Yang, Zhilin / Measuring Customer Perceived Hi-Tech New Product Performance: A Study of PDA Products. May 2018; In: Asian Journal of Business Research. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 107-129

Jiang, Hongyan; Yang, Zhilin; Sun, Peizhen; Xu, Mengmeng / When does social exclusion increase or decrease food self-regulation?: The moderating role of time orientation. January 2018; In: Journal of Consumer Behaviour. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 34-46

Jia, Fang; Yang, Zhilin; Jiang, Ling (Alice) / The effects of government relation and institutional environments on channel performance. 2018; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 587-604

Zheng, Sijing; Hui, Siu Fu; Yang, Zhilin / Hospital trust or doctor trust?: A fuzzy analysis of trust in the health care setting. September 2017; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 78, pp. 217-225

CAI, Shaohan; JUN, Minjoon; YANG, Zhilin / The Effects of Boundary Spanners’ Personal Relationships on Interfirm Collaboration and Conflict: A Study of the Role of Guanxi in China. July 2017; In: Journal of Supply Chain Management. Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 19-40

Zhang, Chuang; Zhuang, Guijun; Yang, Zhilin; Zhang, Yang / Brand Loyalty Versus Store Loyalty: Consumers’ Role in Determining Dependence Structure of Supplier–Retailer Dyads. April 2017; In: Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 139-160

Zhong, Weiguo; Su, Chenting; Peng, Jisheng; Yang, Zhilin / Trust in Interorganizational Relationships: A Meta-Analytic Integration. April 2017; In: Journal of Management. Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 1050-1075

Cai, Shaohan; YANG, Zhilin / Trust, Information Integration, and Coordination Costs: An Integrative Mode. April 2017; In: Asian Journal of Business Research. Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 79-93

Wang, Yonggui; Wang, Na; Jiang, Ling; Yang, Zhilin; Cui, Victor / Managing relationships with power advantage buyers: The role of supplier initiated bonding tactics in long-term buyer–supplier collaborations. December 2016; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 69, No. 12, pp. 5587-5596

Hu, Qinfang; Chan, S. Fiona; Zhang, Guangling; Yang, Zhilin / The joint-liability mechanism: controlling opportunism through peer monitoring among Chinese supplier groups. June 2016; In: Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 640-653

Jiang, Ling; Jun, Minjoon; Yang, Zhilin / Customer-perceived value and loyalty: how do key service quality dimensions matter in the context of B2C e-commerce?. June 2016; In: Service Business. Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 301-317

Chung, Henry F.L.; Wang, Cheng Lu; Huang, Pei-How; Yang, Zhilin / Organizational capabilities and business performance: When and how does the dark side of managerial ties matter?. May 2016; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 55, pp. 70-82

Chung, Henry F.L.; Yang, Zhilin; Huang, Pei-How / How does organizational learning matter in strategic business performance? The contingency role of guanxi networking. June 2015; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 68, No. 6, pp. 1216-1224

Liu, Zhiqiang; Yang, Zhilin; Zeng, Fue; Waller, David / The Developmental Process of Unethical Consumer Behavior: An Investigation Grounded in China. May 2015; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 128, No. 2, pp. 411-432

Yang, Zhilin; Jiang, Ling Alice / Managing corporate crisis in China: Sentiment, reason, and law. March 2015; In: Business Horizons. Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 193-201

CAI, Shaohan; YANG, Zhilin / THE ROLE OF THE GUANXI INSTITUTION IN SKILL ACQUISITION BETWEEN FIRMS: A STUDY OF CHINESE FIRMS. October 2014; In: Journal of Supply Chain Management. Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 3-23

Yang, Zhilin; Su, Chenting / Institutional theory in business marketing: A conceptual framework and future directions. July 2014; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 721-725

Gao, Hongzhi; Knight, John G.; Yang, Zhilin; Ballantyne, David / Toward a gatekeeping perspective of insider-outsider relationship development in China. July 2014; In: Journal of World Business. Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 312-320

Cai, Shaohan; Yang, Zhilin / On the relationship between business environment and competitive priorities: The role of performance frontiers. May 2014; In: International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 151, pp. 131-145

Yang, Zhilin; Jia, Fang; Cai, Shaohan / The performance implications of perceptual differences of dependence in marketing channels: The mediating role of trust. March 2014; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 344-364

Wang, Xuehua; Chi Chow, Wing; Yang, Zhilin; Y.M. Lai, Jennifer / Market signals: web site investment and physical store existence. January 2014; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 94-113

Yang, Zhilin; Su, Chenting / Understanding Asian business strategy: Modeling institution-based legitimacy-embedded efficiency. December 2013; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 66, No. 12, pp. 2369-2374

Wang, Yonggui; Wu, Jianfeng; Yang, Zhilin / Customer Participation and Project Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing in the Chinese Telecommunication Service Industry. October 2013; In: Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 227-244

Jiang, Ling (Alice); Yang, Zhilin; Jun, Minjoon / Measuring consumer perceptions of online shopping convenience. April 2013; In: Journal of Service Management. Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 191-214

Wu, Jianan; Wu, Yinglu; Sun, Jie; Yang, Zhilin / User reviews and uncertainty assessment: A two stage model of consumers' willingness-to-pay in online markets. April 2013; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 175-185

Wang, Yonggui; Chan, S. Fiona; Yang, Zhilin / Customers' perceived benefits of interacting in a virtual brand community in China. February 2013; In: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 49-66

Wang, Xuehua; Yang, Zhilin / Inter-firm opportunism: A meta-analytic review and assessment of its antecedents and effect on performance. January 2013; In: Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 137-146

Cai, Huajian; Fang, Xiang; Yang, Zhilin; Song, Hairong / Implicit Consumer Animosity: A Primary Validation. July 2012; In: Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1651-1674

Wang, Xuehua; Chow, Cheris W.; Yang, Zhilin / A two-path model on the effects of positivity and empathy reflected by online reviews: A choice mechanism perspective. June 2012; In: International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 260-277

Yang, Zhilin; Su, Chenting; Fam, Kim-Shyan / Dealing with institutional distances in international marketing channels: Governance strategies that engender legitimacy and efficiency. May 2012; In: Journal of Marketing. Vol. 76, No. 3, pp. 41-55

Jiang, Ling(Alice); Yang, Zhilin; Carlson, David / Marketing Professionals’ Perceptions of Marketing Journals/Publications. March 2012; In: African Journal of Business Management. Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 4317-4327

Hu, Jing; Liu, Xin; Wang, Sijun; Yang, Zhilin / The role of brand image congruity in Chinese consumers' brand preference. February 2012; In: Journal of Product and Brand Management. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 26-34

Yang, Zhilin; Wang, Cheng Lu / Guanxi as a governance mechanism in business markets: Its characteristics, relevant theories, and future research directions. May 2011; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 492-495

Zeng, Fue; Yang, Zhilin; Li, Yongqiang; Fam, Kim-Shyan / Small business industrial buyers' price sensitivity: Do service quality dimensions matter in business markets?. April 2011; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 395-404

Cai, Shaohan; Yang, Zhilin; Jun, Minjoon / Cooperative norms, structural mechanisms, and supplier performance: Empirical evidence from Chinese manufacturers. March 2011; In: Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 1-10

Wang, Xuehua; YANG, Zhilin / The Impact of Brand Credibility and Brand Personality on Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study in China. March 2011; In: Advances in International Marketing. Vol. 21, pp. 137 - 153

Ding, Min; Hauser, John R.; Dong, Songting; Dzyabura, Daria; Yang, Zhilin; Su, Chenting; Gaskin, Steven P. / Unstructured direct elicitation of decision rules. February 2011; In: Journal of Marketing Research. Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 116-127

Li, Yongqiang; Wang, Xuehua; Yang, Zhilin / The effects of corporate-brand credibility, perceived corporate-brand origin, and self-image congruence on purchase intention: Evidence from China's auto industry. January 2011; In: Journal of Global Marketing. Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 58-68

Yang, Zhilin; Zhou, Chen; Jiang, Ling / When do formal control and trust matter? A context-based analysis of the effects on marketing channel relationships in China. January 2011; In: Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 86-96

Wang, Xuehua; Yang, Zhilin / The impact of brand credibility and brand personality on purchase intention: An empirical study in China. 2011; In: Advances in International Marketing. Vol. 21, pp. 137-153

Schumann, Jan H.; Wangenheim, Florian V.; Stringfellow, Anne; Yang, Zhilin; Praxmarer, Sandra; Jiménez, Fernando R.; Blazevic, Vera; Shannon, Randall M.; Shainesh, G.; Komor, Marcin / Drivers of trust in relational service exchange: Understanding the importance of cross-cultural differences. November 2010; In: Journal of Service Research. Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 453-468

Cai, Shaohan; Yang, Zhilin; Hu, Zuohao / The effects of volume consolidation on buyer-supplier relationships: A study of Chinese firms. September 2010; In: Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 152-162

Cai, Shaohan; Jun, Minjoon; Yang, Zhilin / Implementing supply chain information integration in China: The role of institutional forces and trust. May 2010; In: Journal of Operations Management. Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 257-268

Schumann, Jan H.; Wangenheim, Florian V; Stringfellow, Anne; Yang, Zhilin; Blazevic, Vera; Praxmarer, Sandra; Shainesh, G.; Komor, Marcin; Shannon, Randall M.; Jiménez, Fernando R. / Cross-cultural differences in the effect of received word-of-mouth referral in relational service exchange. 2010; In: Journal of International Marketing. Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 62-80

Wang, Xuehua; Yang, Zhilin; Liu, Ning Rong / The impacts of brand personality and congruity on purchase intention: Evidence from the Chinese mainland's automobile market. July 2009; In: Journal of Global Marketing. Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 199-215

Cai, Shaohan; Yang, Zhilin; Hu, Zuohao / Exploring the governance mechanisms of quasi-integration in buyer-supplier relationships. June 2009; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 660-666

Su, Chenting; Yang, Zhilin; Zhuang, Guijun; Zhou, Nan; Dou, Wenyu / Interpersonal influence as an alternative channel communication behavior in emerging markets: The case of China. May 2009; In: Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 668-689

Fam, Kim-Shyan; Waller, David S.; Yang, Zhilin / Addressing the advertising of controversial products in China: An empirical approach. April 2009; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 88, No. SUPPL. 1, pp. 43-58

Fam, Kim-Shyan; Yang, Zhilin; Hyman, Mike / Confucian/Chopsticks Marketing. 2009; In: Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 88, No. SUPPL. 3, pp. 393-397

Zeng, Fue; Hu, Zuohao; Chen, Rong; Yang, Zhilin / Determinants of online service satisfaction and their impacts on behavioural intentions. 2009; In: Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 953-969

庄贵军; 周南; 周筱莲; 苏晨汀; 杨志林 / 跨文化营销渠道中文化差异对企业间信任与承诺意愿的影响. 2009; In: 管理评论. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 67-76

Hyman, Michael R.; YANG, Zhi Lin; Fam, kim-Shyan; Stratemeyer, Andreas W. / International Business Research: A Retrospective. October 2008; In: The Open Business Journal. Vol. 1, pp. 67 - 95

Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Poppo, Laura; Yang, Zhilin / Relational ties or customized contracts? An examination of alternative governance choices in China. April 2008; In: Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 526-534

徐岚; 杨志林; 周南; 李福安 / 友善和正直: 何时对品牌信任更重要? ─ 影响友善和正直与品牌信任关系的调节变量研究. March 2008; In: 营销科学学报. Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 15-35

庄贵军; 周南; 苏晨汀; 杨志林 / 社会资本与关系导向对于营销渠道中企业之间沟通方式与策略的影响. March 2008; In: 系统工程理论与实践. Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 1-15

Cai, Shaohan; Yang, Zhilin / Development of cooperative norms in the buyer-supplier relationship: The Chinese experience. January 2008; In: Journal of Supply Chain Management. Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 55-70

Wang, Xuehua; Yang, Zhilin / A meta-analysis of effect sizes in international marketing experiments. 2008; In: International Marketing Review. Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 276-291

Li, Fuan; Zhou, Nan; Kashyap, Rajiv; Yang, Zhilin / Brand trust as a second-order factor. An alternative measurement model. 2008; In: International Journal of Market Research. Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 817-839

Fam, Kim-Shyan; Waller, David; Ong, F.S.; YANG, Zhi Lin / Controversial Product Advertising in China: Perceptions of Three Generational Cohorts. 2008; In: Journal of Consumer Behaviour. Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 461 - 469

寿志钢; 苏晨汀; 杨志林; 周南 / 零售商的能力与友善如何影响供应商的关系行为 —— 基于信任理论的实证研究. February 2007; In: 管理世界. Vol. 2008年, No. 2, pp. 97-109

Yang, Zhilin; Wang, Xuehua; Su, Chenting / A review of research methodologies in international business. December 2006; In: International Business Review. Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 601-617

Cai, Shaohan; Jun, Minjoon; Yang, Zhilin / The impact of interorganizational internet communication on purchasing performance: A study of Chinese manufacturing firms. August 2006; In: Journal of Supply Chain Management. Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 16-29

Fam, Kim-Shyan; Yang, Zhilin / Primary influences of environmental uncertainty on promotions budget allocation and performance: A cross-country study of retail advertisers. February 2006; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 259-267

Zhou, Kevin Zheng; Gao, Gerald Yong; Yang, Zhilin; Zhou, Nan / Developing strategic orientation in China: Antecedents and consequences of market and innovation orientations. August 2005; In: Journal of Business Research. Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 1049-1058

Yang, Zhilin; Bi, Zili; Zhou, Nan / The double jeopardy phenomenon and the mediating effect of brand penetration between advertising and brand loyalty. June 2005; In: Journal of Advertising Research. Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 211-221

Yang, Zhilin; Cai, Shaohan; Zhou, Zheng; Zhou, Nan / Development and validation of an instrument to measure user perceived service quality of information presenting Web portals. May 2005; In: Information & Management. Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 575-589

Yang, Zhilin; Zhou, Nan; Chen, Jie / Brand choice of older Chinese consumers. 2005; In: Journal of International Consumer Marketing. Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 65-81

Yang, Zhilin; Jun, Minjoon; Peterson, Robin T. / Measuring customer perceived online service quality: Scale development and managerial implications. November 2004; In: International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 1149-1174

Yang, Zhilin; Peterson, Robin T. / Customer perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty: The role of switching costs. October 2004; In: Psychology and Marketing. Vol. 21, No. 10, pp. 799-822

Yang, Zhilin; Fang, Xiang / Online service quality dimensions and their relationships with satisfaction: A content analysis of customer reviews of securities brokerage services. July 2004; In: International Journal of Service Industry Management. Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 302-326

Jun, Minjoon; Yang, Zhilin; Kim, DaeSoo / Customers' perceptions of online retailing service quality and their satisfaction. 2004; In: International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 817-840

Yang, Zhilin; Peterson, Robin T.; Cai, Shaohan / Services quality dimensions of Internet retailing: An exploratory analysis. December 2003; In: Journal of Services Marketing. Vol. 17, No. 7, pp. 685-700

Yang, Zhilin; Peterson, Robin T. / I read about it online .... December 2003; In: Marketing Research. Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 26-31

Yang, Zhilin; Peterson, Robin T. / The quality dimensions of internet retail food purchasing: A content analysis of consumer compliments and complaints. April 2002; In: Journal of Foodservice Business Research. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 25-46

Yang, Zhilin; Jun, Minjoon / Consumer Perception of e-Service Quality: From Internet Purchaser and Non-Purchaser Perspectives. March 2002; In: Journal of Business Strategies. Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 19-41

Yang, Zhilin; Peterson, Robin T.; Huang, Lily / Taking the pulse of internet pharmacies: Online shoppers speak out on pharmacy service issues. June 2001; In: Marketing Health Services. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 5-10

Hyman, Michael R.; Yang, Zhilin / International marketing serials: A retrospective. 2001; In: International Marketing Review. Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 667-716

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