People and Research People

People Details

Dr. TSO Kwok Fai Geoffrey


Senior Teaching Consultant

7-281, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34428568
+852 34420189
Public CV

Research Areas

Statistical Modelling
Survey Methods
Market Research


PhD - Biostatistics (University of Toronto)
MA - Statistics (York University)
BSc - Applied Mathematics (York University)



Geoffrey Tso completed his PhD in Biostatistics at the University of Toronto. His research interests include market research, economic indexes, energy research, business intelligence, and deep network. His research has appeared in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Energy, Social Indicators Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Applied Statistics, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, and others.


He is also the Director of the Statistical Consulting Unit, housed in the Department of Management Sciences. This unit supports survey activities and all types of statistical analyses, including model building, conducted by academics in the universities. He started his consulting work in 1992. He has substantial experiences in serving as leader of over 2000 surveys and other statistical projects conducted for the local government’s department, transport operators, and private organizations.


Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

Song, Lianlian; Yao, Shanji; Liu, Lili; Tso, Geoffrey / Investigating binge-watching and its effect on paid subscription: A mixed-method study based on SOR theory. September 2024; In: Journal of Consumer Behaviour.

Zhao, Zhihao; Zhang, Xinyu; Zou, Guohua; Wan, Alan T. K.; Tso, Geoffrey K. F. / Model averaging for estimating treatment effects. February 2024; In: Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 73-92

Wang, Jing; Zhou, Hao; Tso, Geoffrey Kwok Fai; Hsun, Chen Po; Tua, Chuang; Zheng, Tao / Integrated safety assessment of water–energy–food systems based on improved substance element extensions. December 2023; In: Journal of Water and Climate Change. Vol. 14, No. 12, pp. 4617-4634

Chen, Chi Ming; Tso, Geoffrey Kwok Fai; He, Kaijian / Quantum Optimized Cost Based Feature Selection and Credit Scoring for Mobile Micro-financing. March 2023; In: Computational Economics.

Li, Jin; Tso, Geoffrey; Wu, Don / WHETHER CONSUMER SATISFACTION BENEFITS the INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE from HONG KONG. March 2023; In: Singapore Economic Review. Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 485-506

Zhang, Yin; Chen, Frank Y.; Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; Yang, Lin / Meteorological Factors Facilitated Increased Legionnaires’ Disease Notifications and Mortality Pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 in Hong Kong. October 2022; In: Journal of Infectious Diseases and Treatment. Vol. 8, No. 8

Song, Lianlian; Shi, Yang; Tso, Geoffrey Kwok Fai / Commercial audience retention of television programs: measurement and prediction. 2022; In: International Journal of Advertising. Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 435-461

He, Kaijian; Ji, Lei; Wu, Chi Wai Don; Tso, Kwok Fai Geoffrey / Using SARIMA–CNN–LSTM approach to forecast daily tourism demand. December 2021; In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Vol. 49, pp. 25-33

Shen, Huaxiao; Li, Yanzhi; Guan, Jingjing; Tso, Geoffrey K.F. / A Planning Approach to Revenue Management for Non-Guaranteed Targeted Display Advertising. June 2021; In: Production and Operations Management. Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 1583-1602

LIAO, Liping; TSO, Kwok Fai Geoffrey; YANG, Jingjing / Corporate Innovation and Dividend Payout Policy: Evidence From China’s Listed Companies. April 2021; In: IEEE Access. Vol. 9, pp. 61090-61100

Wang, Feifei; Yang, Yang; Tso, Geoffrey K. F.; Li, Yang / The determinants of social promotion success: A case study of crowdfunding projects. March 2021; In: Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 251-265

Wu, Don Chi Wai; Ji, Lei; He, Kaijian; Tso, Kwok Fai Geoffrey / Forecasting Tourist Daily Arrivals With A Hybrid Sarima–Lstm Approach. January 2021; In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 52-67

Song, Lianlian; Shi, Yang; Tso, Geoffrey Kwok Fai; Lo, Hing Po / Forecasting week-to-week television ratings using reduced-form and structural dynamic models. January 2021; In: International Journal of Forecasting. Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 302-321

SONG, Lianlian; LAI, Kin Keung; TSO, Kwok Fai Geoffrey; YEN, Jerome / Entrepreneurship Measurement and Comparison: Holistic Acceptability Global Entrepreneurship Index. December 2020; In: Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1959-1979

Li, Song; Tso, Geoffrey K. F.; Li, Jin / Parallel generalized elliptical slice sampling with adaptive regional pseudo-priors. July 2020; In: Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. Vol. 90, No. 15, pp. 2789–2813

Song, Lianlian; Tso, Geoffrey Kwok Fai / Consumers can learn and can forget – Modeling the dynamic decision procedure when watching TV. June 2020; In: Journal of Management Science and Engineering. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 87-104

LI, Song; TSO, Geoffrey K.F.; HE, Kaijian / Bottleneck feature supervised U-Net for pixel-wise liver and tumor segmentation. May 2020; In: Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 145

Zou, Yingchao; Yu, Lean; Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; He, Kaijian / Risk forecasting in the crude oil market: A multiscale Convolutional Neural Network approach. March 2020; In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Vol. 541

Wang, Feifei; Yang, Yang; Tso, Geoffrey K. F.; Li, Yang / Analysis of launch strategy in cross-border e-Commerce market via topic modeling of consumer reviews. December 2019; In: Electronic Commerce Research. Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 863–884

Li, Qiuya; Tso, Geoffrey KF; Qin, Yichen; Lovejoy, Travis I; Heckman, Timothy G; Li, Yang / Penalized multiple inflated values selection method with application to SAFER data. November 2019; In: Statistical Methods in Medical Research. Vol. 28, No. 10-11, pp. 3205-3225

Song, Lianlian; Tso, Geoffrey; Fu, Yelin / Click behavior and link prioritization: multiple demand theory application for web improvement. August 2019; In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 70, No. 8, pp. 805-816

Li, Jin; Guo, Zhiling; Tso, Geoffrey / An economic analysis of consumer learning on entertainment shopping websites. April 2019; In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 285-316

Song, Lianlian; Zhou, Peng; Tso, Geoffrey; Lo, Hingpo / Converting People-Meter Data From Per-Minute to Per-Second Analysis: A Statistical Model Offers a Closer Look At TV Ad Avoidance and Effectiveness. March 2019; In: Journal of Advertising Research. Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 53-72

He, Kaijian; Chen, Yanhui; Tso, Geoffrey K.F. / Forecasting exchange rate using Variational Mode Decomposition and entropy theory. November 2018; In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Vol. 510, pp. 15-25

He, Kaijian; Ji, Lei; Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; Zhu, Bangzhu; Zou, Yingchao / Forecasting Exchange Rate Value at Risk using Deep Belief Network Ensemble based Approach. October 2018; In: Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 139, pp. 25-32

He, Kaijian; Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; Zou, Yingchao; Liu, Jia / Crude oil risk forecasting: New evidence from multiscale analysis approach. October 2018; In: Energy Economics. Vol. 76, pp. 574-583

Chen, Longmei; Wan, Alan T. K.; Tso, Geoffrey; Zhang, Xinyu / A model averaging approach for the ordered probit and nested logit models with applications. March 2018; In: Journal of Applied Statistics. Vol. 45, No. 16, pp. 1-41

Chen, Yanhui; He, Kaijian; Tso, Geoffrey K.F. / Forecasting Crude Oil Prices: A Deep Learning based Model. December 2017; In: Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 122, pp. 300-307

Liu, Fangtao; TSO, Kwok Fai Geoffrey; Yang, Yongheng; Guan, Jingjing / Multilevel Analysis of Employee Satisfaction on Commitment to Organizational Culture: Case Study of Chinese state-owned Enterprises. December 2017; In: Mathematical and Computational Applications. Vol. 22, No. 4

He, Kaijian; Chen, Yanhui; Tso, Geoffrey K.F. / Price forecasting in the precious metal market: A multivariate EMD denoising approach. December 2017; In: Resources Policy. Vol. 54, pp. 9-24

Li, Song; Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; Long, Lufan / Powered embarrassing parallel MCMC sampling in Bayesian inference, a weighted average intuition. November 2017; In: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Vol. 115, pp. 11-20

LIU, Fangtao; TSO, Kwok Fai Geoffrey; YANG, Yongheng; GUAN, Jingjing / Identifying the Effects of Employee Satisfaction on Commitment to Organizational Culture. September 2017; In: International Journal of Business and Social Science. Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 157-167

Li, Jin; Tso, Kwok Fai; Liu, Fangtao / Profit earning and monetary loss bidding in online entertainment shopping: the impacts of bidding patterns and characteristics. February 2017; In: Electronic Markets. Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 77-90

Song, Lianlian; Tso, Geoffrey; Lo, Hing-Po; Hua, Zhongsheng / A dynamic multiple-variety choice adaption model. January 2017; In: Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 515-529

Tso, Geoffrey Kwok Fai; Liu, Fangtao; Li, Jin / Identifying Factors of Employee Satisfaction: A Case Study of Chinese Resource-Based State-Owned Enterprises. September 2015; In: Social Indicators Research. Vol. 123, No. 2, pp. 567-583

Tso, Geoffrey K. F.; LI, Jin / Comparing Economic Developments in the Greater China through Building Chinese Consumer Confidence Indexes. September 2014; In: Advances in Economics and Business. Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 268-280

Tso, Geoffrey K. F.; Liu, Fangtao; Liu, Ke / The influence factor analysis of comprehensive energy consumption in manufacturing enterprises. May 2013; In: Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 17, pp. 752-758

Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; Yau, Kelvin K.W.; Yang, C. Y. / Sustainable Development Index in Hong Kong: Approach, Method and Findings. March 2011; In: Social Indicators Research. Vol. 101, No. 1, pp. 93-108

Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; Yau, Kelvin K.W.; Cheung, Monique S.M. / Latent constructs determining Internet job search behaviors: Motivation, opportunity and job change intention. March 2010; In: Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 122-131

Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; Yau, Kelvin K.W. / Predicting electricity energy consumption: A comparison of regression analysis, decision tree and neural networks. September 2007; In: Energy. Vol. 32, No. 9, pp. 1761-1768

Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; Yau, Kelvin K.W. / A study of domestic energy usage patterns in Hong Kong. December 2003; In: Energy. Vol. 28, No. 15, pp. 1671-1682

Chan, Lai K.; Hui, Yer V.; Lo, Hing P.; Tse, Siu K.; Tso, Geoffrey K.F.; Wu, Ming L. / Consumer satisfaction index: new practice and findings. June 2003; In: European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 37, No. 5/6, pp. 872-909

Chiu, C. C H; Kwok-fai Ting; Tso, G. K F; He Cai / A comparison of occupational values between capitalist Hong Kong and socialist Guangzhou. 1998; In: Economic Development and Cultural Change. Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 749-770

Tse, S. K.; Tso, Geoffrey / Efficiencies of maximum likelihood estimators under censoring in life testing. 1996; In: Journal of Applied Statistics. Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 515-524

Tse, Siu-Keung; Tso, Geoffrey / Shrinkage estimation of reliability for exponentially distributed lifetimes. 1996; In: Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation. Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 415-430

Conference Papers

Li, Jin; Tso, Kwok Fai / EFFECTS OF PLAYER’S PARTICIPATION PATTERNS ON ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF ENTERTAINMENT SHOPPING WEBSITE. July 2016; International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (NETs 2016), 22/07/2016 - 24/07/2016, Osaka, Japan.

Li, Jin; Liu, Fangtao; TSO, Kwok Fai; Lu, Yagang / How Employee Satisfaction Affects Employee Stress?: Empirical Evidence from State-owned Enterprises in China. June 2016; 2016 International Conference on Healthcare and Management, 26/06/2016 - 29/06/2016, Taipei, Taiwan.

SONG, Lianlian; TSO, Kwok Fai; LIU, Zhiyong; CHEN, Qian / Understanding User Visiting Behavior and Web Design: Applying Simultaneous Choice Model to Content Arrangement. December 2013; Italian Chapter of Association for Information Systems, 14/12/2013 - 14/12/2013, , United States. pp. 207-217

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

Wu, Chi Wai; Tso, Kwok Fai Geoffrey / Good Practices and Considerations in Conducting Email Survey for Fashion Retail Industry. 2018; Contemporary Case Studies on Fashion Production, Marketing and Operations. pp. 105-117

Song, Lianlian; Tso, Geoffrey; Zhang, Hao; Wang, Jianling; Liu, Wenlong / Television Audiences can Learn and can Forget: Modeling the Audience's Dynamic Decision Procedure. July 2017; Proceedings of 2017 China Marketing International Conference. pp. 609-638

SONG, Lian-lian; TSO, Geoffrey / Prioritizing the Links on the Homepage: Evidence from a University Website. April 2017; 2017 3rd International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development (ECED 2017) . pp. 64-68

Li, Jin; Guo, Zhiling; Tso, Geoffrey K.F. / An Economic Analysis of Consumer Learning for Online Entertainment Shopping. June 2016; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2016 - Proceedings.

Song, Lianlian; Tso, Geoffrey; Liu, Zhiyong; Chen, Qian / Understanding user visiting behavior and web design: Applying simultaneous choice model to content arrangement. January 2014; Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. Vol. 7, pp. 207-217

TSO, Kwok Fai / Hong Kong Sustainable Development Index. 2014; Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. pp. 2916-2919

TSO, Kwok Fai; LI, Jin / Using index to measure and monitor progress on sustainable development. February 2012; Sustainable Development--Education, Business and Management--Architecture and Building Construction--Agriculture and Food Security. pp. 175-196

TSO, Kwok Fai; WU, Chi Wai / Measuring Consumer Satisfaction Levels in Hong Kong and its correlation to companies' firm value. July 2010; Proceedings of Business and Information.

Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case Studies

TSO, Kwok Fai / Consumer Research on “myEnergy” Pilot Scheme. November 2014;

TSO Kwok Fai, Geoffrey; WU, Chi Wai / ECIC Market Study Report (Bankers). May 2013;

TSO Kwok Fai, Geoffrey; WU, Chi Wai / ECIC Market Study Report (Brokers). May 2013;

TSO Kwok Fai, Geoffrey; WU, Chi Wai / ECIC Market Study Report (Companies in Supply Chain Industry). May 2013;

TSO Kwok Fai, Geoffrey; WU, Chi Wai / ECIC Market Study Report (Exporters). May 2013;

TSO Kwok Fai, Geoffrey; WU, Chi Wai / ECIC Market Study Report (Policyholders). May 2013;

TSO Kwok Fai, Geoffrey; WU, Chi Wai / ECIC Market Study Report (Trade Associations). May 2013;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Full Report on Price Comparison Survey 2012. August 2012;

TSO Kwok Fai, Geoffrey; WU, Chi Wai / Market Analysis for Tie Rack Hong Kong. July 2012;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Report on 2011 Passenger Focus Group Sessions. November 2011;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Report on 2011 Passenger Opinions Survey. November 2011;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Price Comparison Survey 2011. August 2011;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Price Comparison Survey 2010. September 2010;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Report on 2010 Passenger Opinions Survey. July 2010;

TSO, Kwok Fai / ATM Research. June 2010;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Tenant Survey for Harbour City 2010. May 2010;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Consumer Wealth Review 2009. February 2010;

TSO, Kwok Fai / CitiGold Tracking Report 2009. January 2010;

TSO, Kwok Fai / 2009 Customer Survey Report. September 2009;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Banking User Population Study 2009. September 2009;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Price Comparison Survey 2009. August 2009;

TSO, Kwok Fai / CitiGold Tracking Survey 2008. February 2009;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Millionaire Survey 2008. February 2009;

TSO, Kwok Fai / Market Size Population Survey 2008. October 2008;

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