Y7422, Yeung Kin Man Acad Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34427090
+852 34420283
Journal Publications and Reviews
Cheung, Chau-Kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Predicting Chinese identity and self-esteem by studying Chinese culture and history in Hong Kong youth. September 2022; In: Asia Pacific Journal of Education. Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 529-541
岳曉東; 張宙橋; 嚴焮; 文海韻; 洪可瑩; 閻洪 / 港澳青少年大灣區發展意向的主觀因素分析: 政治信任與正向心理特質. May 2021; In: 香港社會科學學報. No. 57, pp. 1-30
Wang, Wenjing; Zheng, Xiaobing; Yue, Xiaodong; Zhong, Nian / The role of beauty as currency belief in acceptance of cosmetic surgery and career aspirations among Chinese young women. 2021; In: Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 161, No. 3, pp. 351-362
岳曉東; 張宙橋; 鄭小冰; 王雯晶; 閻洪 / 深港青少年國家認同現狀調查分析: 正面心理學的視角. September 2020; In: 香港社會科學學報. No. 56, pp. 1-18
沈啸忱; 张卫国; 张红; 何林超; 岳晓东; 王锃 / 具身德育的四个认知属性探析. June 2020; In: 中小学心理健康教育. No. 17
岳晓东 / 从“三星崇拜”到“民星崇拜”: 当代青少年偶像崇拜的演化历程. April 2020; In: 教育家. No. 总第218期, pp. 16-18
Liu, Bing-hui; Huang, Jia; Shan, Hai-di; Liu, Ya-fei; Lui, Simon S.Y.; Cheung, Eric F.C.; Yue, Xiao-dong; Chan, Raymond C.K. / Humour processing deficits in individuals with social anhedonia. May 2019; In: Psychiatry Research. Vol. 275, pp. 345-350
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Idols as Sunshine or Road Signs: Comparing Absorption-Addiction Idolatry With Identification-Emulation Idolatry. April 2019; In: Psychological Reports. Vol. 122, No. 2, pp. 411-432
Wang, Jiao; Huang, Jia; Lui, Simon S.Y.; Cheung, Eric F.C.; Yue, Xiao-dong; Chan, Raymond C.K. / Motivation deficits in individuals with social anhedonia. March 2018; In: Psychiatry Research. Vol. 261, pp. 527-534
王锃; 石乐; 李同法; 岳晓东 / 具身德育在学生德育工作中的启示. 2018; In: 中小学心理健康教育. No. 31, pp. 19-22
YUE, Xiao Dong; JIANG, Feng; HIRANANDANI, Neelam Arjan; Jia, Huang; Li, Su-Xia / How Gender Matters for Happiness: A Serial Study in of College Students in China. August 2017; In: International Journal of Psychology and Behavior Analysis . Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-6
YUE, Xiao Dong; HIRANANDANI, Neelam Arjan; Jiang, Feng; Hou, Zhenhu; Chen, Xiaohua / Unpacking the Gender Differences on Mental Health: The Effects of Optimism and Gratitude. August 2017; In: Psychological Reports. Vol. 120, No. 4, pp. 639-649
Yue, Xiaodong; Ho Anna, Mei Lan; Hiranandani, Neelam A / How Humor Styles Affect Self-compassion and Life Satisfaction: A Study in Hong Kong. July 2017; In: Acta Psychopathologica. Vol. 3, No. 4
Liu Binghui; Huang Jia; YUE, Xiaodong / HUMOR COMPREHENSION IN SCHIZOTYPY. March 2017; In: Schizophrenia Bulletin. Vol. 43, pp. S177-S177
Yue, Xiao D.; Leung, Chun-Lok; Hiranandani, Neelam A. / Adult Playfulness, Humor Styles, and Subjective Happiness. December 2016; In: Psychological Reports. Vol. 119, No. 3, pp. 630-640
YUE, Xiaodong; HIRANANDANI, Neelam Arjan / Whoever is Influential is Successful too: How Chinese Undergraduates Choose Admirable People in Chinese Societies. October 2016; In: International Journal of Psychology and Behavior Analysis . Vol. 2, pp. 1-4
YUE, Xiaodong; Jiang, Feng; Lu, Su; Hiranandani, Neelam / To be or not to be humorous? Cross cultural perspectives on humor. October 2016; In: Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 7
Yuan, Ming; Liu, Li-Jing; Xu, Ling-Zhi; Guo, Tian-You; YUE, Xiaodong; Li, Su-Xia / Effects of environmental stress on the depression-like behaviors and the diurnal rhythm of corticosterone and melatonin in male rats. June 2016; In: Acta Physiologica Sinica. Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 215-223
Aydinli, Arzu; Bender, Michael; Chasiotis, Athanasios; van de Vijver, Fons J. R.; Cemalcilar, Zeynep; Chong, Alice; Yue, Xiaodong / A Cross-Cultural Study of Explicit and Implicit Motivation for Long-Term Volunteering. April 2016; In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 375-396
Xu, Ling-Zhi; Liu, Li-Jing; Yuan, Ming; Li, Su-Xia; Yue, Xiao-Dong; Lai, Ju-Lian; Lu, Lin / Short photoperiod condition increases susceptibility to stress in adolescent male rats. March 2016; In: Behavioural Brain Research. Vol. 300, pp. 38-44
Jiang, Feng; Yue, Xiaodong; Lu, Su; Yu, Guangtao; Zhu, Fei / How Belief in a Just World Benefits Mental Health: The Effects of Optimism and Gratitude. March 2016; In: Social Indicators Research. Vol. 126, No. 1, pp. 411-423
Aydinli-Karakulak, A; Brender, M; CHONG, Ming Lin Alice; Yue, Xiaodong / Applying western models of volunteering in Hong Kong: The role of empathy, prosocial motivation and motive-experience fit for volunteering.. 2016; In: Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 87-185
Yue, Xiao Dong; Hui, Anna Na / Humor styles, creative personality traits, and creative thinking in a hong kong sample. December 2015; In: Psychological Reports. Vol. 117, No. 3, pp. 845-855
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong; Wong, Dennis Sing-wing / Addictive Internet Use and Parenting Patterns Among Secondary School Students in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. August 2015; In: Journal of Child and Family Studies. Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 2301-2309
Jiang, Feng; Yue, Xiaodong; Lu, Su; Yu, Guangtao / Can you forgive? It depends on how happy you are. April 2015; In: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 182-188
Hirananadani, Neelam Arjan; Yue, Xiao Dong / Humour styles, gelotophobia and self-esteem among Chinese and Indian university students. December 2014; In: Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 319-324
Lai, Julian C. L.; Yue, Xiaodong / Using the brief resilience scale to assess Chinese people’s ability to bounce back from stress. October 2014; In: SAGE Open. Vol. 4, No. 4
Yue, Xiao Dong; Wing-Yin, Katy Liu; Jiang, Feng; Hiranandani, Neelam Arjan / Humor styles, self-esteem, and subjective happiness. October 2014; In: Psychological Reports. Vol. 115, No. 2, pp. 517-525
YUE, Xiao Dong; WONG, Yuen Man Ashley; HIRANANDANI, Neelam Arjan / Humor Style and Loneliness: A study among Hong Kong and Hangzhou Undergraduates. August 2014; In: Psychological Reports. Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 65-74
JIANG, Feng; LU, Su; YAO, Xiang; YUE, Xiaodong; AU, Wing Tung / Up or down? How culture and color affect judgments. July 2014; In: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 226-234
Feng, Shengchuang; Ye, Xiang; Mao, Lihua; Yue, Xiaodong / The activation of theory of mind network differentiates between point-to-self and point-to-other verbal jokes: An fMRI study. April 2014; In: Neuroscience Letters. Vol. 564, pp. 32-36
Lai, Julian; YUE, Xiaodong; Li, Suxia / Physical Health Outcomes of Conjugal Bereavement: A Psychoneuroendocrine Model of Resilience. February 2014; In: Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 1 - 4
YUE, Xiaodong; Hirananadani, Neelam Arjan / Perception of humorists: A cross-cultural study of undergraduates in Hong Kong, Hangzhou, and Vanvoucer. 2014; In: Comprehensive Physiology. Vol. 3, pp. 1 - 5
Jiang, Feng; Lu, Su; Hou, Yubo; Yue, Xiaodong / Dialectical thinking and health behaviors: The effects of theory of planned behavior. June 2013; In: International Journal of Psychology. Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 206-214
Cheung, Chau-Kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Humor styles, optimism, and their relationships with distress among undergraduates in three Chinese cities. May 2013; In: Humor. Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 351-370
YUE, Xiaodong / Review of Books. May 2013; In: Counselling and therapy in China.
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Sustaining Resilience Through Local Connectedness Among Sojourn Students. May 2013; In: Social Indicators Research. Vol. 111, No. 3, pp. 785-800
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Sojourn students' humor styles as buffers to achieve resilience. May 2012; In: International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 353-364
Cheung, Chau-Kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Idol worship as compensation for parental absence. March 2012; In: International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 35-46
Liu, James H.; Paez, Dario; Hanke, Katja; Rosa, Alberto; Hilton, Denis J.; Sibley, Chris G.; Cabecinhas, Rosa; Zaromb, Franklin; Garber, Ilya E.; Leong, Chan-Hoong; Moloney, Gail; Valchev, Velichko; Gastardo-Conaco, Cecilia; Huang, Li-Li; Quek, Ai-Hwa; Techio, Elza; Sen, Ragini; van Osch, Yvette; Muluk, Hamdi; Wagner, Wolfgang; Wang, Feixue; Khan, Sammyh S.; Licata, Laurent; Klein, Olivier; László, János; Fülöp, Márta; Cheung, Jacky Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong; Youssef, Samia Ben; Kim, Uichol; Park, Youngshin; Puch-Bouwman, Jen; Hassall, Katayoun; Adair, John; Unik, Lauren; Spini, Dario; Henchoz, Karine; Böhm, Gisela; Selart, Marcus; Erb, Hans-Peter; Thoben, Deborah Felicitas; Leone, Giovanna; Mastrovito, Tiziana; Atsumi, Tomohide; Suwa, Ko-ichi / Cross-cultural dimensions of meaning in the evaluation of events in world history?: Perceptions of historical calamities and progress in cross-cultural data from thirty societies. February 2012; In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 251-272
YUE, Xiaodong; CHEUNG, Chau Kiu Jacky / The Relationship between Acculturation and Humor Styles among Mainland Chinese University Students in Hong Kong. December 2011; In: Educational Research Journal. Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 247 - 270
Yue, Xiao Dong / The Chinese ambivalence to humor: Views from undergraduates in Hong Kong and China. October 2011; In: Humor. Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 463-480
岳曉東; 黃愿文; 黎隽永 / 杭州、香港、溫哥華大學生對幽默代表人物之提名的研究與思考. October 2011; In: 教育曙光. Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 61-68
Jiang, Feng; Yue, Xiao Dong; Lu, Su / Different attitudes toward humor between Chinese and American students: Evidence from the Implicit Association Test. August 2011; In: Psychological Reports. Vol. 109, No. 1, pp. 99-107
岳曉東; 許娜娜 / 幽默風格與創造思維能力之關係: 163 名香港大學生的調查. May 2011; In: 教育曙光. Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 137-144
Yue, Xiao Dong; Bender, Michael; Cheung, Chau-Kiu / Who are the best-known national and foreign creators - A comparative study among undergraduates in China and Germany. March 2011; In: Journal of Creative Behavior. Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 23-37
Cheung, Chau-Kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Pentangular dimensions of Chinese adolescents' idol worship. 2011; In: International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 225-244
Pan, Jia-Yan; Yue, Xiaodong; Chan, Cecilia L. W. / Development and validation of the acculturative hassles scale for chinese students (AHSCS): An example of mainland chinese university students in Hong Kong. September 2010; In: Psychologia. Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 163-178
Dong Yue, Xiao / Exploration of Chinese humor: Historical review, empirical findings, and critical reflections. August 2010; In: Humor. Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 403-420
Yue, Xiao Dong; Cheung, Chau-Kiu; Wong, Dennis Sing Wing / From glamour-oriented idolatry to achievement-oriented idolatry: A framing experiment among adolescents in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. March 2010; In: Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-8
YUE, XIAO DONG; HAO, XIA; GOLDMAN Giovanna, Loretta / Humor Styles, Dispositional Optimism, and Mental Health among Undergraduates in Hong Kong and China. 2010; In: Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies. Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 173-188
岳曉東; 梁瀟 / 論中國大陸偶像崇拜的變遷與中國的民主化進程. 2010; In: 香港社會科學學報. No. 38, pp. 71-100
YUE, Xiaodong / Exploring Chinese Humor: Reviews and Reflections. 2009; In: New Horizons in Education. Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 102 - 110
YUE, Xiaodong / The Chinese attitudes to humor: Views from undergraduates in Hong Kong. December 2008; In: Educational Research Journal. Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 299 - 326
岳曉東; 賀國強 / 華人社會創造力教育對策: 研究與建議. December 2007; In: New Horizons in Education. Vol. 55, pp. 34 - 46
Cheung, Chau-Kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Which Chinese creators are famous and why: Views from Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese students. September 2007; In: Journal of Creative Behavior. Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 177-196
嶽曉東 / 告別偶像,尋找榜樣: 談香港青少年偶像崇拜的問題與出路. July 2007; In: 青年研究學報. Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 101 - 114
Cheung, Chau-Kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Luminary emergence and eminence across Chinese history. 2006; In: Social Science Journal. Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 147-165
Yue, Xiao Dong / Whoever is influential is creative: How Chinese undergraduates choose creative people in Chinese societies. June 2004; In: Psychological Reports. Vol. 94, No. 3 II, pp. 1235-1249
Yue, Xiaodong / Meritorious Evaluation Bias: How Chinese Undergraduates Perceive and Evaluate Chinese and Foreign Creators. September 2003; In: Journal of Creative Behavior. Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 151-177
Hamid, P. Nicholas; Yue, Xiao Dong; Leung, Chi Mei / Adolescent coping in different Chinese family environments. March 2003; In: Adolescence. Vol. 38, No. 149, pp. 111-130
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Adolescent modeling after luminary and star idols and development of self-efficacy. 2003; In: International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 251-267
Cheung, Chau-Kiu; Rudowicz, Elisabeth; Yue, Xiaodong; Kwan, Anna S.F. / Creativity of university students: What is the impact of field and year of study?. 2003; In: Journal of Creative Behavior. Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 42-63
Rudowicz, Elisabeth; Yue, Xiao-Dong / Compatibility of Chinese and creative personalities. 2002; In: Creativity Research Journal. Vol. 14, No. 3-4, pp. 387-394
Yue, Xiao Dong; Rudowicz, Elisabeth / Perception of the most creative Chinese by undergraduates in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Taipei. 2002; In: Journal of Creative Behavior. Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 88-104
YUE, XIAODONG / Culturally constructed coping among university students in Beijing. 2001; In: Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 119-137
Rudowicz, Elizabeth; Yue, Xiao-Dong / Concepts of creativity: Similarities and differences among mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwanese Chinese. September 2000; In: Journal of Creative Behavior. Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 175-192
Yue, Xiao Dong; Ng, Sik Hung / Effects of age and relation on intergenerational communication: A survey study in Beijing. June 2000; In: Psychologia. Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 102-113
Lai, Julian C.L.; Yue, Xiaodong / Measuring optimism in Hong Kong and mainland Chinese with the revised Life Orientation Test. April 2000; In: Personality and Individual Differences. Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 781-796
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Idol worshipping for vain glory, illusory romance or intellectual learning: A study in Nanjing and Hong Kong. 2000; In: International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 299-317
Yue, Xiao Dong; Cheung, Chau-Kiu / Selection of favourite idols and models among Chinese young people: A comparative study in Hong Kong and Nanjing. 2000; In: International Journal of Behavioral Development. Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 91-98
Yue, Xiaodong; Ng, Sik Hung / Filial obligations and expectations in China: Current views from young and old people in Beijing. August 1999; In: Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 215-226
Priscilla; Chung, Yuet-Kiu; Yue, Xiao Dong / Posrpartum depression and social support: A comparative study in Hong Kong. June 1999; In: Psychologia. Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 111-121
Yue, Xiaodong; Ho, Kwok Keung / Evaluating educational problems, behavioural problems and intervention strategies in secondary schools in Hong Kong: Views from students, parents and teachers. December 1998; In: Psychologia. Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 226-234
Yue, Xiaodong / Work stress among primary school guidance teachers in Hong Kong: Correlations, regressions and implications. December 1997; In: Psychologia. Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 241-250
Schwarzer, Ralf; Born, Aristi; Iwawaki, Saburo; Lee, Young-Min; Saito, Etsuko; Yue, Xiaodong / The assessment of optimistic self-beliefs: Comparison of the Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, and Korean versions of the general self-efficacy scale. March 1997; In: Psychologia. Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 1-13
Yue, Xiaodong / Test anxiety and self-efficacy: Levels and relationship among secondary school students in Hong Kong. September 1996; In: Psychologia. Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 195-202
Conference Papers
Yue, Xiaodong / Studying and Promoting Humor in China: A Cultural and Personal Reflection. July 2016; The Festival of Positive Education , 18/07/2015 - 20/07/2016, Dallas, United States.
YUE, Xiaodong / Happiness among University Students in China: A pilot Study 5600 Students. November 2015; 第六屆兩岸四地大專院校心理輔導與諮商高峰論壇暨2015年華人輔導與諮商學術研討會, 02/11/2015 - 06/11/2015, 台北, Taiwan.
YUE, Xiaodong / Creativity and Chinese Culture: My Studies and Reflections. October 2015; 2015 International Congress of Taiwanese Psychological Association (台湾心理学会暨学习、教学、与评量国际研讨会), 17/10/2015 - 18/10/2015, , Taiwan.
YUE, Xiaodong / Humor and Chinese Culture: My Studies and Reflections. October 2015; 2015 International Congress of Taiwanese Psychological Association (台湾心理学会暨学习、教学、与评量国际研讨会), 17/10/2015 - 18/10/2015, , Taiwan.
YUE, Xiaodong / 本土心理學與心理諮詢. August 2015; The 9th Global Conference for Chinese Psychologists (第九届全球华人心理学家学术研讨会), 26/08/2015 - 28/08/2015, 上海, China.
YUE, Xiaodong / Happiness of Chinese University Students: My empirical Findings and Reflections. July 2015; The 3rd Congress of the China Positive Psychology Association and the 2nd Congress of the Asia Pacific Applied Positive Psychology Association, 03/07/2015 - 06/07/2015, , China.
YUE, Xiaodong / Happiness and Motivation: My studies, reflections, and recommendations. August 2014; 10th EdukCircle International Center for Communication Studies Psychology and Education in the Philippines, 03/08/2014 - 04/08/2014, Manila, Philippines.
YUE, Xiaodong / Intercultural Difference in Perception of Humorists: A study of 457 undergraduates in Hong Kong, Hangzhou and Vancouver. July 2014; 25th International Society for Humor Study Conference Proceedings, 09/07/2014 - 12/07/2014, University of Utrech, Ultrech Neitherland, Netherlands.
CHENG, Fei; YE, Xiang; MAO, Li Hua; YUE, Xiao Dong / Celebrity worship affects estimation of psychological distance by high level of perceptual construal. July 2014; 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 08/07/2014 - 13/07/2014, Paris, France.
YUE, Xiaodong; CHEUNG, Chau Kiu Jacky; YU, Xiaonan Nancy / Happiness of Undergraduates Students in Guangzhou , Hong Kong, Macao, and Tai pei. June 2014; Hong Kong Psychological Society 2014 Annual Conference, 21/06/2014 - 21/06/2014, Hong Kong, China.
岳曉東 / 幽默對心理健康的積極作用. June 2014; Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2014 and 4-Party General Practice / Family Medicine Conference 2014, 07/06/2014 - 07/06/2014, Hong Kong, China.
YUE, Xiaodong; Feng, Jiang / I Am Happy, Therefore I Forgive — Why Hong Kong People and Filipinos Treated Tragic Events Differently ?. August 2013; 2013 Conference for the Chinese Psychologists, 26/08/2013 - 28/08/2013, Beijing, China.
YUE, Xiaodong / Little-h View and Big-H View: A Multi-Method Study of Cultural Diferences on Humor Perception. July 2013; 25th International Society for Humor Study Conference, 03/07/2013 - 06/07/2013, Williamsburgh, VA, United States.
YUE, Xiaodong; JIANG, Feng; LU, Su / Can You ever Forgive Me: It Depends on How Happy I Feel about Myself. June 2013; 2013 Third World Congress on Positive Psychology, 27/06/2013 - 30/06/2013, Los Angeles, United States.
岳曉東 / 人本主義心理學與積極心理學: 傳承與突破. June 2013; The 5th China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Forum on Psychological Counseling for University Students, 24/06/2013 - 26/06/2013, Hong Kong, China.
YUE, Xiaodong; JIANG, Feng / Big-H View and Little- h View: A Multi-Method Study o f Cultural Differences on Humor Perception. June 2013; 2013 Hong Kong Psychological Society Conference, 15/06/2013 - 15/06/2013, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China.
YUE, Xiaodong / On How to Teach Positive Psychology to University Students. November 2012; Second China International Positive Psychology Conference, 09/11/2012 - 11/11/2012, Beijing, China.
LAI, Chuk Ling; YUE, Xiaodong / What does the Brief Resilience Scale measure in Chinese Undergraduates?. November 2012; Second China International Conference on Positive Psychology, 09/11/2012 - 11/11/2012, , China.
LAI, Chuk Ling; YUE, Xiaodong / Assessing the Ability to Bounce Back from Stress in Chinese: Adaptation and Validation of the Brief Resilience Scale. June 2012; Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Psychological Society 2012: The Development of Psychology in Hong Kong: Past, Present, and Future, 16/06/2012 - 16/06/2012, , China.
Yue, Xiao Dong; HUI, Na Na; Ng, T. K / The Attitudes to Humor and Humorous Persons among Chinese People in Hong Kong. June 2010; 22nd International Society for Humor Studies Conference (ISHS 2010), 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2010, , China.
YUE, Xiaodong; Lin, Siu Fung / Humor styles, dispositional optimism, and mental health: A study among 493 undergraduates in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau. July 2009; 21st International Society of Humor Studies Conference, 17/07/2009 - 19/07/2009, Long Beach, CA, United States.
Yue, Xiao Dong; HUI, Na Na; Ng, T. K. / The Relationships among Humor Styles, Creative Personality Traits, and Creative Thinking Abilities among Chinese People in Hong Kong. June 2009; 22nd International Society for Humor Studies Conference (ISHS 2010), 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2010, , China.
YUE, Xiaodong / The Chinese ambivalence to humor: empirical findings and reflections. June 2009; 1st International Congress of Positive Psychology, 18/06/2009 - 20/06/2009, , United States.
YUE, Xiaodong / Practicing counseling in Chinese society: Cultural reflections. October 2008; 5th World Congress of Psychotherapy, 12/10/2008 - 15/10/2008, Beijing, China.
YUE, Xiaodong; Lan, Lan / Humor Styles and Creative Dispositions: A Study among 550 Undergraduates in China. July 2008; 20th International Humor Conference, 07/07/2008 - 11/07/2008, Madrid, Spain.
YUE, Xiaodong / To transform a star idol into a role model: An experimental study in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. July 2007; 7th Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), 25/07/2007 - 28/07/2007, Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
YUE, Xiaodong / The Chinese ambivalence to humor: A study among university students in Hong Kong. 2007;
Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Background, personality, and contextual effects on creativity. August 2019; Creativity in Chinese Contexts: Sociocultural and Dispositional Analyses. pp. 68-90
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Conclusion. August 2019; Creativity in Chinese Contexts : Sociocultural and Dispositional Analyses . pp. 170-174
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Effects of contextual creativity and other contextual factors. August 2019; Creativity in Chinese Contexts : Sociocultural and Dispositional Analyses . pp. 91-140
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Introduction. August 2019; Creativity in Chinese Contexts : Sociocultural and Dispositional Analyses . pp. 1-41
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Preface. August 2019; Creativity in Chinese Contexts : Sociocultural and Dispositional Analyses . pp. vi
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Regional difference in creator identification. August 2019; Creativity in Chinese Contexts : Sociocultural and Dispositional Analyses . pp. 165-169
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Regional differences. August 2019; Creativity in Chinese Contexts : Sociocultural and Dispositional Analyses . pp. 42-67
Cheung, Chau-kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Relationships between creativity and other dispositions and feelings. August 2019; Creativity in Chinese Contexts : Sociocultural and Dispositional Analyses . pp. 141-164
Yue, Xiaodong; Cheng, Chau-kiu / Comparing and verifying absorption-addiction idolatry and identification-emulation idolatry. 2019; Idol Worship in Chinese Society: A Psychological Approach. pp. 25-33
Yue, Xiaodong; Cheung, Chau-kiu / Idol worship and personality factors. 2019; Idol Worship in Chinese Society: A Psychological Approach. pp. 34-39
Yue, Xiaodong; Cheung, Chau-kiu / Idol worship and related concepts. 2019; Idol Worship in Chinese Society: A Psychological Approach. pp. 1-13
Yue, Xiaodong; Cheung, Chau-kiu / Idolatry, self-efficacy, attachment, and intimacy. 2019; Idol Worship in Chinese Society: A Psychological Approach. pp. 47-118
Yue, Xiaodong; Cheung, Chau-kiu / Preface. 2019; Idol Worship in Chinese Society: A Psychological Approach. pp. vii-viii
Yue, Xiaodong; Cheung, Chau-kiu / Religiosity, self-identity, and idol worship. 2019; Idol Worship in Chinese Society: A Psychological Approach. pp. 40-46
Yue, Xiaodong; Cheung, Chau-kiu / Theories and perspectives of idol worship. 2019; Idol Worship in Chinese Society: A Psychological Approach. pp. 14-24
YOUNG, KIMBERLY S.; YUE, XIAO DONG; YING, LI / Prevalence Estimates and Etiologic Models of Internet Addiction. October 2010; Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment. pp. 3-17
Liu, James H.; Li, Mei-Chih; Yue, Xiao-Dong / Chinese social identity and inter-group relations: the influence of benevolent authority. February 2010; Oxford Handbook of Chinese Psychology. pp. 579-597
YUE, Xiaodong / Youth dispositional empowerment: cultivating hardiness and resilience in young people. 2009; Youth empowerment and volunteerism: principles, policies and practices. pp. 83-98
Li, Jin; Yue, Xiaodong / Self in learning among Chinese children. 2004; Culture and developing selves: beyond dichotomization. pp. 27-43
Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case Studies
Cheung, Chau-Kiu; Yue, Xiaodong / Creativity in Chinese contexts: Sociocultural and dispositional analyses. August 2019;
Yue, Xiaodong / Humor and Chinese Culture: A Psychological Perspective. July 2017;
YUE, Xiaodong / 活出自己的人生: 通向心灵旺盛的十堂课. January 2017;
岳曉東 / 心理諮詢基本功技術. 2015;
YUE, Xiaodong / Consultancy to the Base of Adolescent and Youth Development in China (affiliated with the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League) The Base of Adolescent and Youth Development in China, PRC , 2013. July 2014;
岳曉東 / 解讀中國人的心理健康與心理諮詢. 2013;
岳曉東 / 解讀青少年偶像崇拜. 2013;
岳曉東 / 教育曙光. August 2012;
岳曉東 / 幸福公開課. 2012;
岳曉東 / 幽默心理學: 思考與研究. 2012;
岳曉東 / 追星的心理分析. 2012;
岳曉東 / 決策心理分析. 2011;
岳曉東 / 青少年創造力培養: 思考與研究. 2011;
岳曉東 / 三國人物的心理分析. 2010;
岳曉東 / 愛情的心理分析. 2010;
岳曉東 / 歷史名人的心理分析. 2009;
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