People and Research People

People Details

Prof. LI Xin



6-266, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34424446
+852 34420369
Public CV

Research Areas

Digital Economy
Machine Learning
Social Networks
Applied Econometrics


PhD - Management Information Systems (University of Arizona)
ME - Control Theory and Control Engineering (Tsinghua University)
BE - Automation (Tsinghua Unviersity)


Xin is a professor in the Department of Information Systems at the City University of Hong Kong.

  • In the 2000s, he studied graph kernel and graph mining.
  • In the 2010s, he employed machine learning (text mining, image mining, and graph mining) in empirical studies on e-commerce, opensource software, and financial market.
  • In the 2020s, he expands to more topics on technology and digital economy, such as the efficiency, fairness, and inclusiveness of AI and platforms.

Xin has 120+ publications/60+ journal publications, which are on MISQ, ISR, JMIS, INFORMS JOC, DSS, I&M, IEEE/ACM Transactions, Nature Nanotechnology, and other channels. He has received about 30 external and internal grants as PI and Co-I. Please refer to his personal website ( for details. His studies are also used in real-world applications in large banks and Internet companies.

He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM, and a member of INFORMS.

Selected Publications

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Professional Qualifications

QualificationCertifying Organization
Oracle Certificated Professional in Database (2003)Oracle
IBM Certificated AS/400 Associate System Operator (1998)IBM

Supervisory Experience

2024PhD Thesis - Li Tan
2021PhD Thesis - Bingqing Song
2020 - 2022PhD Thesis - Wei Hu, Changing Backers, Learning Entrepreneurs, and The Dynamics Around Crowdfunding Project Descriptions.
2020 - 2022PhD Thesis - Mengfan Xuan, Market vs the Public: Blockchain Token Valuation, Social Media, and Open Source Community.
2020 - 2021PhD Thesis - Wenjie Huang, Management Signals in Social Media on P2P Firms' Operation Health.
2018 - 2022PhD Thesis - Huasi Xu, Two Essays on Online Social Communities: Social Network and Social Recognition.
2017 - 2022PhD Thesis - Yidi Liu, Artificial Intelligence in Lending: Social and Regulation Implications of FinTech.
(CB PhD Research Excellence Award 2022)
2017 - 2021PhD Thesis - Sijia Zhou, Balance, Interference, and Complementation: Three Essays on Online Healthcare Platforms.
(CB PhD Research Excellence Award 2021)
2012 - 2016PhD Thesis - Mengyue Wang, Product Presentation Aesthetics and Consumer Behavior in e-Commerce Environments.
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Working Experience

2003 - 2004Associate ConsultantOracle Corportation

External Academic Activities

PeriodOrganizerCountry / RegionRole
2024 - NowInformation & Management-Associate Editor
2019 - NowINFORMS Journal on Computing-Associate Editor
2017 - NowInformation Technology & People-Senior Editor
2017 - 2024ACM Transaction on MIS-Associate Editor