6-241, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34429694
+852 34420369
Research Areas
Information Security, Software Piracy, Software Bundling, Data mining, Expert systems
PhD - Management (MIS)
MS - Economics
BS - Aeronautical Engineering
Wei Thoo YUE is a Professor of Management Information Systems in the Department of Information Systems at City University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from Purdue University. Prior to joining City University of Hong Kong, he was a faculty member at the University of Texas, Dallas. His research interests focus on the economic and operational aspects of information security and information systems. His work has appeared in Management Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, and other journals. He currently serves as Senior Editor for Production and Operations Management.
Selected Publications
Journal Publications and Reviews
LIU, Junming; YUE, Wei Thoo; LEUNG, Chung Man Alvin; Zhang, Xin / Find the Good. Seek the Unity: A Hidden Markov Model of Human-AI Delegation Dynamics. September 2024; In: MIS Quarterly.
Xu, Junmin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Su, Qin / Focusing on the fundamentals? An investigation of the relationship between corporate social irresponsibility and data breach risk. July 2024; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 182
Hui, Wendy; Hui, Kai-Lung; Yue, Wei T. / Cyber Insurance and Post-Breach Services: A Normative Analysis. June 2024; In: Service Science. Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 124-141
Zhang, Xin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Zhang, Ran (Alan); Yu, Yugang / Blessing or Curse? Implications of Data Brokers for Publisher Competition. April 2024; In: Information Systems Research.
Wang, Xiaoxiao; Li, Weixun; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / To Alert or Alleviate? A Natural Experiment on the Effect of Anti-phishing Laws on Corporate IT and Security Investments. April 2024; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 179
Zhang, Xin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Yu, Yugang; Zhang, Xiong / How to monetize data: An economic analysis of data monetization strategies under competition. October 2023; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 173
Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Santhanam, Radhika; Kwok, Ron Chi-Wai; Yue, Wei Thoo / Could Gamification Designs Enhance Online Learning through Personalization? Lessons from a Field Experiment. March 2023; In: Information Systems Research. Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 27-49
Li, Wilson Weixun; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / Where is IT in Information Security? The Interrelationship among IT Investment, Security Awareness, and Data Breaches. March 2023; In: MIS Quarterly. Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 317-342
Zhang, Xin; Guo, Xiaolong; Yue, Wei Thoo; YU, Yugang / Servitization for the Environment? The Impact of Data-Centric Product-Service Models. December 2022; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 1146-1183
Bensoussan, Alain; Mookerjee, Vijay; Yue, Wei T. / Managing Information System Security Under Continuous and Abrupt Deterioration. August 2020; In: Production and Operations Management. Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 1894-1917
Zhang, Xiong; Yue, Wei T. / Integration of on-premises and cloud-based software: The product bundling perspective. 2020; In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 1507-1551
Hui, Kai-Lung; Ke, Ping Fan; Yao, Yuxi; Yue, Wei T. / Bilateral Liability-Based Contracts in Information Security Outsourcing. June 2019; In: Information Systems Research. Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 411-429
Yue, Wei T.; Wang, Qiu-Hong; Hui, Kai-Lung / SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL? DISSECTING THE IMPACT OF ONLINE HACKER FORUMS. March 2019; In: MIS Quarterly. Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 73-95
Zhang, Dongsong; Yue, Wei Thoo / Social Media Use in Decision Making: Special issue of Decision Support Systems for the 10th Workshop on E-Business. July 2014; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 63, pp. 65-66
Hui, Kai-Lung; Hui, Wendy; Yue, Wei / Information security outsourcing with system interdependency and mandatory security requirement. January 2012; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 117-155
Mookerjee, Vijay; Mookerjee, Radha; Bensoussan, Alain; Yue, Wei T. / When hackers talk: Managing information security under variable attack rates and knowledge dissemination. September 2011; In: Information Systems Research. Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 606-623
Yue, Wei T.; Çakanyildirim, Metin / A cost-based analysis of intrusion detection system configuration under active or passive response. December 2010; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 21-31
Bensoussan, Alain; Mookerjee, Radha; Mookerjee, Vijay; Yue, Wei T. / Maintaining Diagnostic knowledge-based systems: A control-theoretic approach. February 2009; In: Management Science. Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 294-310
Cavusoglu, Huseyin; Raghunathan, Srinivasan; Yue, Wei T. / Decision-Theoretic and game-theoretic approaches to IT security investment. 2008; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 281-304
Yue, Wei T.; Çakanyildirim, Metin; Ryu, Young U.; Liu, Dengpan / Network externalities, layered protection and IT security risk management. November 2007; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 1-16
Yue, Wei T.; Çakanyildirim, Metin / Intrusion prevention in information systems: Reactive and proactive responses. June 2007; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 329-353
Ryu, Young U.; Yue, Wei T. / Firm bankruptcy prediction: Experimental comparison of isotonic separation and other classification approaches. September 2005; In: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans. Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 727-737
Conference Papers
Zhang, Xin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Yu, Yugang / The Effect of User Privacy Concerns on Platform Competition in a Two-sided Market. June 2021; 14th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2021), 26/06/2021 - 28/06/2021, , .
Zhang, Xin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Guo, Xiaolong / Servicizing for the Environment? The Impact of Service Improvement. December 2017; The Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2017), 13/12/2017 - 14/12/2017, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
Ke, Ping Fan; Hui, Kai-Lung; YUE, Wei Thoo / Cybersecurity Regulations and Cyberattacks: A Case Study in China. December 2015; 26th Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), 12/12/2015 - 13/12/2015, Fort Worth, United States.
ZHANG, Xiong; YUE, W T / An Economic Analysis of Software Bundling on an Integrated Platform. December 2014; 24th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, 17/12/2014 - 19/12/2014, , New Zealand.
Zhang, Xiong; YUE, Wei Thoo / Software Bundling on an Integrated Platform: An Economic Analysis. December 2014; Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, 17/12/2014 - 19/12/2014, , United States.
Tsang, Alex; YUE, Wei Thoo; Chau, Michael / An Analysis of Post Contributions in the Hacker Community. December 2012; Eleventh Workshop on E-Business (WEB 2011), 15/12/2012 - 15/12/2012, Orlando, FL, United States.
Mookerjee, Radha; Mookerjee, Vijay; YUE, Wei Thoo; Bensoussan, Alain / Managing Information Security under Continuous Drift and Sudden Shocks. November 2011; Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2011), 12/11/2011 - 13/11/2011, Charlotte, NC, United States.
Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works
Chen, Yingying; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo / Gamified System Effectiveness on Social Trading Platforms. November 2022; ICIS 2022 Proceedings.
Xu, Junmin; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Su, Qin / Leveraging CSR-related knowledge for firm value: The role of IT-enabled absorptive capacities. December 2020; ICIS 2020 Proceedings: Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global.
ZHANG, Xin; ZHANG, Alan Ran; YUE, Wei Thoo; YU, Yugang / The More, the Better? The Impact of Data Analytics and Data Provisioning on Publisher Competition. December 2020; International Conference on Information Systems 2020 Proceedings: Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global.
Tarafdar, Pratik; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Bose, Indranil / Can Touch Interaction Predict Product-Related Emotion? A Study on Mobile Augmented Reality. August 2020; AMCIS 2020 Proceedings.
Xu, Junmin; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Value: the Moderating Effect of IT Investment. June 2020; PACIS 2020 Proceedings: Pacifc Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) .
Tarafdar, Pratik; Leung, Alvin; Yue, Wei Thoo; Bose, Indranil / Impact of Immersive Interface Design on Consumer Perceptions during Online Product Presentation. December 2019; International Conference on Information Systems 2019 Proceedings.
Zhang, Xin; Zhang, Ran Alan; Yue, Wei Thoo; Yu, Yugang / What is Your Data Strategy? The Strategic Interactions in Data-Driven Advertising. December 2019; International Conference on Information Systems 2019 Proceedings.
Wang, Xiaoxiao; Li, Wilson Weixun; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / The Impact of Anti-phishing Laws on IT and Security Investment. July 2019; PACIS 2019 Proceedings.
Li, Wilson Weixun; Hui, Wendy; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / Content Restrictions on AdBlock Usage. July 2017; Proceedings of the 21th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017).
Pramanik, Md Ileas; Lau, Raymond Y.K.; Yue, Wei T. / A privacy preserving framework for big data in e-government. June 2016; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2016 - Proceedings.
Li, Weixun; Leung, Alvin Chung Man; Yue, Wei Thoo / RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND CYBER-AFFAIRS. June 2016; Proceeding of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016).
Zhang, Xiong; Yue, Wei T. / Bundling of software products and services to fight against piracy. 2013; International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013): Reshaping Society Through Information Systems Design. Vol. 1, pp. 640-654
Zhang, Xiong; Guo, Zhiling; Yue, Wei Thoo / An economic analysis of the online counterfeit market and the impact of anti-counterfeit technology. 2012; Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2012.
Goes, Paulo; Ilk, Noyan; Yue, Wei T.; Zhao, J. Leon / Live-chat agent assignments in two-class e-customer queues under imperfect profiling. 2010; Proceedings of 20th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems.
Bensoussan, Alain; Mookerjee, Radha; Mookerjee, Vijay; Yue, Wei T. / On a multi-dimensional framework for information security management. 2008; 2008 Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, WITS 2008. pp. 169-175
Yue, Wei T.; Mookerjee, Radha; Mookerjee, Vijay; Bensoussan, Alain / Maintaining knowledge-based systems against adversarial attacks: A differential game approach. 2006; 16th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, WITS 2006. pp. 91-96
Mookerjee, Radha; Mookerjee, Vijay; Yue, Wei T. / Maintaining a diagnostic knowledge-based system: A control theoretic approach. 2005; 15th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, WITS 2005. pp. 87-92
Chaturvedi, Alok R.; Gupta, Mukul; Raj Mehta, Shailendra; Yue, Wei T. / Agent-based simulation approach to information warfare in the SEAS environment. 2000; Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Yue, Wei T.; Chaturvedi, Alok R.; Mehta, Shailendra / IS MORE INFORMATION BETTER? THE EFFECT OF TRADERS’ IRRATIONAL BEHAVIOR ON AN ARTIFICIAL STOCK MARKET. 2000; Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2000. pp. 660-666
Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case Studies
Shaw, Michael J; Zhang, Dongsong; YUE, Wei Thoo / E-Life: Web-enabled convergence of commerce, work, and social life: 10th Workshop on E-Business, WEB 2011, Shanghai, China, December 4, 2011, Revised selected papers. 2012; Vol. 108
Chau, Michael; Wang, G. Alan; YUE, Wei Thoo; Chen, Hsinchun / Intelligence and Security Informatics. 2012; Vol. 7299
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